

Parish Church of HOLY TRINITY, Marriage Registers,
1754 through 1759 by Groom's Surname - M. Davey, J. Mosman OPC

Please note: the first half of 1754 has not been verified, nor did the register contain the names of witnesses. John Carlyon was listed as "Lecturer", Anthony Moore "Curate", the others "Minister".
When signed surnames differ from those written on the top of the form, they're shown under "Transcriber's Notes.

. . GIVEN SURNAME . . . X GIVEN SURNAME . . . X license 1 1 2 2 NOTES NOTES
18-May 1754 John ALLEN . . . x Elizabeth HOOPER . . . x banns Richd. Williams Philip Nichols John Carlyon, lect. .
31-Mar 1759 Thomas AVARD . . . s Elizabeth HOOPER . . . x banns Richd. Williams Wm. Crapp jun Edward Dutton .
17-Jun 1758 Jenkin BALL . . . x Faith WILLIAMS . . . x banns Richd. Williams Richd. Williams jun Anthony Moore, curate .
3-Jan 1758 Peter BARBERY Lemoran . . x Hannah MINERS . . . x banns Richd. Williams Wm. Tremeere John Carlyon, lect. .
27-Mar 1758 John BASSETT . . . x Susanna WARNE . . . s banns Richd. Williams Walter Higman John Carlyon, lect. .
22-Jul 1757 John BAYLY . . . s Mary DREW . . . x banns Richd. Williams Benj. Drew John Carlyon, lect. .
6-Feb 1758 Nath. BENNETT . . . x Catherine LAWRY . . . s banns Richd. Williams Anth. Vian she signed "Long"/John Carlyon, lect. .
14-Oct 1754 Richard BOHEMIA . . . s Jane WILLIAMS . . . x banns Richd. Williams Walter Robins John Carlyon, lect. .
27-May 1759 Matthew BOND . . . x Sarah HOCKIN . . . x banns Richd. Williams Wm. Bond Edward Dutton .
10-Feb 1755 James BONE . . . x Elizabeth HICKS . . . x banns Richd. Williams Thos Lobb John Carlyon .
1-Feb 1758 Thomas BONE . . butcher s Ann POLLARD . spinster . x license Richd. Williams Wm. Pollard John Carlyon, lect. .
2-Feb 1756 William BONE . . . x Christain WOODS . . . x banns Richd. Williams John Vanson Stephen Hugo .
11-Apr 1758 John BORLACE . . . s Elizabeth PEARCE . . . x banns Richd. Williams John Drew John Carlyon, lect. .
14-Nov 1759 John BOWLING . . . x Catherine ALLEN . . . x banns Richd. Williams Anth. Vian Edward Dutton .
3-Sep 1757 William BRENTON . . . x Ann ROWETT . . . x banns Richd. Williams Anth. Williams jun Stephen Hugo .
29-Jul 1756 Jacob BURLACE . . . s Mary TRENGROWSE . . . s banns Richd. Williams Chas. Carne Stephen Hugo .
24-Jun 1756 Edward CLEMOS . . . x Elizabeth HEAD . . . x banns Richd. Williams John Clemns John Carlyon, lect. .
16-Jul 1758 John COCK . . . s Jane BASTARD . . . x banns Richd. Williams Anth. Vian Anthony Moore, curate .
15-Jun 1756 Stephen COLLINS . . . x Ann HARVEY . . . x banns Richd. Williams John Randell Stephen Hugo .
25-Feb 1757 Henry COOK . . . x Mary DINGLE . widow . s banns Richd. Williams Chas. Rickard J. Carlyon,lect. signed Dingell
4-Jul 1757 Christopher COOMBE . . . x Elizabeth STEPHENS . . . x banns Richd. Williams Anth. Vian Stephen Hugo .
11-May 1757 Thomas COOMBE . . . x Jane ALLEN . . . x banns Richd. Williams Wm. Baker John Carlyon, lect. .
1-Feb 1755 Philip DAVY . . . x Mary BENNETT . . . s banns Richd. Williams John Veale John Carlyon .
29-Mar 1755 Samuel DAVY . . . s Ann VERCOE . . . x banns Richd. Williams John Verco John Carlyon .
8-Jun 1755 John DAW . . . s Mary JULYAN . . . x banns Richd. Williams John Julyan Stephen Hugo .
10-Feb 1755 William DAW . . . x Margaret GILES . . . x banns Richd. Williams Thos Lobb John Carlyon .
13-Oct 1759 Richard DINGLE . . . s Elizabeth PEARCE . . . s banns Richd. Williams Wm. Pearce Edward Dutton .
29-May 1756 Joseph DREW . . . s Susanna HOOPER . . . x banns Richd. Williams Robt. Crose? John Carlyon, lect. .
21-May 1758 John ELLIS . . . s Philippa LULY . . . s banns Richd. Williams Henry Luly John Carlyon, lect. .
21-Jun 1758 William ENIS . . . x Susanna VERCOE . . . x banns Richd. Williams Elisha Tregenia Anthony Moore, curate .
30-Sep 1755 Thomas ESTERBROOK . . . x Mary HORE . . . x banns Richd. Williams David Scott Stephen Hugo .
24-Jul 1758 Ralph GAVID . . . s Sarah DINGLE . . . x banns Richd. Williams Jacob Halls Anthony Moore, curate .
12-Aug 1759 Shadrach GILBERT . . . s Rebecca BENNETT . . . x banns Richd. Williams Shadrach Gilbert Edward Dutton .
7-Jan 1759 John GILES . . . x Mary PINCH . . . s banns Richd. Williams John Vian Edward Dutton .
10-Aug 1754 Jacob HALLS . . . s Temperance VIVYAN . . . x banns Richd. Williams Richd. Lukes John Carlyon, lect. .
18-Jun 1757 Thomas HANCOCK . . . x Jane WERREN . . . x banns Anth. Vian Thos Hugoe Stephen Hugo .
29-Aug 1757 Thomas HANCOCK . . . x Jane HOOPER . . . x banns Richd. Williams Anth. Vian Stephen Hugo .
1-Sep 1754 John HARDEN . wid . x Ann HORE . widow . x license Richd. Williams John Slade John Carlyon, lect. .
1-Aug 1757 Ezekiel HENDY . . . x Mary POULGLAZE . . . x banns Richd. Williams Anth. Vian Stephen Hugo .
19-Aug 1756 John HENDY . . . s Eloner HOCKIN . . . x banns Richd. Williams Wm. Polglase Stephen Hugo .
26-Apr 1757 Edward HEWETT . . . x Tamesin CRAGO St Blazey . . x banns Richd. Williams Anth. Vian Stephen Hugo .
8-Oct 1759 Hugh HEWETT . . . x Philippa GOODMAN . . . x banns Richd. Williams Anth. Vian Edward Dutton .
20-Jan 1759 Richard HEWETT Fowey . ropemaker s Ann CRAPP . widow . s license Wm. Crapp jun Peter Crapp Edward Dutton .
29-Mar 1755 John HICKS . . . x Jane WILLIAMS . . . x banns Richd. Williams John Williams John Carlyon .
2-Jun 1755 Jacob HOOPER . . . x Sarah HANCOCK . . . x banns Richd. Williams John Hancock John Carlyon .
5-Jan 1754 John HOOPER . . . . Elizabeth VIVYAN . . . . . . . . . . .
27-Dec 1759 John HOOPER . . . x Florence HANCOCK . . . x banns Richd. Williams Anth. Vian Edward Dutton .
3-Jan 1757 Richard HOOPER . . . x Jane CROSSMAN . . . s license Richd. Williams James Crossman Stephen Hugo .
23-Sep 1759 Matthew HORE . . . x Elizabeth LONG . . . x banns Richd. Williams Henry Gommo Edward Dutton .
1-Sep 1755 Robert HORE . . . s Mary PARNALL . widow . x license Richd. Williams Richd. Williams Stephen Hugo .
16-Sep 1759 Zabulon HUMPHRY . . . s Elizabeth BAZLEY . . . s banns Richd. Williams Anth. Vian Edward Dutton .
20-Jan 1756 John JACOB . . . s Mary HOOPER . . . x banns Richd. Williams John Vivyan Stephen Hugo .
19-Dec 1759 John JAMES . . . s Honour DIER . . . s banns Richd. Williams Wm. Treverton Edward Dutton .
13-Oct 1754 John KENDELL . . miller x Catherine PASCOE . widow . x license Richd. Williams John Parnall John Carlyon, lect. .
1-Feb 1755 James KNIGHT . . . x Ann SMITH . . . x banns Richd. Williams John Marks John Carlyon .
6-May 1757 George LAUNDER . . . s Dorothy DEACON . . . x banns Richd. Williams Walter Williams John Carlyon, lect. .
8-Sep 1755 Samuel LEMELLIN . . . s Charity MARTAIN . . . x banns Richd. Williams Peter Martin Stephen Hugo .
11-Mar 1758 John LONG . . . s Jane SYMONDS . . . s banns Richd. Williams Anthony Long signed "Symons"/John Carlyon, lect. .
10-Aug 1754 Richard LUKES . . . s Clarey BURLACE . . . x banns Richd. Williams Jacob Burlace John Carlyon, lect. .
1-Jan 1754 Oliver MANHEIR . . . Mary PENHALE . . . . . . . . . . image 712
1-Mar 1756 John MANHEIRE . . . s Mary WILLIAMS . . . x banns Richd. Williams John Williams Stephen Hugo .
24-Nov 1754 Benjamin MANNELL . . . x Mary DYER . . . x banns Richd. Williams Nicholas Parsons John Carlyon, lect. .
14-May 1757 Hugh MARTAIN . . . x Mary BURLACE . . . x banns Richd. Williams Francis Vivyan Stephen Hugo .
8-Feb 1755 Peter MARTAIN . . . s Mary LEMELLIN . . . s banns Richd. Williams John Lemellen Stephen Hugo .
8-Jun 1754 Nicholas MARTIN Gerans . yeoman s Elizabeth TUCKER . spinster . s license Richd. Williams Wm. Carlyon John Carlyon, lect. signed Martyn
10-Jun 1759 Robert MARTIN . . . s Elizabeth HANCOCK . . . x banns Richd. Williams Anth. Vian Edward Dutton .
22-Jul 1755 Anthony MAY . . . s Jane TREGENNA . . . s banns Richd. Williams Richd. Nancolas Stephen Hugo .
23-Feb 1754 Abraham MICHELL St Sampson . . . Ann RUNNALS . . . . . . . . . . .
3-Feb 1759 Michael MILFORD . . . s Sarah ROWSE . . . s banns Richd. Williams Anth. Vian Edward Dutton .
23-May 1758 William NANKIVEL . . . s Ann MAY . . . s banns Richd. Williams John Warrick John Carlyon, lect. .
6-Aug 1757 Benjamin NEWTON . . . s Elizabeth BEDELLA . . . x banns Richd. Williams Wm. Re?llen Stephen Hugo .
2-Feb 1754 Philip NICHOLS . . . . Mary HORE . . . . . . . . . . .
8-Oct 1759 John ORGAN . . . s Jane LULY . . . x banns Richd. Williams Walter Robins Edward Dutton .
17-Feb 1754 John PARNALL . . . . Catherine PASCOE . . . . . . . . . . .
12-May 1756 Thomas RICKARD . . . s Mary PLYMING . . . x banns Richd. Williams Joseph Rickeard Stephen Hugo .
9-Feb 1758 Nicholas ROBINS . . . s Mary LULY . . . s banns Richd. Williams Walter Robins John Carlyon, lect. .
26-Sep 1759 Thomas ROBINS . . . s Carolina HARPER . . . s license Richd. Williams Wm. Vivyan Edward Dutton .
28-Jun 1756 Walter ROBINS . . . s Rebecca GILES . . . x banns Richd. Williams Richd. Williams jun Stephen Hugo .
23-Jul 1759 John ROSEVEAR . . . x Elizabeth ROWSE . . . x banns Richd. Williams John Motra? John Carlyon, min. .
26-Apr 1755 Joseph ROSEVEAR . . . x Elizabeth RATCLIFFE . . . x banns Richd. Williams Sampson Burlace John Carlyon .
24-Sep 1755 Francis ROW . . . s Sarah EVENT . . . x banns Richd. Williams Oliver Nancolas Stephen Hugo .
20-Nov 1758 John ROW . . . x Jenepher HILL . . . x banns Richd. Williams Richd. Baker Edward Dutton .
26-Apr 1755 Richard ROWE . . . s Grace BURLACE . . . x banns Richd. Williams Walter Robins John Carlyon .
25-Feb 1759 Edmund RUNDLE . . . x Mary MELLOW . . . s banns Richd. Williams Anth. Vian Edward Dutton .
18-Oct 1755 Joseph SANDERS . . . s Mary KELLY . . . x banns Richd. Williams Henry Kelly John Carlyon .
11-Aug 1755 Thomas SANDERS . . . s Mary TRELEASE . . . x banns Richd. Williams Wm. Nankivell Stephen Hugo .
4-Sep 1757 John SCOTT . . . x Sarah DYER . . . x banns Richd. Williams Anth. Vian Stephen Hugo .
18-Nov 1755 Henry SKINER Tywardreath . . s Tabatha BASTARD . . . x license Richd. Williams Ralph Lobb Stephen Hugo .
1-Dec 1755 Gilbert STEPHENS . . . x Effy PENNY . . . x Banns Richd. Williams Richd. Williams jun John Carlyon .
25-Jan 1758 James STEPHENS . . . x Joan ESTERBROOK . . . x banns Richd. Williams Anth. Vian John Carlyon, lect. .
31-May 1757 John STEPHENS . . . x Mary ROWSE . . . x banns Anth. Vian Anthony ??ggs John Carlyon, lect. .
18-Jan 1755 Joseph STEPHENS . . . x Mary PARNALL . . . x banns Richd. Williams Anthony Vian John Carlyon .
9-Feb 1758 Martin STEPHENS . . inn holder s Catherine HOYTE . spinster . s license Richd. Williams John Hoyte, jun John Carlyon, lect. .
16-Apr 1757 Robert STEPHENS . . . x Pressila KESSELL . . . s banns Richd. Williams Wm. Philips Stephen Hugo signed Priscilla
27-Dec 1757 Thomas STEPHENS . . . s Alice CRAPP . . . x banns Richd. Williams Wm. Crapp John Carlyon, lect. .
10-Jun 1759 George TALLACK . . . s Catherine DEVONSHIER . . . s banns Richd. Williams Anth. Vian Edward Dutton .
28-Apr 1759 Richard TEAGUE . . . s Mary HANCOCK . . . x banns Richd. Williams John Loggett Edward Dutton .
30-Sep 1755 Philip TONKIN . . . s Damaris PEARSE . . . s license Richd. Williams Wm. Crapp Stephen Hugo .
1-Jan 1756 Elisha TREGENSA . . . s Joan COOMBE . . . x banns Richd. Williams Joseph Crapp John Carlyon, lect. .
14-Feb 1756 William TRESAWNNA . . . x Elizabeth WARNE . . . x banns Richd. Williams Wm. Baker Stephen Hugo .
2-Jul 1758 Bennett TRUDGON . . . x Matilda BONE . . . s banns Richd. Williams Edwd. Bone Anthony Moore, curate .
4-Aug 1759 John VANSON . . . s Philippa BONE . . . s banns Richd. Williams John Vanson Edward Dutton .
1-Mar 1756 Richard VERCO . . . x Elizabeth GOMMO . . . x banns Richd. Williams John Williams Stephen Hugo .
9-Feb 1754 William VERCO . . . . Elizabeth SWEET . . . . . - . - . . .
26-Dec 1757 Richard VERCOE . . . x Mary DADDOW . . . x banns Richd. Williams Anth. Vian John Carlyon, lect. .
16-Nov 1754 William VERCOE . . . x Mary GILES . . . x banns Richd. Williams John Allen John Carlyon, lect. .
4-Oct 1756 Francis VIVYAN . . . x Mary HICKS . . . x banns Richd. Williams John Hicks John Carlyon, lect. .
16-Feb 1757 John VIVYAN . . . x Elizabeth HOOPER . . . x banns Richd. Williams Johnson Hooper Stephen Hugo .
17-Feb 1759 John VIVYAN . . . x Grace VIVYAN . . . x banns Richd. Williams Anth. Vian Edward Dutton .
26-Jan 1754 Samuel VIVYAN . . . . Tamesin STEPHENS . . . . . . . . . . .
28-Jun 1755 Stephen VIVYAN . . . x Jane JOLLY St. Blazey . . x banns John Rosevear Willm. Collier jun Stephen Hugo .
6-Aug 1755 Joseph WALKEY . . . s Jane ROWETT . . . x banns Richd. Williams Wm. Daddow Stephen Hugo .
30-Jul 1757 Peter WATTS . . . x Margaret JOHNS . widow . x banns Richd. Williams Elisha Tregensa Stephen Hugo Edw. Beell 3rd wit
19-Jul 1755 John WILLIAMS . . . x Sarah EDES St. Blazey . . x banns Richd. Williams John Edes Stephen Hugo .
24-Feb 1754 Samuel WILLIAMS . . . . Elizabeth SLADE . . . . . . . . . . .





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