SA Baptsm 1565-1731


from Church of England registers,
Transcribed by Julia Mosman, OPC, for the St. Austell History & Genealogy Website

This register was kept in Latin, written in the Secretarial Hand that was common to legal documents and court papers, with shorthand style notations. We have tried our utmost to interpret these abbreviations/notations correctly, but human error is a constant..Should a question arise, one might refer to the LDS film of the original register.

Almost none of these surnames are spelled as they are today - you must check carefully!

PG GIVEN s/d Father Mother ? notes DATE YEAR
. . . . . . (es) might be us, es, is, or ys as appropriate . .
28 John[n]es s Thomae Broke x . 1-Apr 1576
28 Elyzabetha d Johannis Hearle . . 1-Apr 1576
28 Thomas s Johannis Carne . . 13-May 1576
28 Anna d Richardi Thorne . . 18-May 1576
28 Ottes s Johannis David . . 10-Jun 1576
28 Margareta d Johannis Tregonnyon . . 20-Jun 1576
28 Oliverus s Johannis Stronge . . 20-Jun 1576
28 Pasches s Luci Jacob . . 25-Jun 1576
28 Thomas s Stephani Dadowe . . 5-Jul 1576
28 Willimmi s Sampson Clement . . 8-Jul 1576
28 Willmota d Richardi Smithe . . 11-Jul 1576
28 Joana d Elyzabetha Pollard . . 12-Aug 1576
28 Anna d Thomae Benham . . 26-Aug 1576
29 Olyverus s Henrici Vivian . . 29-Aug 1576
29 Aitia d Catherine Heale . . 9-Sep 1576
29 Thomas s Thomas Rowsse . . 24-Sep 1576
29 Joh[n]es s Georg Nicholas "Georgi ii" 24-Sep 1576
29 Willmms s James Collyer . . 1-Oct 1576
29 John[n]es s Johannis Penhale . . 18-Oct 1576
29 John[n]es s Johannis Goyche x Gayche? 13-Jan 1576
29 John[n]es s Johannis Hunte . . 13-Jan 1576
29 Joana d Ottes Nicholas . . 19-Jan 1576
29 Petronella d Willimmi Hawkin . . 20-Jan 1576
29 John[n]es s Johannis Dewalte x poss Deratte?? 2-Feb 1576
29 Joana d Paschi Jacobe . date as given 30 Feb 1576
29 John[n]es s Willimmi Higow . . 13-Mar 1576
29 Joana d Janae Williams x fa poss James? 15-Mar 1576
. . . . . . . . .
29 John[n]es s Thomae Congon . . 25-Mar 1577
29 John[n]es s Willimmi Hoper . . 28-Mar 1577
29 Matheus s Roberti Rogers . . 14-Apr 1577
29 Lowda d Willimmi Robert . . 20-Apr 1577
29 Georg[es] s Willimmi Robyns . . 23-Apr 1577
29 Joana d Thomae Hodge . . 25-Apr 1577
29 Thomas s Symoni Hawkye . . 18-May 1577
29 Ottes s Michalis Higman . . 18-May 1577
29 John[n]es s Johannis Lackye . 27-May 1577
29 Constantia d Symoni Vanson . . 31-May 1577
29 John[n]es s Willimmi Baron . . 4-Jul 1577
29 John[n]es s Philippi Lightfote . 21-Jul 1577
29 Thomas s Johannis Thorne x . 27-Jul 1577
29 Willimms s Johannis Renold . 25-Aug 1577
29 Emalina d Johannis Dallamyne . . 29-Sep 1577
. . . . . . . . .
29 Blancha d Stephani Walkey . . 3-Apr 1578
29 Alitia d Elyzabetha Dagge . poss Dagye? 11-Apr 1578
29 Joana d Paschi Bound ltrs blurred 4-May 1578
30 Margeara d Gregory Rowse . . 22-May 1578
30 Anna d Sallamonis Nancholas . . 22-May 1578
30 Matheus s Paschi Over x poss Ower 9-Jun 1578
30 Joana d Martini Gessean x poss Gefean 7-Jul 1578
30 Jana d Johannis Clement . . 28-Jul 1578
30 Oliverus s Henrici Olver . . 30-Jul 1578
30 Joh[n]es s Symoni Vanson . . 30-Jul 1578
30 Christiana d Johannis Penhall . . 3-Aug 1578
30 Matheus s Thomae Oake . 5-Aug 1578
30 Joh[n]es s Johannis Soper . . 19-Aug 1578
30 Lowda d Johannis Davye . . 23-Aug 1578
30 Oliverus s Richardi Geacherd . . 24-Aug 1578
30 Joana d Willmi Oppye . . 30-Aug 1578
30 Richus s Richardi Juggram x surname=? 12-Oct 1578
30 Maria d Willmi John . . 13-Oct 1578
30 Elyzabetha d Henrici Vivian . . 16-Oct 1578
30 Joh[n]es s Michalis Higman . . 2-Nov 1578
30 Joana d Thomae Burnard . . 18-Nov 1578
30 Stephanus s Joanae Hawke . . 18-Nov 1578
30 Joh[n]es s Johannis Steven . . 25-Nov 1578
30 Joh[n]es s Michalis Pears . . 28-Nov 1578
30 Edmund[es] s Richardi Carlyan . . 17-Jan 1578
30 Joh[n]es s Roberti Gatsfylde x . 22-Feb 1578
30 Richus s Willmi Carlyan . . 9-Mar 1578
30 Thomas s Johannis Geache . . 12-Mar 1578
. . . . . . . . .
30 Philippus s Johannis Hympicott . . 29-Mar 1579
30 Maria d Gottes Nicholas . . 29-Mar 1579
30 Willms s Thomae Glanfeild . . 30-Mar 1579
30 Joh[n]es s Johannis Tregonninge . . 30-Mar 1579
30 Margera d Johannis Philipe . 5-Apr 1579
30 Lowda d Johannis Dadowe . . 16-Apr 1579
30 Joana d Thomae Conydone . . 17-Apr 1579
30 Ana d willmi Jagooe . 25-Apr 1579
30 Joh[n]es s Johannis Warne . 30-Apr 1579
30 Willmis s Luci Jacob . . 27-May 1579
31 Lowda d Willmi Ive x J=I 3-Jul 1579
31 Elyzabetha `d Johannis Tremowgh . . 12-Jul 1579
31 Joh[n]es s Johannis Jago . . 18-Jul 1579
31 Ott[es] s Luci Thomas . . 25-Jul 1579
31 Thomasina d Edwardi Heald . . 15-Aug 1579
31 Oliverus s Thomae Maye . . 16-Aug 1579
31 Paschus s blank blank . parents' name omitted 11-Sep 1579
31 Nicolla d blank blank . parents' name omitted 11-Sep 1579
31 Alitia d Symoni Trembear . . 19-Sep 1579
31 Joh[n]es s Martini Hickes . . 2-Oct 1579
31 Margareta d Thomae Parnall . . 25-Oct 1579
31 Joh[n]es s Richardi Ivye . J=I 26-Oct 1579
31 Joana d Stephani Dadowe . . 30-Oct 1579
31 Joana d Johannis Renoll[d] . line over 'll' 9-Nov 1579
31 Richus s Richardi Clemence . . 18-Nov 1579
31 Willms s Thomae Rosewerd . . 28-Nov 1579
31 Michalis s Paschi Martin . . 29-Nov 1579
31 Henricius s Georgy Nicholas x "Nycholas" 7-Dec 1579
31 Oliverus s Thomae Burnard . . 19-Dec 1579
31 Tallan s Johannis Garde . . 20-Dec 1579
31 Michalis s Johannis Reswell x . 20-Dec 1579
31 Rosa d Johannis Treakeand . . 20-Dec 1579
31 Joh[n]es s Willmi James . . 20-Dec 1579
31 Martinus s Janae Poyle . . 21-Dec 1579
31 Richus s Stephani Dadowe . . 2-Jan 1579
31 Joh[n]es s Johannis Stevens . . 9-Jan 1579
31 Richus s Willmi Walky . . 24-Jan 1579
31 Joana d Roberti Marshe . . 26-Jan 1579
31 Ottes s Johannis Clemence . . 1-Feb 1579
31 Susanna d Johannis Chalye . . 8-Feb 1579
31 Thomas s Tristrome Martine x fa. na=Tristram? 9-Feb 1579
31 Alitia d Paschi Jacob . . 23-Feb 1579
31 Luous s Johannis Rawate . . 2-Mar 1579
31 Willims s Gregory Rowse . 5-Mar 1579
31 Richus s Willmi Stevens . . 7-Mar 1579
32 Nichus s Thomae Agye . poss twin 16-Mar 1579
32 Thomasina d Thomae Agye . poss twin 16-Mar 1579
32 Constantia d Sampson Clemence . . 20-Mar 1579





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