SA Baptsm 1565-1731



from Church of England registers, 1570-1572

Transcribed by Julia Mosman, OPC
for the St. Austell History & Genealogy website

This register was kept in Latin, written in the Secretarial Hand that was common to legal documents and court papers, complete with 'shorthand' symbols. We have tried our utmost to interpret these abbreviations/notations correctly, but human error is a constant. Some of these registers are COPIES of the originals, done in the 1700's - multiplying the chance of error. Should a question arise, one might refer to the LDS film of the originals.

1570 starts in the middle of the year - page is missing.

Almost none of these surnames are spelled as they are today - you must check carefully!

26 Richus (dash) s Edmundi Robin . . 2-Aug 1570
26 John[n]es s Johannis Brode . . 3-Aug 1570
26 Willims(dash) s Moryse Moryse x only 1 "Moryse" entered 23-Aug 1570
26 Elyzabetha d Mathei Tonkin . . 25-Aug 1570
26 Thomasina d Willmi(dash) Jamys . . 30-Aug 1570
26 Nichas(dash) d Henrici Sowdn x . 4-Sep 1570
26 Joana d Johannis Walln x surname poss Watt? 10-Oct 1570
26 Maria d Johannis Gellin . . 10-Oct 1570
26 Anna d Nichi(dash) Tocker x . 11-Nov 1570
26 John[n]es s Paschi Bound . . 20-Nov 1570
26 Richus (dash) s Johannis Vivian . . 29-Nov 1570
26 Thomasina d Nichi(dash) Rescorla . . 30-Nov 1570
26 Edmund[es] s Willmi(dash) John Thomas . . 29-Dec 1570
26 Pascha d not given Perkins . . 28-Jan 1570
26 Joana d Johannis Darke . . 19-Feb 1570
26 Elena d Philippi Dowbin x Dowlin? 7-Mar 1570
26 Paschus s Thomae Dalle x Dolle? 11-Mar 1570
26 Joana d Cutis Trevarale x . 12-Mar 1570
26 Margera d Willmi(dash) Babberyd x poss Babberye 18-Mar 1570
26 John[n]es s Willmi Persse . poss Pearce? 26-Mar 1571
26 John[n]es s Thomae Dollymye x . 8-Apr 1571
26 Philyppus s Johannis Hollyn . . 27-Apr 1571
26 Joana d Henrici Gorye . . 28-Jul 1571
26 John[n]es s Thomae Baker . . 3-Aug 1571
26 Maria d Michalis Hegke[as] x . 6-Aug 1571
26 John[n]es s Symoni Hackin . . 9-Aug 1571
26 .ane .ulia? d Thomae Harper . poss JaneJulia 10-Aug 1571
26 Jana? d Sampson Clemmes x . 18-Aug 1571
26 Maria d Johnannis Lueke x . 27-Aug 1571
26 John[n]es s Richardi Wollecocke . . 1 Sep? 1571
27 John[n]es s Walter ii Dadowe . . 19-Sep 1571
27 John[n]es s Stephani Dadowe . . 22-Sep 1571
27 Joana d Johannis Carrtan x . 26-Sep 1571
27 Elanda d Christofori Balhachat . . 27-Sep 1571
27 Jana? d Johannis Tregonninge . . 30-Sep 1571
27 Elyzabetha d Johannis Moulle . . 20-Oct 1571
27 Joana d Thomae Moryanne . . 1-Nov 1571
27 Thomas s Willmi(dash) Rollend(dash) x poss Pollend? 11-Nov 1571
27 Willmus s Johannis Pollglasse . . 12-Dec 1571
27 Egrysona d Johannis Carlyon . . 7-Jan 1571
27 John[n]es s not given Benham . . 17-Jan 1571
27 John[n]es s Johannis Gheche x . 29-Jan 1571
27 John[n]es s not given Elem[e]r x . 30-Jan 1571
27 Charyta d Luci Woole . . 2-Feb 1571
27 John[n]es s Johannis Philippe . . 28-Feb 1571
27 John[n]es s Richardi Gecharde . . 3-Mar 1571
27 Joana d Henrici Gave- x . 3-Mar 1571
27 Petronella d Mathei Rescorla . . 3-Mar 1571
27 Lucus s Paschi Jacobe . "c" changed 8-Mar 1571
27 Willmius s Johannis Brodde . . 13-Mar 1571
27 John[n]es s Willmi Vivian . . 27-Mar 1572
27 Joana d Stephani Marten . . 30-Mar 1572
27 Joana d Georgi Cargeden . . 30-Mar 1572
27 Alitia d Alitice Searyuge x . 30-Mar 1572
27 Anna d Richardi Dadowe . . 4-Apr 1572
27 Walterius s Symoni Vanssound x . 7-Apr 1572
27 Thomas s Johannis Wyatte . . 17-Apr 1572
27 P--ha d Johannis Grigge x . 17-Apr 1572
27 John[n]es s Paschi Ovlude . . 21-Apr 1572
27 Henricus s Mathei Menhire . . 26-May 1572
27 Richardus s Nichi(dash) Tonkin . . 9-Jun 1572
28 John[n]es s Luci Thomas . . 13-Jul 1572
28 Stephus s Stephani Wallnee . . 16-Jul 1572
28 Joana d Roberti Tonne . . 1-Sep 1572
28 Catherina d Thomae Dennis . . 10-Sep 1572
28 Thomasina d Johnannis Gomo . . 21-Sep 1572
28 Catherina d Willmi(dash) Hegoo . . 24-Sep 1572
28 John[n]es s Richardi Rowsse . . 26-Sep 1572
28 Richardus s Johannis Trenamis . . 7-Oct 1572
28 Oliverus s Christofori Cullner . . 13-Oct 1572
28 John[n]es s Johannis Bisshoppe . . 13-Oct 1572
28 Joana d Willmi(dash) Roger . . 18-Oct 1572
28 Joana d Johannis Rawe . . 30-Oct 1572
28 John[n]es s Johannis Trewine x . 24-Nov 1572
28 Stephus s Johannis Robins . . 26-Nov 1572
28 Joana d Paschi Collier . . 27-Nov 1572
28 Elena d Willmi Hooper . . 22-Jan 1572
28 Joana d Thomae Hodge . poss twin 10-Feb 1572
28 Edmund s Thomae Hodge . poss twin 10-Feb 1572
28 John[n]es s Paschi Dallamyne . . 14-Feb 1572
28 Catherina d Johannis Joseph . . 19-Feb 1572
28 Willmis(dash) s Willmi Carlyan . . 20-Feb 1572




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