

Holy Trinity Burial Registers, 1825-1829, by name
transcribed by Julia Mosman, OPC
from LDS films, with permission

ALLEN Elizabeth . . Town 2 inflammation of the lungs 11-Jun 1826
ALLEN John . . Carbean 2 decline 7-Feb 1827
ALLEN John . . Workhouse 63 . 25-May 1827
ALLEN William . P Lodging House 26 natural small pox 12-May 1828
AMLAD Mary Ann . . Town 26 decline 10-Jun 1826
ANDREW Grace . . Foredowns 25 . 10-May 1827
ANDREW Grace . . Lower Tresaver 65 paralytic 21-Aug 1827
ANDREW Jacob . . Cudra.. 1 natural small pox 21-Aug 1828
ANNEAR William . . East Turnpike 48 decline 20-May 1827
ANTHONY John Hockins . . Blowing House Hill 1 cholera 7-Jan 1828
ANTHONY Sarah Ann . . Blowing House Hill 2 decline 17-Feb 1826
ARTHUR William . . town 47 . 11-May 1827
AVARD Thomas . . Town 65 water on the chest 28-Dec 1825
B.. George . . Charlestown 4mo inflammation of the lungs 4-Aug 1828
BALL James . . Town 2wks fits 9-Jan 1825
BALLEN Charles . P Town 5 decline 17-Dec 1827
BENALLACK John . P St. Austell Moor 24 decline 21-Jan 1825
BENALLACK Peter . . St. Austell Moor 21 decline 18-Mar 1825
BENNETT Catherine . . Pentuan 72 . 6-Nov 1826
BENNETTS Frederick . . Tregoneeves 6mo . 1-Jun 1825
BESWARRICK Betsey . . Holmbush 10 typhoid fever 1-Jun 1828
BICE James . . Town 52 . 25-Jul 1826
BILKEY Constance . . Bellwood 96 . 1-Jun 1825
BISHOP Elizabeth . . Tregorrick 4 natural small pox 6-Aug 1828
BISHOP Mary . . Town 26 decline 1-Jun 1826
BLACKMORE John Enis . . Town 27 inflammation in the lungs 31-Jan 1825
BLIGHT Andrew . . Foredowns 33 consumption 19-Mar 1828
BOHEMIA John . . Fatwork Downs 15mo fever 20-Jun 1825
BOND John . . Tregorrick 48 decline 18-Apr 1827
BOND Richard . P Town 63 decline 27-Oct 1827
BONE Joanna . . Carveth 77 . 23-Jun 1827
BONE Joseph Clarke . . Carvath 18mo fever 19-Feb 1828
BORLASE Jane . . Town 65 . 11-Nov 1826
BORLASE John . . Cuddra 65 . 16-Mar 1827
BORLASE Mary . . Carbean 71 . 15-Apr 1828
BORROWS Elizabeth . . Town 4mo . 14-Jul 1826
BORROWS Elizabeth . . West Turnpike 19 decline 7-Aug 1826
BRAGGA James . . Porthpean 4mo closing up of the throat 4-Dec 1827
BRAND James . . Town 30 erg..ipileas in the head 14-Oct 1825
BRAY Melinda x . Carvath 10wks small pox 12-Aug 1828
BROOKER Charles . P Town 18 typhus fever 21-May 1827
BROWNE Elizabeth . . Boscundle - land end 7mo bowel complaint 21-Apr 1826
BULLEN Eliza . . Town 1 decline 24-Oct 1828
BULLEN Maria . p Town 18 consumption 5-Jan 1827
BUNNY Elizabeth . . Charlestown 47 . 18-Mar 1827
BUNNY Thomas . . London Apprentice 66 . 3-Mar 1827
BUNT John . . Porthpean 4mo . 1-Apr 1826
BUNT John . . Porthpean 36 decline 9-Nov 1828
BURROWS Maria . . Grampound 23 fever 20-Feb 1828
CALF Thomas . . Town 65 . 25-Jan 1827
CARBIS Hannah . . Town 87 . 23-Aug 1825
CARLYON John . . Workhouse Lane 75 . 20-Oct 1825
CARY Edgar . . Town 5mo water in the head 21-Sep 1825
CAYZER William . . St. Austell 33 consumption 7-Jul 1825
CHALK Elizabeth . . Fatwork Downs 1wk . 18-Jan 1825
CHAPPEL William . . Porthpean 80 . 29-Aug 1825
CLARKE Elizabeth . P Town 80 . 24-Apr 1828
CLEER Elizabeth . P Workhouse 70 . 10-Jun 1825
CLEMES Joseph . . St. Blazey highway 68 . 2-Jan 1825
CLEMES Joseph . . St. Blazey highway 23 decline 17-May 1825
COCK Samuel . . Mulvra 1 . 15-Sep 1826
COCKING Grace . . Carvath 1wk . 21-Jun 1828
COOMB Jane . . Menacuddle 4 burnt 28-Dec 1825
COOMB Jenepher . . Trenance Bridge 79 . 11-Mar 1826
COOMB Elizabeth . . Foredowns 62 bowel complaint 13-Oct 1825
COOMBE Anne . . Town Mills 32 typhus fever 20-Oct 1826
COOMBE Eliza . . Town 6 measles 25-Dec 1828
COOMBE Sophia . P Carbean 2 decline 7-Mar 1827
COPELIN Elizabeth . . Town 6wks inflammation of the lungs 13-Aug 1827
CORNEEK Elizabeth Daniel x P Carvath 4mo bowel complaint 29-Apr 1827
CORNELIUS Grace . . Menear 45 dropsy 9-Jan 1825
COTTY Edward . P Sticker in St. Mewan 14 died of an injury rcvd in Polgooth mine 15-Feb 1825
COTTY John . . Mt. Pisgah 4mo . 25-Aug 1825
COTTY John . P Town 8 inflammation of the bowels 20-Dec 1827
COUCH Francis . . Molingey 25 inflammation of the lungs 8-Dec 1825
COUCH James . . Town 16 decline 14-Jan 1826
COUCH James . . Workhouse 72 . 15-May 1826
CRABB Jane . . Town 7mo decline 17-May 1826
CROSSMAN Jane . . Town 26 typhus fever 6-Jun 1825
CROWLE Elizabeth . . Three Doors 34 decline 6-Apr 1826
CROWLE Mary . . Town 28 decline 8-Jan 1827
CROWLE Robert . P Town 67 asthma 26-Mar 1825
CROWLE William . . Three Doors 5mo fits 29-May 1826
CUMMINGS Elizabeth . . Foredowns 70 . 16-Jul 1826
CUNDY Grace . . Tregorrick 2 natural small pox 21-Aug 1828
CUNDY William . . Foredowns 5mo decline 27-Oct 1828
CURTIS John . . Foredowns 2 measles 21-Dec 1828
DALLEN Richard . . Town 75 . 10-Sep 1826
DALLEN Thomas . P Workhouse 80 . 2-Sep 1826
DAVEY James . . Holmbush 4 hooping cough 8-Oct 1828
DAVIES Nancy . . Pentuan 3mo inflammation of the lungs 25-Jul 1827
DAVIS Joseph . . Carvath 4mo croup 22-Apr 1825
DAVY Jane . P Workhouse 75 . 28-Mar 1827
DAVY Samuel . . Charlestown 70 . 25-Sep 1825
DAVY William . . Menear 55 dropsy 16-Jan 1825
DODDS Margaret . . Duporth 18mo . 28-Jun 1827
DREW Elizth. Mary . . Town 18mo water in the head 10-Mar 1825
DREW Martha Andrew . . Porthpean 8mo bowel complaint 4-Feb 1825
DREW Rebecca . . Town 21mo measles 7-Mar 1826
DUNSTAN William . . Town 2 fever 12-Jun 1826
DYER Mary . . Polgooth 2 burnt 19-Mar 1827
DYER Mary Ann . . London Apprentice 9mo natural small pox 20-Jul 1828
EADY Richard . . Biscovillack 32 decline 25-Sep 1825
EDDY Philippa Knight . . Holmbush 6mo inflammation of the lungs 20-Oct 1828
EDWARDS Elizabeth . . Trenance 6wks fits 24-Sep 1826
ESTERBROOK Elizabeth x P Workhouse 78 Hesterbrook written over; Esterbrook probable 10-May 1828
EVANS Elizabeth . . Boscundle 90 . 18-Mar 1827
FAULL Mary . . Mulvra 24 childbirth 11-Dec 1826
FRANCIS Joseph Long . . Town 2 fever 15-Jan 1828
FRANCIS Thomas . . Bodmin 44 decline 3-Jul 1827
FRANCIS William . . Workhouse 80 . 3-Jun 1825
GARLAND Charles . . Carvath 1 inflammation of the lungs 3-Mar 1826
GEACH Caroline . . Town 24 . 17-Jul 1826
GEACH Henry . . Carvath 5 . 26-Oct 1828
GEACH James . . Town 84 . 11-Sep 1826
GEACH John x . Town 24 can't read 4-Aug 1828
GEACH Temperance . . Blowing House Hill 83 . 14-Jun 1825
GEORGE Henry . . Town 1 scalded 18-Sep 1828
GIDDY Elizabeth Ellen . . Town 15mo can't read 10-Dec 1827
GIFFORD James . P Workhouse 19 decline 17-Jun 1828
GILBERT John . . Tregorrick 68 asthma 22-Feb 1828
GILBERT Thomas . . Town 52 dropsy 31-Oct 1825
GILES John . . Town 26 decline 22-May 1827
GILES Mary . . Town 76 . 6-Dec 1826
GILL Richard . . Town 58 bowel complaint 8-Oct 1825
GOLDWORTHY Henry . . Biscovey 23 inflammation of the lungs 2-Dec 1825
GOUGE William . . Carvath 22 killed by falling wall 7-Dec 1828
GOYAN John . . Charlestown 3 fever 1-Jun 1828
GROSE Richard . . Town 44 decline 5-Jan 1828
GROSE Thomas . . East Turnpike 64 . 10-Jan 1827
GUY John . . Town 55 decline 3-May 1826
GUY John . . Town 25 can't read 27-Oct 1827
HALLS Henry Walkey . . Town 2mo bowel complaint 14-Apr 1826
HALLS Mary . . Higher Quarter 83 . 30-Mar 1825
HAM Thomasine . . Town 1 natural small pox 9-Jul 1828
HAMMER Honor . . Charlestown 40 inflammation of the lungs 14-Jul 1827
HAMMER John Daniel . . Town 9wks fits 14-Feb 1827
HAMMER Peter . . Workhouse Lane 72 . 14-Mar 1825
HANCOCK Joseph . . Fatwork Downs 21 decline 8-Aug 1825
HANCOCK Margaret . P Town 72 . 27-Mar 1826
HANCOCK Samuel . . Newton 49 decline 8-Oct 1825
HANCOCK Thomas . . Foredowns 58 decline 28-Oct 1827
HARDING William . . Town 70 found dead; was in Bodmin Road 7-Nov 1828
HARPER John . P Workhouse 38 decline 20-Oct 1825
HARPER John . . Blowing House Hill 80 . 3-Jan 1828
HARPER Joseph . P Workhouse 13mo scrofula 2-Feb 1826
HARRIS Ann . . Charlestown 66 . 1-Dec 1826
HARRIS Anne . . Town 65 inflammation of the bowels 13-Apr 1828
HARRY Mary . . Foredowns 1 hooping cough 12-Jan 1827
HART Elizabeth . . Town 41 mortification in the leg 21-Apr 1827
HART Richard . . Town 8 natural small pox 9-Jul 1828
HART William . . Workhouse 42 . 1-Feb 1826
HARVEY Honor . P Workhouse 76 . 17-Jun 1828
HASKEN Grace . . Trensevere 29 decline 22-Sep 1827
HAWKINS Anne . . Charlestown Mill 45 dropsy 2-Jan 1828
HENNAH Henry . . Town 14 fever 9-Feb 1827
HICKS Caroline . . New Town 6days . 25-Apr 1825
HICKS Joseph . . Town 62 . 2-May 1825
HICKS Walter . . Tregonissey 20 typhoid fever 18-Mar 1828
HICKS William . . Tregonissey 10mo natural small pox 20-Aug 1828
HOCKIN Henry . . Fatwork Downs 4 burnt 24-Mar 1828
HOCKINS John . . Town 35 gout 16-Jul 1827
HODGE Elizabeth . . Porthpean 2wks inflammation of the lungs 8-Jan 1828
HODGE Henry . . Foredowns 3 can't read 14-Oct 1828
HODGE Jenepher . . Town 79 . 22-Jul 1826
HONEY Mary x P Town 9mo natural small pox 29-Jul 1828
HONEYCHURCH Jacob . . Holmbush 1 inflammation of the bowels 11-Nov 1827
HOOPER Maria . . Workhouse 4 measles 7-Dec 1825
HOOPER Martin . . Foredowns 7mo bowel complaint 17-May 1826
HORE Elizabeth . . Foredowns 14 decline 27-Aug 1826
HORE John . . Asher??Park 73 . 11-Aug 1825
HORE John . . Boscundle 50 dropsy 12-Jun 1827
HORE Mary Ann . . Mt. Charles 25 childbirth 12-Dec 1827
HOSKIN Betsey . . Foredowns 22 typhus fever 6-Jan 1827
HOSKIN Thomas . . Charlestown 73 . 20-May 1826
HOTTEN Jane . . Charlestown 7 accidentally killed 13-May 1828
HUSBAND Anna . . Town 56 decline 5-Aug 1828
HUSBAND Jane . . Town 2wks natural small pox 10-Oct 1828
ISABEL Joseph Hawkins . . Town 1day . 8-Jul 1826
IVEY Jane . . Carvath 78 asthma 16-Jan 1827
JAMES William . P Foredowns 20 decline 7-Nov 1827
JANE Henry . . Town 3 burnt 26-Nov 1826
JENKIN Ann . . Carvath 1 . 5-Dec 1825
JENKIN Mary . . Town 36 decline 27-May 1828
JENKIN Dorcas . . Holmbush 16mo measles 14-Aug 1825
JENKINS Ann . . St. Blazey 71 . 3-Jun 1825
JILBERT Elizabeth . . Carvath 6mo fits 14-Feb 1827
JILBERT Mary . . Carvath 1 1/2 decline 12-Aug 1826
JOLLY Thomas . . Holmbush 1 fits 20-Mar 1828
JOSE John . P Crinnis 45 decline 3-Jun 1827
JULYAN Ann . . Trethergy 78 . 24-May 1826
JULYAN Christiana . P Workhouse 80 . 17-Jan 1826
JULYAN John . . Town 83 . 17-Oct 1826
KEAM Elizabeth . . Carvath 9wks natural small pox 30-Jul 1828
KEAST Frederick . . Rockhill 2 fever 26-Sep 1827
KELLY Thomas . . Porthpean 79 . 2-Apr 1826
KEMPE Francis . . Foredowns 6mo fits 23-Jun 1827
KENDALL Elizabeth Ann . . Holmbush 1 measles 26-Oct 1828
KING Elizabeth . . Mt. Charles 1 croup 26-Jan 1825
KING Richard . . Foredowns 2wks . 4-Jan 1827
KING William . . Bojea 5 croup 8-Apr 1825
KITT John . . Town 6mo inflammation of the bowels 21-Jun 1828
KNIGHT Amelia . . Carvath 1 inflammation of the lungs 24-Oct 1826
KNIGHT Mary . . Town 40 childbirth 22-Sep 1828
LAKES Henry . . Trevarrick 15 fever 20-Feb 1825
LAMMERTON Mary Ann . . Boscoppa 19 decline 27-Feb 1827
LANDER Jane . . Town 57 asthma 18-Feb 1825
LANG Oliver . . Town 37 decline 26-Jan 1826
LANGSTON Richard . . Carvath 2 decline 7-May 1827
LANTICK Hugh . P W House Lane 22 rheumatic fever 2-Nov 1825
LAWRY Mary . . Town 27 measles 28-Dec 1825
LEADER Ann . . Workhouse 60 decline 7-Oct 1827
LEG Benjamin Dier . . Town 1 croup 6-Oct 1828
LETCHER Elizabeth . . Wrestling Ground 31 . 22-Apr 1827
LETCHER Elizabeth . P Carvath 6 burnt 20-Apr 1828
LEWARNE Amy . . Foredowns 3 decline 24-Apr 1825
LEWARNE Charlotte . . Crinnis 28 childbirth 16-Dec 1826
LEWARNE Henry . . Town 2 . 11-Oct 1826
LIDDICOAT Jane . . Lansladron 10mo water in the head 19-May 1825
LIDDICOAT John . . Pentuan 25 bursting of a blood vessel 15-Oct 1825
LIDDICOAT Martha . . Ba.. 27 decline 3-Feb 1828
LIDDICOAT Thomas . . Pentuan 65 . 24-Jan 1825
LOBB Julia . . Pentewan 81 . 4-Mar 1828
LOBB Susan Ellen . . Town 4mo cancer in the throat 30-Nov 1827
LONG John . . Foredowns 61 dropsy 13-Nov 1827
LONG William . P Workhouse 77 . 2-Apr 1827
LUCAS Octavius . . Town 20 killed by falling wall 7-Dec 1828
LUKE Mary . . Holmbush 32 decline 9-Nov 1825
LUKE Richard . . Alms house 38 decline 11-Jul 1828
LUKE William . . St. Ewe 30 fever 6-Mar 1828
LUKES Sampson . . Trethurgy 8 inflammation of the lungs 28-Jun 1828
LULY Jane . . Porthpean 15 inflammation in the throat 17-Jan 1827
LULY John . . Porthpean 14 decline 10-Mar 1827
LULY Margaret . . Porthpean 9 decline 17-Aug 1826
LULY Mary . . Porthpean 25 decline 3-Mar 1827
LULY Richard . . Porthpean 19 decline 14-Dec 1825
MARSHALL Ann . P Town 80 . 22-Feb 1826
MARSHALL Elizabeth . . Town 23 decline 2-Nov 1828
MARSHALL Emma . . Boscundle 6mo decline 14-Sep 1828
MARSHALL John . P Town 85 . 3-Dec 1826
MARTIN Elizabeth . P Workhouse 80 . 28-Oct 1826
MARTIN John . P Carthew 80 . 6-Apr 1825
MARTIN John . . Porthpean 20 fever 1-Mar 1827
MARTIN Mary . . Rescorla 26 decline 5-May 1825
MARTIN Philip . . Trewarne 76 . 29-May 1825
MARTIN Stephen . P Workhouse 78 . 25-May 1826
MARTIN William Langdon . . Higher Blowing House 20mo . 10-Sep 1827
MATHEWS Mary Ann x P Pentuan 10mo small pox 12-Aug 1828
MAY Jenepher . . Molingey 51 asthma 15-Feb 1827
MAY Jude . . Lewdza Moor 6mo water on the brain 4-May 1828
MELLON James . . Foredowns 24 . 12-May 1827
MERRICK Eliza . . Carvath 3 . 16-May 1827
MERRIFIELD Catharine . Town 8 bowel complaint 19-Nov 1826
MERTON Robert . . Porthpean 2 inflammation of the lungs 10-Apr 1826
MICHELL Henry . . Tregonissey 26 sudden death 14-Nov 1827
MICHELL Joseph . . Foredowns 7wks fits 18-Nov 1827
MINEAR Elizabeth . P Workhouse 47 dropsy 5-Apr 1825
MINEAR Elizabeth . . Town 64 .. To death 29-Nov 1828
MINEAR Jenepher . . Tregonissey 67 . 2-Mar 1828
MINEAR John . . Tregonissey 1 natural small pox 7-Aug 1828
MINEAR Oliver . . Lower Trenance 14mo croup 16-Sep 1827
MINEAR Stephen . . Tregonissey 11mo natural small pox 18-Jul 1828
MINEAR William . . Town 1 inflammation in the lungs 29-Jan 1825
MINNEAR Joseph . P Sparron Moor 3 hooping cough 20-Feb 1827
MITCHELL George . . Foredowns 13mo .. Fever 18-Jun 1828
MITCHELL Grace . . Town 61 dropsy 29-Oct 1825
MITCHELL John . . Truro 52 liver complaint 25-Jul 1828
MITCHELL Mary . . Blowing House Hill 64 . 2-Jul 1828
MOORSHEAD William . . Blowing House Hill 6mo fits 25-Nov 1826
MORCOM Elizabeth . P Town 8 inflammation in bowels 7-Feb 1825
MORISH Hannah . . Redruth 31 typhus fever 23-Apr 1826
MORRISH Aaron . P Camp Down 10 killed by a fall over a cliff 23-May 1826
MUDGE Samuel . . Town 55 . 3-Apr 1826
NANCOLLAS Ann . . Town 40 bowel complaint 9-May 1827
NANKIVEL Mary . . Town 6wks fits 25-Jan 1826
NANKIVELL Jane . P Town 18mo natural small pox 17-Jul 1828
NETTLE Richard . . Holmbush 9 water in the head 16-Jun 1827
NICHOLLS John . . Tregrehan Mills 1wk . 13-Jun 1828
NORTHEY Henry John . . Charlestown 2 measles 21-Dec 1828
NOTT Joseph . . Town 54 dropsy 25-Jul 1827
OATS Philip . . Foredowns 5mo fits 24-Oct 1826
OLIVE Catharine x . Foredowns 50 glass in the stomach/poss Olver? 21-Sep 1826
OLIVER Elizabeth . . Town 64 . 18-Jun 1825
OLIVER James . P Town 30 decline 30-Jul 1826
OLIVER Maria . P Town x xx 23-Oct 1826
ORGAN Ann . P Tregorrick 22 decline 19-Jan 1825
OUGH Jenepher . . Town 86 . 28-Nov 1826
PARNALL Sarah . . Foredowns 4 inflammation on the brain 28-Oct 1827
PARSONS Elizabeth Jacobs . . Town 9 drowned 18-Apr 1827
PASCOE Catherine . . Carbean 38 childbirth 7-Dec 1826
PASCOE Sampson . . Workhouse 86 . 23-Jan 1828
PAUL James . . Charlestown 1 inflammation of the lungs 19-Oct 1828
PAUL Joseph . . Town 30 consumption 21-Jun 1827
PAYNE James . . Town 50 . 21-Sep 1828
PAYNE John . . Town 3wks . 28-Sep 1828
PEARCE Elizabeth . . Town 65 apoplexy 28-Aug 1825
PEARCE Elizabeth . . Holmbush 67 . 24-Apr 1827
PEARCE Joseph . . Porthpean 68 contraction of the esophagus 15-Sep 1825
PEARCE Mary . . W. Turnpike 75 . 6-May 1826
PEARCE William . . Trenarren 72 . 24-Jan 1827
PEDLAR Henry . . Town 3 measles 18-Dec 1828
PENHALL Ann . . St. Blazey 5 typhus fever 29-Jun 1827
PENHALL Martha . . Foredowns 30 decline 1-Apr 1828
PENHALL Ralph . P Trenarren 11 drowned with his father 15-Apr 1827
PENHALL Ralph . . Trenarren 58 drowned with his son 9-May 1827
PENHALL William . . Trenissick 1wk . 9-Oct 1826
PENHALL William . . Porthpean 29 brain fever 4-Mar 1828
PERRY Eliza . . Town 15mo inflammation of the lungs 2-Jun 1825
PETERS Margaret . . Holmbush 47 decline 17-Aug 1828
PETERS Samuel . . Workhouse Lane 3 fever 27-Jan 1828
PETHERICK George . . Town 10mo inflammation of the lungs 7-Jun 1825
PETHERICK Mary . . Town 82 . 15-Mar 1828
PHELP Joseph x P Workhouse 68 decline 10-Jul 1825
PHILLIPS Ann . . Trethurgy 83 can't read 20-Jul 1828
PHILLIPS Joseph . . Lower Trewhiddle 72 . 26-Nov 1825
PHILLIPS Joseph Dunn . . Town 18mo water in the head 30-Sep 1827
PHILLIPS William . . Town 49 decline 27-Feb 1827
PHILLIPS William . . Town 52 apoplexy 12-Mar 1828
POLGLASS Ann . . Town 74 . 16-Jul 1826
POLGLASS Thomas . . Town 47 drowned 4-Oct 1825
PRICE Benjamin . . Town 41 cholera 25-Aug 1826
PROFIT Thomasine . . Penria Lodge 5 fever 2-Jul 1828
QUISNEY Nancy . P Town 52 asthma 23-Jan 1826
REPPER Elisha . . New Town 4mo typhus fever 25-May 1825
REYNOLDS Richard . P Foredowns 42 apoplexy 8-Jun 1827
RICH Joseph . . Foredowns 1wk fits 2-Mar 1828
RICHARDS Elizabeth . . Charlestown 3 fever 22-Jun 1828
RICKARD Benjamin . . Town 24 decline 28-May 1828
RICKARD Candasha . . St. Blazey highway 75 . 30-Jan 1826
RICKARD Richard . P Workhouse 51 paralysis 9-Jan 1826
RICKARDS Joseph . . Porthpean 75 . 25-Jan 1825
RICKARDS Margaret . P Porthpean 71 . 31-Jan 1825
RIPPER Lavinia . . Town 3 decline 16-May 1826
ROBERTS Elizabeth . . Town 2 natural small pox 31-May 1828
ROBERTS John . . Town 11mo measles 8-Jan 1826
ROBERTS Mary . . Carvath 75 . 2-Apr 1828
ROBERTS Thomas . . Carvath 88 . 2-Jan 1827
ROBERTS William . . Levrean 7wks croup 18-Apr 1825
ROBIAS John . . Carvath 1 measles 26-Feb 1826
ROBINS Dorothy . . Resugga 68 decline 29-Aug 1827
ROBINS Rebecca . . Town 18 decline 23-Nov 1828
RODDA Thomas Hampden . . Charlestown 3 . 3-Mar 1828
ROSEVEAR Ann . . Town 1 measles 27-Dec 1825
ROSEVEAR Elizabeth . . Foredowns 2 natural small pox 18-Sep 1828
ROSEVEAR William . . Rescorla 73 . 16-Apr 1825
ROSEVEAR William . . Foredowns 7mo fits 14-Aug 1828
ROWE Ann . . Town 46 . 9-Sep 1826
ROWE Elizabeth . . Holmbush 2 inflammation of the lungs 24-Jun 1827
ROWE Elizabeth . . Holmbush 1 measles 25-Dec 1828
ROWE Joseph . . Foredowns 4mo dropsy? 25-Nov 1827
ROWE Martha Rickard . . Town 12 decline 16-Nov 1827
ROWE Sarah . . Town 55 fits 20-Nov 1825
ROWETT Anne . . Holmbush 58 jaundice 25-Dec 1827
ROWETT Edward . . Pentuan 51 drowned 25-Feb 1827
ROWETT Elizabeth . . Trewarren 77 . 22-Oct 1828
ROWETT Grace . P Trevissick 60 . 6-Jan 1825
ROWSE Charity . . Carvath 3mo decline 5-May 1828
ROWSE Edward . . Foredowns 1 inflammation of the bowels 18-Sep 1828
ROWSE Elizabeth . P Tregonissey 84 . 4-Feb 1826
ROWSE William . P Tregonissey 85 . 5-Jan 1825
RUNDLE Jane . P London Apprentice 1 erysiflas??? 29-Mar 1826
RUNDLE Mary . . Town 63 . 15-Jan 1827
SAUNDERS William . . Holmbush 8mo can't read 8-Jul 1828
SCANTLEBURY Dorothy . . Tregonn. 42 closing up of the throat 19-Oct 1826
SCANTLEBURY Grace . . Tregorrick 90 . 14-Jul 1825
SIMCOE Honor . . Foredowns 1 fits 12-Jan 1828
SKINNARD Richard . . Town 55 decline 16-May 1826
SKINNER Henry . . Foredowns 1 . 10-Sep 1826
SMITH Elizabeth . . Town 79 . 18-Oct 1827
SMITH Mary . P Foredowns 1 hooping cough 5-Jun 1826
SMITH Mary . P Town 37 decline 22-Jan 1827
SMITH Thomas x . can't read 86 . 18-May 1827
SNELL Joseph . . Pentuan 29 decline 31-May 1826
SNELL Nicholas . . St. Blazey 38 . 26-Apr 1827
SNELL Sarah . . St. Blazey 41 decline 2-Mar 1828
SNELL William . . Pentewan 1 decline 8-Jul 1828
SOLOMON Elizabeth . . Carvath 1 decline 28-Mar 1828
SPARGO William . . Holmbush 2 dropsy 4-Jan 1828
SPEAR Gregory . . Town 37 decline 12-Jul 1825
STAPLE Walter . . Trenance Bridge 83 . 1-Oct 1825
STEPHENS Caroline . . Charlestown 3mo fits 12-Jun 1825
STEPHENS Harriet . . Tregonissey 2 inflammation of the bowels 14-Nov 1827
STEPHENS John . . Barbilingey 62 . 3-May 1825
STEPHENS John . . St. Blazey highway 7 natural small pox 19-Aug 1828
STEPHENS Johnson . . Ladock 54 decline 10-Jul 1825
STEPHENS Jonathan . . Tregonissey 12 killed by an engine wheel 7-May 1826
STEPHENS Mary . P Town 68 . 16-Jun 1828
STEPHENS Thomas . . Town 32 decline 21-Nov 1825
STEPHENS Thomas . P Workhouse 67 . 2-Nov 1826
STODDARD William . . Town 26 can't read 3-Apr 1827
SWAFFIELD George Petherick x . Town 3wks thrush 5-Nov 1828
TALLACK Elizabeth . . Town 86 . 24-Oct 1828
THOMAS Charles . . Tregonissey 6 natural small pox 11-Sep 1828
THOMAS John . . Town 5mo inflammation of the lungs 9-Nov 1828
THOMAS Joseph . . Town 6wks fits 20-May 1827
THOMAS Joseph Prideaux . . Town 26 scarlet fever 15-Dec 1827
THOMAS Josiah . . Town 10mo measles 17-Dec 1828
THOMAS Mary . . Carclaze downs 8 measles 28-Dec 1825
THOMAS Mary . . Carveth 2mo fits 15-Jun 1827
THOMAS Nicholas . . Tregonissey 3 natural small pox 25-Aug 1828
TOMS Grace . . Carbean 84 . 30-Jul 1826
TOMS William . . Pentewan 10 decline 28-Dec 1827
TREDINNICK Elizabeth . . Tregonissey 7 burnt 8-Jan 1827
TREGILGASS Edward . . Carvath 49 decline 3-Jun 1827
TREGILGASS Mary . . Town 2 water in the head 9-Jan 1827
TREGILGLASS Melinda . . Carvath 9mo measles 9-Nov 1828
TREGONING Elizabeth . . Foredowns 74 . 25-Nov 1825
TREGONING Maria . . Three Doors 17 . 2-Jul 1826
TREGONING Mary Ann . . Carbean 1 scarlet fever 9-Dec 1827
TREGONNING John . . Three Doors 42 decline 15-Apr 1826
TREGONNING William . . Three Doors 1 fever 5-Apr 1826
TRENWITH Nancy . . Trevarrick 24 decline 12-Mar 1826
TRETHEWEY Elizabeth . . Penhall 74 . 17-Jan 1827
TREWAN Caroline . . Carvath 6 decline 13-Jan 1828
TREWAN Caroline . . Carvath 6mo . 7-Apr 1828
TREWAN James . . Carvath 2 decline 13-Apr 1828
TREWEEK Jane . . Town 1 measles 13-Oct 1825
TRUSCOTT Catherine . . Town 4 inflammation of the lungs 19-Aug 1828
TYRREL Willie . . Holmbush 2wks . 10-May 1826
UREN Caroline . . Carvath 7mo natural small pox 16-Jul 1828
UREN George . . Holmbush 3 whooping cough 2-Nov 1828
VARCO John . . Town 67 . 22-Jan 1825
VARCOE Mary . P Porthpean 79 . 14-Nov 1826
VERYAN Thomas . P Workhouse 62 . 26-Jul 1826
VIVIAN Catharine . . Town 3 decline 7-Sep 1826
VIVIAN Charles . . Town 1 natural small pox 26-Aug 1828
VIVIAN Elizabeth . . Levalsemere St. Ewe 22 decline 26-Jul 1825
VIVIAN George . . Town 12 fever 9-Jan 1826
VIVIAN Grace . . Town 10mo decline 4-Dec 1825
VIVIAN Jacob . P Workhouse 60 decline 30-Aug 1827
VIVIAN John . P Town 72 . 9-Jan 1828
VIVIAN John . . Foredowns 67 . 7-May 1828
VIVIAN Silas . . Foredowns 9wks fits 19-Jul 1827
VIVIAN Silas . P Foredowns 6mo fits 25-Nov 1827
VIVIAN William . P Town 28 decline; St. Mewan written in margin 1-Jun 1826
VIVIAN William . . Town 7 decline 14-Dec 1828
VIVYAN Joseph . P Town 66 . 19-Mar 1826
void void . . void void void void 1826
WALKEY blank . . Porthpean 65 apoplexy 9-Oct 1827
WALKEY Jane . . Porthpean 8mo inflammation of the bowels 22-Apr 1828
WALKEY Mathew . P Porthpean 67 dropsy 31-Oct 1825
WALKEY Nancy . . Porthpean 63 . 24-Mar 1826
WARRICK Benjamin . . Carthew 70 . 13-Sep 1826
WARRICK Elizabeth . . Carwollen 60 decline 9-Aug 1827
WARRICK Jenefer . . Tregonissey 29 decline 3-Apr 1828
WARRICK John . . Younder Town 45 decline 4-Sep 1828
WARWICK Joseph . . Greensplat 21 decline 3-Mar 1827
WATER William . . Foredowns 3mo decline 7-Dec 1827
WATERS Elizabeth . . Blowing House Hill 23 decline 23-Mar 1828
WATTS Philip Nicholas . . Charlestown 1 . 26-Mar 1827
WEBB Jenifer . . Charlestown 16 typhus fever 19-Mar 1826
WEBB Mary . . Trenarren 82 . 4-May 1826
WEBB Philippa . . Charlestown 3 typhus fever 24-Feb 1826
WERREY Joseph . . Boscovy in St. Blazey 25 killed by explosion in Crinnis mine 9-Feb 1825
WEST Jane . . Foredowns 16mo fever 21-Jul 1828
WHERRY George . . Foredowns 6wks . 21-Dec 1825
WHETTEN Elizabeth Ann x . Blowing House Hill 9mo decline 24-Jul 1828
WHITE Dorothy . P Lanreath? 1 natural small pox 10-Aug 1828
WHITLEY Patty . . Town 20 decline 1-Jul 1828
WILLIAMS Amelia . . Carvath 9mo inflammation lungs 26-Jan 1826
WILLIAMS Edwin . . Carvath 4 natural small pox 9-Sep 1828
WILLIAMS Elijah . . Carvath 4mo . 27-Aug 1827
WILLIAMS Peter . . Workhouse 90 . 27-Jul 1828
WILLIAMS Richard . . Town 47 . 24-Mar 1826
WILLS Alice . . Holmbush 52 asthma 22-Dec 1825
WOOLCOCK Edward . . Wrestling Ground 40 decline 28-Jun 1828
WOOLCOCK Elizabeth . . Town 77 . 23-Oct 1825
WOOLCOCK Emily . . Foredowns 1 decline 13-Jun 1827
WORTH George . P Workhouse abt75 . 18-Feb 1827
WORTH Richard . . Town 78 . 24-May 1826
YOUNG Rebecca . . Foredowns 15mo . 24-Dec 1825


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