

1651 - 1658 by date
- 1659 and 1660 are missing -

NOTES: Filius=son, filia=daughter, puer=child, puella=girl (child), puerii=children, uxor=wife, vidua=widow
I've tried to be as accurate as possible, but you may wish to check the originals. The Secretarial Hand, used in the register, incorporated abbreviations that can't be shown here (indicated by an "a"). To see a sample of the original register, click here. 'William' was written in a variety of ways; I changed them all (in the father's column) to the modern spelling.

1651 6-May Peter . . Laa, gent .
1651 12-May Emblyn . . Cloake Clooke?
1651 13-May Mathew . . Ivey .
1651 4-Jul Elizabeth wife Peter Higman .
1651 5-Jul Elizabeth . . Daddowe .
1651 18-Jul Jone daughter George Dallyn .
1651 22-Jul William . . Nynies .poss Nyries
1651 24-Jul Prisciaa daughter John Congdon .
1651 10-Aug blank sonne William Thomas .
1651 15-Aug William . . Webb .
1651 15-Aug blank [blank] John Dallyn child or wife of John
1651 21-Sep Mathew . . Higman .
1651 24-Oct Jone daughter Christopher Bewes Belves in OPC
1651 5-Feb Catheren . . Cattey small u over the a
1651 17-Feb John . . Vivyan .
1651 18-Feb Philip . . Phillips .
1651 23-Feb Bennett . . Rowse .
1651 3-Mar Margerett . . Jullian .
1651 6-Mar Thomas . . Menheire .
1651 7-Mar Stephen . . Stephens .
1651 12-Mar Jane daughter John Higman .
1651 17-Mar Elizabeth widdowe . Carne .
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1652 3-Apr Peeter . . Rickard .
1652 20-Sep Thomas . . Rouse .
1652 22-Sep John . . Daddowe of Trenouth?
1652 23-Sep William . . Drew .
1652 24-Sep William . . Davye .
1652 27-Sep William sonne Edward Escott .
1652 6-Oct Julyan daughter Thomas Momford .
1652 7-Oct John . . Menheire .
1652 8-Oct John . . Lamellyn .
1652 12-Oct John sonne John Hunney .
1652 12-Oct William sonne Luke Stephens .
1652 13-Oct Catheren wife John Thomas .
1652 14-Oct James . . Beale .
1652 15-Oct Margery . . Bovett .
1652 6-Dec Andrew . . Craddicke .
1652 10-Dec Willmot daughter Walter Wills .
1652 18-Dec Ellinor . . Phillips .
1652 20-Jan Rose daughter Nicholas Ellott .
1652 12-Feb Emblyn . . Carne .
1652 20-Feb Marye wife John Jullyan .
1652 21-Feb Peter . . Vivyan .
1652 22-Feb William . . Hamblie .
1652 3-Mar Grace . Andrew Avent .
1652 10-Mar Robert . . Botters .
1652 10-Mar Susan wife Ralphe Kittow .
1652 12-Mar Hugh . . Olver .
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1653 2-Oct Stephen . . Rouse .
1653 10-Oct Phillip sonne John Dallyn .
1653 12-Oct Marye . . Oppie .
1653 24-Oct John sonne Humphrie Tregennowe .
1653 1-Nov John . . Manuell .
1653 1-Nov Thamasen daughter John Dallyn .
1653 8-Nov John sonne John Rosevare .
1653 24-Nov Martha daughter Thomas Hobb .
1653 5-Dec Marye daughter Robert Woone .
1653 10-Dec Richard . . Rosevare .
1653 13-Dec Richard . . Daddowe .
1653 13-Jan Dyonizia daughter Thomas Landridge .
1653 17-Jan Thomas . . Daddowe .
1653 23-Jan Barbra . . Walkye .
1653 9-Feb Mrs. Jone . . Lamellen .
1653 9-Feb Addam sonne Thomas Perkyn .
1653 9-Feb Samuell sonne John Allen .
1653 12-Feb Thomas . . Pears .
1653 14-Feb Jone wife John Congdon .
1653 16-Feb Mrs. Alice . . Laa .
1653 20-Feb Sarah .daughter Phillip Abram .
1653 4-Mar Bridgett . . Cornishe .
1653 10-Mar Ralph . . Maye Cstrkr? - was parish clerk
1653 11-Mar Matthew . . Carne, Gent. .
1653 13-Mar Ralphe . . Maye of Holmbush
1653 18-Mar Robert sonne Richard Gieles .
1653 21-Mar Richard . . Trethewey .
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1654 4-May Richard . . Lawrence .
1654 25-May blank sonne Tobias Barnes .
1654 14-Jun Richard . . Moyle, gent .
1654 16-Jun Elizabeth daughter Sampson Reynold .
1654 6-Aug Jane daughter John Congdon .
1654 9-Aug Danyell . . Soeper .
1654 12-Aug John . . Allen .
1654 24-Aug Richard . . Poekie .
1654 7-Sep Marrion . . Davye .
1654 7-Sep Marye daughter Robert Hore .
1654 14-Sep Marye . . Rosevare .
1654 16-Sep Jane . . Hobb .
1654 26-Sep Jone wife Tristram Carlyon .
1654 30-Oct Phillipp . . Hodge .
1654 30-Nov Alice . . Daddowe .
1654 3-Dec John . . Hill ier or i... Added above line; poss Hillier
1654 4-Jan Florance . . Reynold .
1654 2-Feb John .sonne .David Moyle, gent .
1654 27-Feb Lyonell . . Stephens .
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1655 17-Jun Robert . . Gattey .
1655 21-Jun John sonne Ralphe Vivyan .
1655 30-Jun John . . Rickard .
1655 12-Jul Luke . . Higman .
1655 12-Jul John sonne Thomas Crapp .
1655 30-Jul Christopher . . Bewes .
1655 19-Aug Richard . . Gulliam .
1655 5-Sep Moses . . Cheyley Mosxx
1655 13-Oct Robert sonne Andrew Momford .
1655 1-Oct Jane . . Carlyon of St. Blazey
1655 12-Dec Richard . . Ownter see Ounter
1655 1-Jan Catheren . . Cocke .
1655 1-Jan William sonne John Hunnywill .
1655 15-Jan John . . Jullyan jun. .
1655 28-Jan John the elder . Jullyan .
1655 1-Feb Margery wife Peter Hodge .
1655 17-Feb Christian wife William Upcott, gent. .
1655 22-Feb Oliver . . Walkye .
1655 6-Mar John . . Ivey .
1655 20-Mar Wendon . . Jullyan .
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1656 3-Apr John . . Hancocke .
1656 5-Apr Thamasen daughter William Laa, gent. .
1656 15-Apr Marge base child Robert Cullis by Anne Stephens
1656 24-Apr Christian . . Phoslett .
1656 27-Apr George . . Phoslett .
1656 15-May Nicholas . . Laa .
1656 3-Jun Elizabeth wife Richard Hooper .
1656 9-Jun Anne daughter Richard Pears .
1656 24-Jun Thomasen . . Clemence .
1656 24-Jun John sonne Thomas Rickard .
1656 1-Jul Margerett daughter Thomas Thomas .
1656 1-Jul William sonne Aurthor Grose .
1656 12-Jul Margery wife Richard Lillicke .
1656 15-Jul Jone . . Marke .
1656 17-Jul Joseph sonne Hughe Comon .
1656 21-Jul Nicholas . . Hunney .
1656 23-Jul blank sonne John Allen .
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1657 27-Feb John . . Hunney .
1657 6-Oct Joseph . . Maye vicar of this parish, died 6th Oct
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1658 25-Mar Adria . . Slade .
1658 28-Mar Catheren . . Thomas .



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