Standridge / Renfroe and Related Families Genealogy, Alonzo Standridge

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Alonzo Standridge
Son of Howard and Melinda Cavin Standridge

Alonzo Standridge was born near Bass, Ar. November 10, 1895. He lived at the end of the road on Richland Creek in Newton County, Ar. Lonzo was a legend among the mountain folk of Newton County. Talking to Lonzo was like opening a history book and reading about times past.
Alonzo Standridge @ Rootsweb

Alonzo was Granny Renfroe's half brother. He lived with Howard and his step mother, Mary, growing up as well as with his mother, Melinda Cavin STandridge. Melinda was the daughter of Harrison and Sarah Jane Yated Cavin. After Harrison died Jane Cavin married little Alex Standridge, son of Martin and Katherine. Howard and Little Alex were first cousins. Alonzo died Aug. 11, 1987 and is buried a few steps from his homeplace in Richland Cemetery. Melinda Cavin is also buried at Richland.

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