Regina Region Gen Web

Dear Regina and Area Gen Web Community,

As we bid farewell to the old era of hosting on RootsWeb and Ancestry, we are delighted to announce the rebirth of the Regina and Area Gen Web Project at its new digital home: With the changes,rest assured that our commitment to documenting new updates and contibrutions about Saskatchewan's rich genealogy, history, and community heritage remains unwavering.

With the support of our growing Patreon community (, we've secured a new domain and web hosting provider. This ensures the ongoing vitality of our project, and we invite you to be an integral part of its future. Your involvement, be it through exploration or support, is pivotal in sustaining and expanding our endeavors.

Warm regards,
The Regina and Area Gen Web Project Volunteer Team

Regina Region Gen web

Home | Lookups | Queries | Resources | Surnames | Contact

Your Regina Region queries are welcome.


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you never know!


Click here to view archived queries (1998)



Volunteers wanted. You can be part of this project. Contact Julia -- © Copyright 1996-

Dear Regina and Area Gen Web Community,

As we bid farewell to the old era of hosting on RootsWeb and Ancestry, we are delighted to announce the rebirth of the Regina and Area Gen Web Project at its new digital home: With the changes,rest assured that our commitment to documenting new updates and contibrutions about Saskatchewan's rich genealogy, history, and community heritage remains unwavering.

We are dedicated to continuing the important work of documenting Saskatchewan's genealogy, history, family stories, community heritage, one-room schoolhouses, cemeteries, headstones, historical maps, and the wealth of vanished placenames. These resources are invaluable for those tracing their roots or seeking historical insights.

With the support of growing Patreon community (, we've secured a new domain and web hosting provider at SaskGenWeb the Saskatchewan Genealogy Web. This ensures the ongoing vitality of our project, and we invite you to be an integral part of its future. Your involvement, be it through exploration or support, is pivotal in sustaining and expanding our endeavors.

Warm regards,
The Regina and Area Gen Web Project Volunteer Team A part of SaskGenWeb the Saskatchewan Genealogy Web