ESSIG Families

Switzerland to Maryland to Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indiana

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All genealogy research contain errors, so let me know if your research contradicts mine. My research of Indiana and Ohio families comes from conversations with relatives, copied scrapbooks, library research, online records, courthouse visits, and multiple visits to final resting places on family farms and cemeteries. Families in other states rely mostly on the research of others. If you have additional information on any families, corrections, photos, or anything to add to the history of our families, please leave a Comment in my Guest book, join my Follis Families on Facebook page, or send an Email. Read Dick Eastman's discussion of Unverified Data.

View Boyne Valley Cemetery Boyne Falls, Michigan, Charlevoix County in a larger map
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My third great-grandparents Sarah ESSIG 1833-1899 Stark County, Ohio and John CRAMER 1832-1892 Ohio both to Whitley and Kosciusko Counties, Indiana to Boyne Falls, Charlevoix County, Michigan. They are buried in the Boyne Valley Protestant Cemetery, Boyne Falls, Charlevoix County, Michigan. Some claim possibly Idaho with some of their children?

View Oak Grove Methodist Cemetery near LarwillWhitley County, Indiana in a larger map
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Sarah's parents were George ESSIG 1790-1866 and Catherine SCHOLLENBERGER 1796-1872 both Pennsylvania to Stark County, Ohio to Whitley County, Indiana. Sarah's brother John Arley Essig's family is discussed on the Essig McClary FamilyTree. The photo is likely the 1884 ESSIG family Reunion with 1773 known names in the Essig Family Tree.




View Henry Worstler Cemetery in Canton,Stark County, Ohio in a larger map
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George's parents were Simon ESSIG 1754-1852 Washington County, Maryland to Pennsylvania to Stark County, Ohio a blacksmith and Julianna SCHNEER 1761-1844 York County, Pennsylvania to Stark County, Ohio. At 98 years of age Simon is my oldest ancestor and a Revolutionary War Soldier. Tradition says father and sons were Jackson men. Online Land Records: December 1, 1809 BLM land Simon Assig for John Shorb OH - Ohio River Survey 011N 008W SW¼ 35 Stark, February 1, 1810 BLM land Simon Essig for John Hough OH - Ohio River Survey 011N 008W NE¼ 35 Stark, May 23, 1810 BLM land Jacob Shenenberg OH - Ohio River Survey 011N 008W NW¼ 35, June 19, 1813 BLM land OH - Ohio River Survey 011N 008W NE¼ 21 Stark, and June 19, 1813 BLM land Simon Essig OH - Ohio River Survey 011N 008W NE¼ 22 Stark.

Simons' parents were Wendell ESSIG about 1700-1799 Berne, Switzerland to Washington County, Maryland and Anna MATTE about 1700-1772 of Washington County, Maryland. Served with Frederick the Great in 1740. All their children and the parents, except Simon may have been killed by Indians in Maryland but it is in dispute. Arrived in Philadelphia on Ship Edinburgh, Captain James Russell, Palatinates from Rotterdam September 15, 1749.

If you find research that adds to, or contradicts mine, please leave a Comment on my Follis Families in the United States Facebook page, or send me an Email.

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