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FALLIS Families in Clinton County, Ohio

The FALLIS' found in Clinton County are Quaker descendants of George FALLIS and Mary of Virginia. Early arrivals around 1804, many in the family were "millers". Jonathan, wife Hannah DILLON and family are found in many early books and records. Jonathan is a first cousin of my Isaac FALLIS of Greene County. Some of his family are found in neighboring Greene, Montgomery and Warren Counties records. Some of his family stayed in Ohio, he along with son John R. and daughter Lucinda and husband Nathan PLOWMAN moved to Fountain County, Indiana where Hannah died and is buried. Jonathan later moved to Michigan probably with his children. Richard,John,Jonathan, Lydia, Sarah are mentioned in county histories regarding their mill and land donated for a Quaker Church.

Genealogy research is never complete, more documents are coming online all the time so what wasn't found today, might appear another day. If you find research that adds to, or contradicts mine, please leave a Comment in my Guest book, join my Follis Families on Facebook page, or send me an Email.

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