Cure-alls for the not-so-old folks

Lyman County, South Dakota  Genealogy

Cure-alls for the not-so-old folks
03/23/2008 08:25 PM

    Had a call from sister Frances the other morning. She is onto a miracle cure-all, made from the fruit of a tree that just happens to grow on Guam! It cures everything from runny noses to cancer to psoriasis. I can't tell you the name of the tree, but from the fruit, nona juice is made. It is this elixir that cures everything that ails you. She had better get to picking the fruit from her trees!
     I understand a jar of the juice is on its way. If you see me strutting down the street, chest high and eyes forward instead of waddling across the street with my eyes on the ground so I don't trip over a crack in the pavement, you'll know I'm on the "good stuff." She says maybe she'll be a distributor and make her fortune that way. I offered to get it advertised on the Internet and be her middle-man. We can both get rich. Ya, right.
     Speaking of miracle drugs, did you hear on the news about the lawsuit against the makers of Viagra because some old guy died from a heart attack following his evening of checking the stuff out? Maybe that stuff should be packaged just like toys for children ..."suggested for men 40-75" or whatever. Then again, there is the common sense issue ......
     If you watch Jay Leno, you may have seen what happened to the draw bridges when he dumped a  gallon of Viagra tablets into the Hudson River. Impressed me! Talk about powerful!





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