Taylor's answering machine technique

Lyman County, South Dakota  Genealogy

Taylor's answering machine technique
03/23/2008 08:25 PM

     Answering machines, aren't they fun? Well, they can be, I have just learned. The other day we came back from wherever and the little red light was flashing to let us know someone had called. We pressed the button and this sad little "crying" voice was pleading with Nana to please help, big brother was being mean and "he hurt my arm and I don't know when my mother is coming home," wanny, wanny, wanny. This little diatribe went on for a couple, three minutes, then it stopped. Then this very serious, calm voice asked, "Did you get that?"  End of her conversation.
     We should have recorded that for her to listen to in 20 years when one of her children tries to get his/her own way by pleading through tears. I guess sometimes we do have to do what we have to do. This is Taylor's way.





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