The only spanking I ever got

The only spanking I ever got

10/12/03 12:02 PM


             Did you ever get a spanking? I did, once … from that big mean old Edwin Speck in 1956. He was on a roll, showing off in front of his relatives during a Thanksgiving get-together when he said he  was going to spank me and  I said he wouldn’t dare. Wrong choice of  words, but long story short, I got my spanking. I was not a very happy  camper. The way I remember it (when I was little) I never got  spankings, but I did get scolded. My poor little tender heart would have preferred the spankings.

           I also remember the time my sister Frances got her feelings hurt, or  got mad about something and decided to run away from home. I got  in the car with my dad to go find her. We started down the little dirt lane south of the farm that went past the cornfield. We didn’t have to go very far and the family dog came running out of the cornfield and  back in, then back out … well you get the picture. Frances never had a chance! 
