Lafferty's organ and Grandma's dog

Lafferty's electric organ and Grandma Stallman's dog

At first, I wasn't real excited about going out to interview people as part of my job at the  Register, I was content to sit at my desk and set type. I am always amazed at how much I enjoy  it once I get out there.

Sometimes I  drag Ed along with me if I think it will be interesting for him and to air him out, if for no other reason. (It has been a very closed-in winter, you know.) The Lafferty story in this issue (March 20, 1997) is the latest one and
I am so glad I took Ed when I went out.

We have always known my Uncle Lawrence Stallman lived north of Reliance.Period. Now I know where and the
stories were fun, but I don't know which part I will remember most about the afternoon; the all-around conversation or Arnold's music from his Lawrence Welk organ. (Arlyne didn't tell us she played, too!) It was wonderful!
He plays it every night. Wait ... I'm thinking ... I wonder if I just drive up the road a little and roll down the window,
if I can hear the music. I wonder if they put that barking dog up at night. I wonder if I should just call and ask for an appointment.

Talking about that dog ... he looks like a brother to the one that tried to eat a shoulder "ala Barbara" one summer out at Grandma Stallman's. I don't know what that dog got so danged mad about. Couldn't he take a joke? Just because he was tied up in the yard and all of us kids were throwing watermelon rinds at him. He cried and carried on about it so much Grandma finally came and put him in the porch so we couldn't "pick on him" anymore, the big

I must have been the first kid to get thirsty and where do you get a drink? Out of the bucket of water with the water dipper that is hanging in the porch. So I went in for a drink and the unforgiving dog was laying in wait for the first one of us kids who dared walk through the door.

Thank you, Grandma Stallman, for making him stop after the first bite!