Driving with frosted windows

Driving with frosted-over windshields and/or drunk drivers

10/12/03 11:54 AM

I heard the first "Beware of drunk drivers" commercial of the year the other day and we will be hearing many more of these as the holidays start rolling by. I agree it is much-needed advice, but you know what really scares me???

  Those people who are running late for school or work (and apparently believe they will be damned to eternity in hell if they are late) and refuse to take the two or three minutes it takes to scrape the frost from the windshield. you know who they are … they’re the ones with the softball-size "peek hole" in the windshield, both hands gripping the steering wheel and those two big eyes either peering up over the wheel or out the two-inch opening at the top of the side windows searching feverish for the driveway of their destination.

 Just such an occasion happened one morning last week as I was driving to work. I passed a vehicle at a stop sign and sure enough, there they were … those two eyeballs straining over the top of the one-inch opening on the passenger side. After I stopped laughing about the proof being in the pudding I just thanked God the driver had a working window to peek out of.

I think those who drive with windows frosted over should be ticketed. They are every bit as dangerous as drunk drivers (if not more because they are in a HURRY!!!) and we need to watch out for them. Well, maybe the frosty windows let us know to watch out for them whereas we can’t spot a drunk driver at a glance.