The night Taylor wanted to be the mommy

The night Taylor wanted to be the mommy

As I sat working at my table the other evening, my granddaughter Taylor, three years old, goes back
into the room where her mother was working on the computer and Taylor had toys scattered all over
the place. Taylor says to her mother, "How 'bout I be da mommy and you be da baby?" Her mother says,
"Okay," and the rest of the conversation went something like this.

Taylor starts- "Okay honey, it's time to get ready for bed."
"But mommy, (her mother says) I don't want to go to bed."
"No, honey, you need to pick up your toys so you can go to bed."
"But Mommy, I don't want to pick up my toys."
"No...c'mon honey, pick up your toys."
"But Mommy... I'm too tired, won't you help me pick up my toys?"
"Okay honey, but then you have to go to bed."
"Oh, thank you Mommy!"
Taylor proceeded to pick up the toys and put them away, then came back and said (to her mother), "Okay
Honey, we can go to bed now," and away they went!