When the mind gets boggled

Lyman County, South Dakota's Genealogy

When the mind gets "boggled"

The pressure is on. It is Tuesday night and I haven't taken time to think yet this week. Thursday is generally the day I set aside to think, but I must have been too busy, or maybe I just forgot. Kind of hard to tell the difference these
days.. This could prove to be interesting.
Generally, I attribute these new  problems of the mind with the recent usage of the miracle diet drug, fen-phen. I would like to believe that prior to the medication I was sharp witted and a quick thinker, with the philosophy that anyone can do anything he or she puts his or her mind to, but I seem to have lost that capability somewhere along the line. The doctor says not to worry, once I'm off the medication it will clear up.(1997)
I have always been a borderline dip, but I liked to think I covered it up with humor. When the kids were little and there were more of them than there was of me, the old mind was really stretched to the max on more than one occasion. You can probably relate to that!
The mind doesn't necessarily go wacko on its own. I think we kind of help it along sometimes without even knowing it. In my case, it's usually the same old story ... gotta lose a couple hundred pounds here, so get back
on whatever you can con the old doctor out of. Way back there in the 60s...yes, I can remember that far back ... I was put on a miracle drug and dropped to a skinny little thing within a year, and I stayed that way for four years until the FDA decided it was an amphetamine and my supply was shut off. They were very powerful and did
strange things to the mind, so once I was thin, I dropped to about three pills a week. It was only on the days I took the pills that I also smoked two packs of cigarettes a day (lighting up the first one only after the pill kicked in). The days with no pills, I didn't smoke
We came home to Reliance on vacation one summer and no one knew for sure which one of those Stallman girls I was, so they called me everyone but Barbara, because she was the fat one. My sister Frances was also home at the same time and we went over to the Methodist church to a quilt fair and to see old friends. As we crossed the street, this wonderful  old family friend came up to us and visited with as we walked to the church. At one point Frances got ahead of us and this sweet little lady whispered into my ear, "You know Frances, Barbara always did
look older than you." What a hoot! Poor thing never had a clue she was talking to the wrong sister.
When we were young (14 and 16) Frances and I both worked in Chamberlain. She at the Rainbow Cafe for Babe and Irene Cullen, and me at the Silver Leaf for Harvey and Virgie Soulek. We looked like twins and enjoyed the confusion we caused when a person we waited on in the morning would be waited on at noon by the look-alike in the cafe across the street. So, where is all of this going? I don't know. I just haven't figured out how to put an end to it, so I have to keep typing until it comes to me. This could be bad ...
Back to when I was on the amphetamines. It became a family joke to call me "dippy." It started with one of the family doing it, then a second, then all of them were doing it and it wasn't funny anymore. I was even starting to
believe it.
I think this is called brainwashing. When someone tells you the same thing over and over it eventually becomes acceptable (to you) and they begin the take over of your mind and you are no longer your own person. This is not
healthy for you or for the ones who love you. Always remember, you do have a mind of your own and if you don't continue to use it, you could lose it. It's a good thing I made them stop calling me "Dippy"! On the other hand, being dippy isn't really all that bad. I think it is just like selective hearing ... you get away with lots more that way. 
Told you this was going to be a bummer.

I'm putting these columns back online in 2003. The doctor was wrong about the mind ....................


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