BUFFALO County, South Dakota Genealogy

BUFFALO County South Dakota Genealogy

The Dakota Chief, May 6, 1913

Page 5, Col. 1


Phone us the news. No. 34

Court convenes here Tuesday

House cleaning is the order of the day.

Old papers a nickle a bunch at the Chief office.

Automobile batteries for sale at the Chief office.

Chris, Andison was down from Duncan today.

Nice rains last week, everybody is in a good humor.

W. A. Wooledge took in the sights at Kimball Saturday night.

Merril Gregg was down from the Derborn ranch last Thursday.

L. A. Hubbard sold a team of horses to G. W. Baird last week.

Mrs. A. H. Enger and daughter were down from Bailey Saturday.

Oates and Beelman are building a gerage north of E. C. Dyes residence.

J. Jorgenson and G. W. Frazer were Kimball visitors last Wednesday.

C. E. Sanders was up from Lyonville last Thursday in his new Buick Car.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Abernathy were over Sunday visitors at G. W. Frazers.

Dr. J. W. Clevenger, resident dentist Chamberlain. Office over E. E. Scott's drug store.

Several of the Gann Valleyites took in the wrestling match at Kimball Saturday night.

Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Trainer visited at Kimball with Mrs. Trainers parents over Sunday.

Fred J. Grace left for Mitchell today, he will bring dack a new Studebaker car for W. O. Crockett.

J. H. Krick was down from Duncan today. Mr. Krick has been under the weather the past week.

Chas. H. Kellogg has a adv. this week calling attention to his fine black Morgan stallion, Shoruk.

H. H. Hatheway left Saturday night for Mitchell where he will visit friends and relatives for a few days.

E. E. Dye up from Chamberlain yesterday, and is having his new barn painted, on his farm near town.

Mrs. C. E. Oates had the misfortune of getting her little finger broken in the cogs of a mashing machine yesterday.

W. B. Dyer and John Kennedy passed through town today on their way to Chamberlain having been at Woonsocket.

The Hartford Herald has again changed hands. The new man at the wheel is E. G. Miller, who is now in full charge.

Olive Marshall was the center opperator Saturday afternoon, while Mr. and Mrs. Trainer took in the sights at Kimball.

-Thursday, May 15th is the next wessington Springs date of Dr. Frudenfeld, the Madison eye, ear, nose and throat specialist.

As there has not been any fresh cases of small pox, we have decided to commence Sunday services at the Gann Valley Church. Everybody invited to attend. J. Priestly, Paster

Kimball is to have a modern electric light plant. A Company has been organized with a copital of $15,000.

Superintendent Elva Dye had a large class of seventh graders taking the examihation Thursday and Friday.

-Those who desire eye, ear, nose or throat consultation or who wish glasses exactly fitted, should see Dr. Frudenfeld, the Madision eye, ear, nose and throat specialist, who will be in Wessington Springs on Thursday, May 15th, one day only.

Decoration Day Sale on Monuments. Most complete stock in state. It will pay you to call on us before placing your order, ear fare refunded Mitchell Marble & Granite Co., S. W. Ballard, Prop. One block north of Corn Palace, Mitchell, S. D.

Judge Smith has issued a restraining order and arguments for an injunction will be heard May 10th, at Mitchell, for enjoining the County Commissioners of Brule county from going ahead with the contracting for and sinking of artesian wells on the banks of Red Lake.

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