Midlothian Surnames

Surname Exchange

Until recently, this site was using Surname Helper to index surnames that were being posted to the GenConnect at RootsWeb message board system.  In June, this system was merged into the Ancestry.com board network - leaving the surnames that we collected unlinked to their related  queries.  

If you would like to have your surnames added to this page, please send your surnames (last names only) along with a valid email address (and your name please) to [email protected].  Please put Midlothian Surnames in the subject line. Please allow 1 week for updating of the surname index.

Surname Being Researched Name of Researcher
Bartleman Eileen Parke ([email protected])
Cornwell Tom McNairney ([email protected])
Darling Tom McNairney ([email protected])
Hepburn Tom McNairney ([email protected])
Mitchell Carol Hepburn ([email protected])
Proudfoot Jane Morton ([email protected]
Stenhouse Tom McNairney ([email protected])
Sweeney (MacSweeney) Carol Hepburn ([email protected]
Watmore Tom McNairney ([email protected])


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