EXTRACTS FROM MINUTES OF SKIPNESS KIRK SESSIONS Contributed by Martyn Taylor Inspected at National Archives of Scotland (Ref CH2/632/1) Various dates from 3 November 2000 to 18 May 2001 A large proportion of these records - in the early and later years particularly - is given over to the Kirk accounts. These appear to start on 30 Nov 1783 and the sources of income and objects of expenditure are inevitably repetitive. Receipts are mainly "Collected" or "Collected at Clonag". Many of the payments are to poor residents of the parish. Some only of the receipts and payments have been extracted - I have however attempted to include all those referring to the names CURRIE, HILL, HYNDMAN, LUSK, TAYLOR, THOMSON (and their Gaelic equivalents, MacVURRY, MacINTAYLOUR, MacTAVISH, etc). The volume examined ends in 1833. Note that much of the handwriting is difficult to read - not least the dates - and errors in transcription are inevitable. A further problem has been reading my own handwriting - not at its best when done at speed! The fact that entries are not always in date order does not help; this may be the result of rebinding, rather than a feature of the original record. For easier reading, the more intrusive capital initial letters and minor errors of grammar and spelling have been eliminated. Surnames have been capitalised in full for easy recognition. To provide context, details of the successive ministers at Saddell & Skipness are inserted as boxed entries at the dates of their appointment. From Fasti Ecclesiae Scoticanae 1767 George McLEISH, licen. by Presb. of Dunblane 4 Aug 1761; pres. by John, Duke of Argyll; ord. 29 Jul 1767; died 13 Feb 1798 in consequence of a fall from his horse. He marr. (1) 30 Aug 1775 Ann HAMILTON, who died s.p. 11 Mar 1777; (2) Mar 1784 Grace or Grizel HAMILTON, who died at Helensburgh 6 Sep 1835, and had issue - Ann, born 17 May 1785; George, born 15 Dec 1786; Peter, born 26 Feb 1791, died 1811. Publication - Account of the Parish (Sinclair's Stat. Acc., xii). 12 Jan 1784 Paid The birth and mariage bond, [5s.1d?] Ditto Paid Lack of the mortcloth in paying the session clerk, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Bringing the poor's meal from Campbeltown, 12s.6d Ditto Paid The blind fool, McINVINE, 3s.0d 14 Mar 1784 Recd Duncan TAYLOUR, Treasurer, £3.9s.0d 26 Apr 1784 Paid McQUILKAN's wife's coffin, 5s.0d 10 May 1784 Paid Donald HEYNDMAN's step daughter, 2s.6d 23 May 1784 Paid Nails for the [share?] of the church, 9d 22 Aug 1784 Paid MacVURRY, Crossag, 5s.0d. Ditto Paid Kathrien TAYLOUR, Clonag, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Duncan THOMSON, Clonag, 5s.0d. 29 Nov 1784 Paid Donald HEYNDMAN, 5s.0d 30 Nov 1784 Recd Of John TAYLOUR's bill, £1.0.0d Dec 1784 Accounts approved by George MacLEISH, Moderator, Duncan TAYLOUR and one other. The Session having carefully reviewed their account of collection and disbursement since last stating which was on 7 Nov 1783 find that the parish funds are as follows, viz. in bills, Thirty one pounds Thirteen shillings and Six pence sterling & in cash Ten pounds, Five shill. Four pence halfpenny sterling. Dec 1784 Paid Given by the Session to the Treasurer as a consideration for his trouble and probity in his office, £11.8.5d 9 Feb 1785 Paid Donald [RID's son?] in Sunadil for his coffin, 5s.0d 8 Apr 1785 Paid John MacVURRY, Achichallin, £1.0s.0d 17 Apr 1785 Paid Kathrin TAYLOUR, Clonag, 5s.0d 19 Mar 1785 Paid John McVURRY, Achchillin, 10s.0d Ditto Paid MacDUGALD in the Cave, 5s.0d 23 Jul 1785 Paid Repairing the Church stile, 6s.0d 6 Nov 1785 Paid Coffin to MacGLASHAN, 5s.0d 25 Jun 1786 Paid Donald [RID's?] coffin, 5s.0d 23 Jul 1786 Paid Duncan MacILCHERE coffin, 5s.0d 26 Jan 1788 Paid Christian TAYLOUR, Clonag, 3s.0d 9 Mar 1788 Paid Barbara TAYLOUR, [Altagalvas], 3s.6d. 30 Mar 1788 Paid John MacVURRY, Crossag, 3s.2d 18 Apr 1788 Paid Barbra TAYLOUR, Altagalvas, 3s.4d 7 Jun 1788 Paid Christian TAYLOUR, Achranach, 2s.10d 1 Mar 1789 Paid Christian TAYLOUR, Clonag, 1s.10d 9 Mar 1789 Paid John MacVURRY, Crossag, £2.0.0d Ditto Paid Mary THOMSON, Crossag, 10s.0d 12 Jul 1789 Paid Barbara TAYLOUR and her daughter Margt LOSH, 5s.0d Ditto Paid John MacKINVIN's coffin at Garvarton, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Marget HILL, 2s.6d Ditto Paid Christian TAYLOUR, 2s.6d 29 Aug 1789 Paid Marget LOSH, 2s.0d 23 May 1790 Paid John McVURRY, 10s.0d 29 Aug 1790 The Session having this day taken under their consideration the state of their copper and the many complaints from the poor of its badness, resolved as they did once before to dispose of it to the highest bidder at [vendue?]. Accordingly it was sold at [...?] shill. with the deduction of one shill.[...?] as will appear from the debursements of this date. 29 Aug 1890 Mr Andrew TURNER, Treasurer, having represented that on account of his having served several years in the office and especially on account of his great distance from the church which considers it inconvenient both to the Session and to him to attend their meetings, he therefore craves to be relieved and another to be appointed in his place. The Session, finding his request reasonable, accepted of his resignation and appointed a discharge to be drawn out by the Clerk for all his intermissions and the thanks of the Session to be returned him for his trouble and faithfulness in discharge of said office, which was done by the Moderator instanter. The Session then proceeded to the election of a Treasurer, when Alexander WILSON was unanimously chosen to be Treasurer during their pleasure. 29 Aug 1790 Paid John McVURRY, 4s.3d Ditto Paid Margit HILL, 2s.6d Ditto Paid Barbara TAYLOUR, 2s.6d Ditto Paid Christian TAYLOUR, 2s.6d 5 Dec 1790 Paid William MacKINVIN's coffin, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Door for the rail, 3s.0d 13 Feb 1791 Paid Coffin to Duncan BELL, 5s.0d 6 Mar 1791 Paid Margit HILL in distress, 5s.0d 10 Apr 1791 Paid John MacVURRY, Crossag, 5s.0d. 23 Oct 1791 Paid Barbara TAYLOUR's coffin, 3s.10d Jan 1792 Paid Hinges for the elders seat, [blank] 29 Apr 1792 Paid Mary TAYLOUR, Skipness, 3s.0d 1 Jul 1792 Paid Quare of paper for the Session, 1s.0d 7 Oct 1792 Paid Schoolmaster and beadle at sacrament, 7s.6d Ditto Paid Beadle's wife, 2s.6d 24 Feb 1793 Paid Archd GRAHAM, a poor boy, 1s.0d 7 Apr 1793 Paid Hector MacVURRY, Skipness, 1s.0d 9 Sep 1793 Paid Three stamps [?], 1s9d. 9 Oct 1793 Paid Colld. to Gilbert TAYLOUR, Skipness, 3s.9d 2 Mar 1794 Paid A stranger's coffin, 5s.0d 30 Nov 1794 Paid Mary TAYLOUR, 2s.3d 31 Jan 1796 Paid Andrew MacKINVINE's wife's coffin, 5s.0d 20 Mar 1796 Paid Kathren MacMICHELL's coffin, 5s.0d 2 Jul 1797 Paid Coffin to Donald [...?]'s widow, 5s.0d 20 Jan 1798 That the bearer, Thomas BLACKSTOCK, Indweller in Crosaig who was guilty of the sin of fornication or adultery has submitted to all the con[...] of the Church, has now paid his legal fine and is absolved from Church con[...] 6 May 1798 Paid Collected [...?] coffin, 6s.6d Ditto Paid Marget MacQUILKAN coffin, 5s.6d Jun 1798 Paid Mending the lock, 1s.0d From Fasti Ecclesiae Scoticanae 1799 Dugald CRAUFORD, pres. by John, Duke of Argyll, Aug 1798; adm. 10 Apr 1799; offered to resign 23 Jul 1805 as owing to his age (53) he would soon be unable to travel eighteen miles one Sunday and eight the other, but Presb. declined to accept demission; trans. to Kilmorie 8 Mar 1815. 2 Jul 1799 Paid Malcom MacVURRY [Croin], 4s.0d Ditto Paid Two bottles of Whisky for refreshment, 3s.4d 12 Jan 1800. This day after divine service the new Elders [including Archd TAYLOR] were called up before the Congregation, their edicts being served on a former occasion and no complaints prejudicial to their character coming before the Session. The Minister therefore in the face of the Congregation proceeded to ordain the foresaid elders. The questions [...] to be asked were [...] and satisfactory answers being given, the Minister regularly admitted them. The Session agreed to have their names added to the list of Elders. 18 Jan 1800 They first took to consideration the present state of the Session funds since the last stating which was upon 7 Aug 1799, the present state of the poor. And accordingly dispersed as follows ... the present stock in the Box being £3.14.0d. 18 Jan 1800 Paid Hector CURRIE son, Crossag, 5s.0d. 26 Jan 1800 Paid Mary TAY [sic], Skipness, 2s.0d 5 Jul 1800 Paid Hector CURRY, Crossaig, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Mary TAYLOR, Skipness, 2s.6d Ditto Paid Coffin for Effie GRAHAM, 5s.0d 24 Oct 1800* Recd John TAYLOR's bill, principal and interest of the same date, deducting £2.0s.0d as last page , £4.4s.0d. Ditto* Recd Mr Colin GRAHAM and Arch. TAYLOR's bill for the sum as said last page stated, £20.0s.0d. Ditto* Recd Archd TAYLOR's fine and Duncan McILHERE's, the one 10s.6d and the other 7s.6d, 18s.0d. * Placed between entries for 1816 - probably a quirk of binding 19 Jan 1801 Paid Hector CURRY son, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Margaret CURRY, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Archd THOMSON, 3s.0d 15 Feb 1801 The state of the poor of the parish was considered and their [moiety?] to each given in proportion to their funds. Duncan McILHERE and Archd TAYLOR submitted willingly to the regulations of the Church. Agreed to pay their fine and were accordingly absolved and admitted again to enjoy Church privileges ... 13 Apr 1801 Paid Hector CURRY son, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Archd THOMSON, 2s.0d Jun 1801 Paid A poor soldier, 2s.8d Ditto Paid Doctor BROWN, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Dugald THOMSON for [soup?], 2s.6d Ditto Paid Archd THOMSON, 6d 7 Jul 1801 Paid Hector CURRY son, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Margaret CURRY, 5s.0d 6 Sep 1801 Paid A. TAYLOR to buy paper, 1s.6d Ditto Paid A boy that craved McFARLANE, 6d 1801* Paid Archd TAYLOR, expenses to Campbelton, 10s.6d. * See note above 7 Jan 1802 Paid Hector's son, 3s.0d Ditto Paid Margaret CURRY, 4s.0d Ditto Paid Archd THOMSON, Belman, 3s.0d 18 Jan 1802 Paid John THOMSON as paid by him to a stranger woman, 4s.0d 14 Mar 1802 Paid Peter McMILLAN for repairs wrought by Hendry WILSON, 13s.0d Mar 1802 Paid A poor man, a stranger, 1s.0d 4 Jul 1802 Recd From Jno TAYLOR in Skipness, £2.0s.0d 18 Jul 1802 Paid William HILL, 6s.0d 20 Sep 1802 Met and divided to the poor of the parish as follows: Hector CURRY son, 5s.0d Willm HILL, 6s.0d Margt CURRIE, 5s.0d Archd THOMSON, the Belman, 5s.0d 28 Nov 1802 Capt. Normand McALESTER from the East Indies has given of charity to the poor of this parish of Skipness £10.0s.0d. Such uncommon mark of liberality is intituled to the esteem of the whole parish. 17 Jan 1803 The Session disbursed to the poor &c: Hec. CURRIE, 5s.0d Willm HILL, 5s.0d Margt CURRIE, 4s.0d Archd THOMSON, 2s.0d 4 Mar 1803* Recd The above bill of Mr Colin GRAHAM and Archd TAYLOR was renewed this day and ten pounds [...] added to the old out of the box: the new bill is accepted by the foresaid Colin GRAHAM and Donald McKINVEN in Origaig, Sum is £30.0s.0d. * See note on Page 3 (where also the previous reference to this bill appears) 1 May 1803 Paid Archd TAYLOR per Jno THOMSON for the balance of his wages for being Session Clerk, 10s.0d 28 Jun 1803 Met in the Kirk and after examining the poor's money finds the stock on hand to be £2.8s.6d. 28 Jun 1803 Recd from Jno THOMSON, Elder, the balance of poor's money in his hands being 11s.0d. This was omitted to be marked above. 28 Jun 1803 Paid Hector CURRY son, 3s.0d Ditto Paid Wm HILL, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Margt CURRIE, 4s.0d 15 Aug 1803 Paid Hector CURRIE son, 4s.0d Ditto Paid Wm HILL, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Margt CURRY, 3s.0d Ditto Paid Archd THOMSON, 6s.0d Ditto Paid A private purpose, 2s.0d 2 Oct 1803 Paid David HYNDMAN, 6s.0d 16 Oct 1803 Dugald THOMSON was named publicly before the Congregation as a fit person to be appointed an Elder in this parish, his edict being duly served and no complaint whatever lodged against him, the Minister this day in the face of the Congregation proceeded to ordain the foresaid Dugald THOMSON. He was first interrogated concerning the soundness of his faith and after that he solemnly before the Congregation engaged to adhere and maintain the doctrine, discipline, worship and government of this Church, as became the office of an Elder, and by his admonition and example to suppress vice, cherish piety and exercise faithfully and diligently his talents to the glory of God, and to the improvement of himself and others. He and the people were exhorted to their respective duties, we gave him the right hand of fellowship and ordered his name to be recorded in the roll of Elders. 20 Nov 1803 Paid David HYNDMAN, 6s.0d 2 Jan 1804 Cash remaining in the box £ 2 8 6 Collected since 28 Jun till 2 Jan 1804 7 14 11 _ ---------------- 10 3 5 _ Debursed this day as per book till 2 Jan 1804 7 11 1 ---------------- Remaining in box £ 2 12 4 _ 27 May 1804 Dugald THOMSON, Session Clerk Collected 6s.5d [Subsequent collections are preceded by dittos, suggesting that Dugald THOMSON was responsible for all of them] 6 Jul 1804 Paid Hector CURRY son, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Margaret CURRY, 4s.0d Ditto Paid Elspy TAYLOR, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Coffin and nails to the [dead?] WILKIE, 5s.8d 6 Jul 1804* Recd John THOMSON in Auchmanach * See note on Page 3 8 Dec 1804 Recd Collected at Clonag for the Infirmary at Edinburgh, £2.13s.3d 9 Jan 1805 Paid Elspy TAYLOR, 4s.6d Ditto Paid Margaret CURRY, 3s.0d Ditto Paid Hector CURRY son, 3s.0d 18 Mar 1805 Paid Archd FULLARTON for the kirk windows, 12s.11d 14 Apr 1805 The Session at a former meeting had information that some members of this congregation had been guilty of great impropriety of conduct on the Lord's Day in the house of Mr McVICAR, innkeeper at Skipness. They reflected with regret that profanity in these times was become rather too fashionable, taking great strides, carrying the abuse of religion with the destruction of sound morals in its train. They were extremely sorry that any member of their congregation should so far lay aside the authority that God has over them and the concern of their immortal souls as to lay the Session under the disagreeable necessity of calling their unruly behaviour in question. They consider themselves bound by the constitution of the church, however disagreeable it may be to their feeling, to order the aggressors to be summoned before the Session to answer for their indecent behaviour, in the house of Mr McVICAR. This day our officer, Archibald THOMSON, according to his instruction, reports that he has summoned Donald McALESTER, Archibald THOMSON, Angus THOMSON and Lachlan THOMSON to appear before the Session with a view either to [consure] exculpate them as the Session would see cause to judge from an impartial review of their quarrel. They sent an apology to the session that it was [in?]convenient for them to attend this meeting but that agaist this day, fourteenth day, they would come forward with [perfect] submission. The Session agrered to sustain this apology. Mr Donald McVICAR and Mr Malcom McFARLAN, who were summoned to appear as evidence, have appeared at this meeting. The Session were of opinion that it was proper to examine them and, after being exhorted to glorify God by a candid declaration of the truth, Mr McFARLAN was asked what account he had to give them. He then proceeded to relate facts to the best of his recollection. His information was that Mr McVICAR came to him on Sunday morning and told him that some persons were in his house who seemed to be in bad blood and engaged in a disagreeable manner or squabble. He says at first he declined going with him, but upon Mr McVICAR's advertising that he himself was a stranger in the place and could not use the freedom that Mr McFARLAN might do who was perfectly acquainted with them. He then went along with him. He relates that upon his going in they were all standing on the floor wrangling, that they were all noisy and indecent making use of scurrilous language damning each other for and calling each other Sons of a Bitch. He further reports that on his reasoning with them on the impropriety of their conduct and of their disrespect of the Sabbath day that Donald McALESTER said he was quite willing to drop it for that he thought it was not a proper day for fighting but Angus THOMSON said or replied no time was better than the present time. Donald McALESTER answered him and told him if they would use violence with him he would think himself justifiable in taking his knife to defend himself. Mr McVICAR at that time went for Lachlan THOMSON who came along with him. [Informed] the evidence in upbraiding for their profane behaviour by which expostulation they at last listened to reason and parted, seemingly reconciled with each other. Mr McVICAR was interrogated what he had to say. He replied that the substance of his evidence was already recalled, that he had very little to say for a corroboration of what the other evidence had given before him. All he had further to add was [finally] this that he himself was in bed when they came to his house, that on hearing loud brawling in the adjacent room he was alarmed and made haste to the next room where he found them the situation before mentioned both by himself and the other evidence. The Session deferred the business till next meeting. [Later date] Donald McALESTER, Archibald THOMSON and Angus THOMSON were called to answer for their improper behaviour in the house of Mr McVICAR, Innkeeper at Skipness. They appeared before the Session where they submissively expressed their regret for the thoughtless part they acted in profaning the Lord's Day. Their frank confession, seeming repentance and repeated promises of decent behaviour for the future gave the Session grounds to hope that they would never again abuse the [lenity?] which they showed them. The Session unanimously agreed to dismiss with a Sessional rebuke. The Moderator over and above proposed that each of them should pay a shilling in charity to some distressed women in the parish of Skipness. The Moderator seriously exhorted to apply to the Throne of Grace for the abuse of the Lord's Day and for the pardon of all their sins, to an eye to the recompense of reward which awaiteth the godly in Christ Jesus in the work of Spirit and to be earnest in their application to God for his assistance that they might be enabled through his divine support henceforth to act wisely and soberly as become Christians. 28 Apr 1805 Paid Dugd THOMSON, 2s.0d [presumably in his capacity as Session Clerk] 17 Jul 1805 Paid Malcom CURRY, 4s.0d Ditto Paid Elspy TAYLOR, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Dugald THOMSON for keeping the Session books, 10s.0d Ditto Paid The Beadle for soap and private use, 1s.4_d 13 Sep 1805 Paid Archd THOMSON for the mortcloth, 5s.0d 16 Dec 1805 Paid Hector CURRY son, 7s.0d Ditto Paid Elizby TAYLOR, 5s.0d 20 Dec 1805 The Moderator observed that it would be improper for the Elders to countenance vagrant teachers either by their own presence or otherways encouraging others to do so. He wished he could say that these teachers had no other design in view than the interest of religion. He might be mistaken when he said that they seemed to him somewhat desirous of seducing the minds of the people from their own pastors and that by encouraging schisms and divisions wherever they can gain a footing, a practice contrary to order and to the true spirit of religion and prohibited very much by the Apostle Paul, the truth of which might be seen in his epistle to the Romans, chapter 16, 17 and 18 verses. "I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences, contrary to the doctrine which you have learned and avoid them. For they that are such serve not Our Lord Jesus Christ but their own belly and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple." It is a fact well known that those teachers work on the passions of the weak and credulous, in such a way with their [coarse] spun phrases as to make some of their hearers quite wild with fanaticism instead of [mending] their minds on morals. What do you think of the propriety of some who scruple not to say that they know how many have been saved in the Parish of Skipness for ten years past? I appeal to your own opinion of such characters. If you think as I do you will not hesitate to say that such daring presumption is a scandal to the name of a Christian. Therefore it is a duty incumbent upon you, agreeable to your vows before God and this congregation, to support the discipline and doctrine of our church as it is established by the constitution of our country. You are likeways by your office in duty bound to suppress and oppose every attempt calculated to destroy the peace of individuals and not to nourish animosity and ill nature among neighbours, for it is truly a spirit quite the reverse of that which accompanied the gospel of peace, instead of charity and love, and a desire to do good offices to one another, which are the great Christian virtues. It produces hatred and variance, evil surmise, rude words and rude behaviour. In a word it ranges the country into disunited parts and creates enmity even among relations. Therefore I trust in God that henceforth you will know your duty and exercise it. And may God enable us to do all things to his glory and our own happiness. Archibald TAYLOR, Elder John STEWART, Elder Colin GRAHAM, Elder Archibald MacARTHUR, Elder Duncan [GILCHRIST?], Elder Malcom [MacILMECHELL?], Elder John THOMSON, Elder James CAMPBELL, Elder Session closed with prayer. 2 Feb 1806 Paid Archibald THOMSON in payment for the mortcloth, 5s.6d 28 Apr 1806 Paid Alexander CURRY, 7s.0d 15 Jul 1806 Paid Elspy TAYLOR, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Malcom CURRY, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Alexander CURRY, 5s.0d 14 Jan 1807 Paid Bety TAYLOR, 6s.0d Ditto Paid Malcom CURRIE, 6s.0d Ditto Paid Alexander CURRIE, 6s.0d Ditto Paid Dugald THOMSON, Session Clerk, 10s.0d 10 May 1807 Paid Barbra TAYLOR, 3s.0d 28 Jun 1807 Paid Archibald THOMSON, 1s.7d 7 Jul 1807 Paid Bety TAYLOR, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Malcom CURRY, 10s.0d Ditto Paid Alexander CURRY, 8s.0d 23 Aug 1807 Paid Archibald THOMSON, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Neil McKINVIN for stamp, 2s.1d 17 Oct 1807* Recd Pegy HYNDMAN in Colfin, fine, 7s.0d * See note on Page 3 8 Nov 1807 Paid Gilbert McCALLUM for going to Campbeltown for the elements of the sacrament, 5s.0d 6 Dec 1807 Paid Margret MacKINVIN's coffin, 12s.0d 20 Dec 1807 Paid Ditto for expenses at the burial, 8s.0d 1808? A complaint was brought before the Session against Alexander TAYLOR in Colfin and Malcolm QUILKAN his father in law for the profanation of the Lord's Day on 8 November. Their conduct was so indecent as to give great offence to the [sober?] part of this congregation. The Session at [...] did thus order their Church Officers to have them [...] to appear this day before the Session & he reports that summons in a proper form were issued against them and John TAYLOR at Skipness as an evidence. We all know Church discipline is necessary to preserve her from corruption and to prevent the leaven of profaneness from spreading its pernicious effects. Scandal should be taken public note of when it is in its own nature gross and infectious and when accompanied with serious admonition to the contrary behaviour. By an Act of Assembly in the year 1705 Ministers were strongly charged to exert their almost endeavours to suppress gross profanity of the Lord's Day. By another Act of Assembly in the year 1708 it was seriously recommended to the Lords of Session to restrain and punish all such as profaned the Lord's Day and that the Assembly would acknowledge it as a regular service done to God and the Church. All Ministers were enformed to advertise their people among whom such practices prevailed of the great hazard of their immortal souls by such practice and that if they continued therein there would be a necessity to represent them as such transgressors to the Lords of the Land. James the 6th caused those who were guilty of profaning the Lord's Day to be taken into custody and not discharged, under the penalty of paying twenty shillings and if the offenders were not moved to pay they were to be put in the stocks or [joggs] till sufficiently punished. Malcom McQUILKAN and Alexander TAYLOR were called and appeared before the Session. They were asked if they had been guilty of profaning the Lord's Day. They fully confessed their guilt. Malcom McQUILKAN gave a strong proof of sincere repentance and contrition of heart. However the session judged proper to fine them twenty shillings in order to deter others from like practices. They were suitably exhorted by the Moderator to be careful of their conduct for the future. [1808] Paid Dugald THOMSON, 5s.0d 3 Dec 1808 Paid Alexander CURRY, 6s.0d Ditto Paid Malcom CURRY, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Bety TAYLOR, 4s.0d Ditto Paid Cirstian TAYLOR, 4s.0d 6 Mar 1809 Paid Bety TAYLOR, 3s.0d Ditto Paid Mary TAYLOR, 4s.0d Ditto Paid Cirstian TAYLOR, 3s.0d Ditto Paid Alexander CURRY, 4s.0d Ditto Paid Malcom CURRY, 4s.0d 14 Apr 1809 A complaint was laid before the session that Duncan McCALLUM, servant to Mr Colin GRAHAM Esquire, and Christian TAYLOR, wife to John McMILLAN there, were guilty of adultery. The [fama biblica clamata?] was so strong was unanimously of opinion the report was grounded upon facts. The church officer, having regularly given summons to the party concerned, as well as to the witnesses. However, the examination of the witness did not amount to a clear proof of the guilt. The session tried various ways and means with Duncan McCALLUM to make him acknowledge his guilt, but to no purpose. The Moderator after much altercation asked him if he was clear to give his oath that he had no connection with Chirstian TAYLOR, to which he replied in the affirmative. He was asked to raise his hand, which he did, but the Moderator refused to take his oath. He recommended to him to apply sincerely to God for counsel, and if he did so that [explanation of his ...?] might be naturally expected for that the session was duly [laid?] convinced he had been guilty of the crime laid to his charge. Later, same day John McMILLAN and his wife Christian TAYLOR made application to the session in order to administer the sacrament of Baptism to their child for John McMILLAN entertained no doubt but that the child had been his own. The session has every reason to believe that the child was procreated betwixt adulterers and on that account were resolved to proceed with caution in the business. The session was of the opinion that the only steps most feasible to come at the truth was to interrogate her if she was clear to give her oath. She was called in and after admonishing her to be ingenuous in her confession the danger and the nature of a false oath was fully explained to her and she was desired to raise her hand and to glorify God by telling the truth. But instead of complying with this proposal she requested permission to walk out with two of the Elders. There she made a free confession to them that her last child was the fruit of adultery and that Duncan McCALLUM was the father of her child. She and Duncan McCALLUM were confronted and after some harsh altercation he agreed to father the child. He appeared afterwards to be sensible of the heinous nature of the crime he had committed. Satisfied the church by undergoing a public rebuke before the congregation. John McMILLAN agreed to pay a small fine to the poor rather than that his wife should stand before the congregation and the whole business was settled in this way. 26 May 1809 Paid Mary TAYLOR, 6s.0d 7 Sep 1809 Paid The Beadle for washing the linen, 1s.1d 8 Sep 1809 Paid Mary TAYLOR, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Cirstian TAYLOR, 4s.0d Ditto Paid Malcom CURRY, 6s.0d 18 Sep 1809 Paid Mary TAYLOR, 6s.0d Ditto Paid Bety TAYLOR, 4s.0d 4 Nov 1809 Paid Dugald THOMSON, £1.1s.0d 26 Apr 1810 Paid Betsy TAYLOR, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Cristen TAYLOR, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Malcom CURRIE, 6s.0d [1810] The Session having examined their [...] and upon finding that they had it in their power to give necessary supplies, they proceeded to give them their quota according to their [exigency]. As the Session has been frequently pestered with turmoils of vague disputes, they unanimously resolved that for the future the sum of five shillings sterling shall be laid upon their table for the benefit of the poor, before the Session will attend to the complaint of any party or take the least concern in their business, in order to encourage unanimity and friendship and to prevent scandalous reports and litigious cases from gaining ground in this parish. They mutually agree to enact the foregoing [...] as rule for the future proceedings. 29 Nov 1810 Duncan McTAVISH at Skipness appeared before the Session of Skipness and made a free and full confession of his having been guilty of the sin of fornication with Chirstian FULARTON. He appeared to have a deep sense of his guilt and with outward signs of full repentance he paid his fine for the benefit of the poor and was then absolved from his crime and dismissed with a suitable admonition from the Moderator. 20 Dec 1810 Paid Betsy TAYLOR, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Chirstie TAYLOR, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Malcom CURRY, 6s.0d Ditto Paid Mary TAYLOR, 6s.0d Ditto Paid Chirstin TAYLOR's funeral, 8s.0d [But someone of this name is still receiving payments in later years] 30 Dec 1810 Alexander WILSON, Culentrach, appeared before the Session of Skipness. He acknowledged that he has been guilty of fornication with Margaret SPEIRS in the parish of Kilbride but he added to his confession that he had many reasons to suspect that she had been liberal of her favours to others as well as to himself and as that was the case he was desirous that her oath should be taken that he was the father of her child. He thought that was but a reasonable request and a matter of indulgence which did not appear to him improper. Should his wishes meet with this gratification that as soon as the child was born he would provide a nurse for the child or give herself a proper allowance for taking care of the child. Alexander WILSON paid his fine for the benefit of the poor. He promised through God's [graceness] obedience &c. for the future, more holy and circumspect, walking as becomes the gospel. Therefore he was absolved for his crime and dismissed by a suitable exhortation from the Moderator. 17 Feb 1811 Paid John TAYLOR, 6s.0d Ditto Paid Archibald THOMSON, Beadle, 5s.0d 3 Mar 1811 Paid Archibald THOMSON, Beadle, 2s.0d [14] Apr 1811 Paid Mary TAYLOR, 5s.0d 28 Jun 1811 Paid Betsy TAYLOR, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Malcom CURY, 6s.0d Ditto Paid Chirstin TAYLOR, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Mary TAYLOR, 6s.0d 26 Aug 1811 Paid Putting in the [tent?], 2s.0d 3 Oct 1811 Jean McCALLUM, formerly a servant to John McALESTER Esq. of [Cour?] Shee ... confessed that she was with child. She said that John CAMPBELL, Boatman in Sunadall, had seduced her under the promise of marriage and that he was the father of her child. ... John CAMPBELL, Boatman in Sunadall ... acknowledged that he had criminal correspondance with Jean McCALLUM and that he would father her child ... He denied his having attempted to deceive her under a promise of marriage. 14 Oct 1811 Paid Mary TAYLOR, Kilpatrick, 6s.0d 4 Nov 1811 Paid Betsy TAYLOR, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Christie TAYLOR, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Malcom CURRY, 6s.0d Ditto Paid Mary TAYLOR, 6s.0d Ditto Paid Archibald THOMSON, Beadle, 5s.0d 19 Jan 1812 Paid Archibald THOMSON, Beadle, 5s.0d 5 Apr 1912 Paid Mr [FULLERTON?] for preparing church, 16s.10d 15 May 1812 Paid Malcom CURY, 6s.0d Ditto Paid Betsie TAYLOR, 5s.0d Ditto Paid John TAYLOR, 6s.0d Ditto Paid Chirstin TAYLOR, 4s.0d Ditto Paid Mary TAYLOR, 6s.0d 14 Aug 1812 Paid Malcom CURY, 4s.0d Ditto Paid Betsie TAYLOR, 4s.0d Ditto Paid Mary TAYLOR, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Cirstin TAYLOR, 4s.0d Ditto Paid John TAYLOR, 4s.0d 13 Sep 1812 Marion McCONACY, Garvechroit ... declared that she had no father to her child but Robert STEWART, son of Dugald STEWART, Barmollach. It was maliciously reported that Alexander REID, Garvechroit, had criminal correspondance with Marion McCONACHY. He appeared before the session and offered his oath. The session, being satisfied that he was altogether free from the calumny with which he was charged, they of course declared him free from the alleged dcandal. 6 Dec 1812 Paid Archibald THOMSON, Beadle, 5s.0d 8 Jan 1813 Paid Malcom CURY, 7s.0d Ditto Paid Betsie TAYLOR, 6s.0d Ditto Paid Mary TAYLOR, 7s.0d Ditto Paid Cirstin TAYLOR, 5s.0d Ditto Paid John TAYLOR, 8s.0d 10 Feb 1813 Paid Neill McKINVIN for presenting and keeping the session book for [martinmas?] 1811 to [martinmas?] 1812, £3.0s.0d 7 Mar 1813 Paid Archibald THOMSON, Beadle, 6s.0d 28 Mar 1813 Paid Archibald TAYLOR [orphan?], 10s.0d 9 May 1813 Paid Frame of table and piece of glass, 10s.8d 16 Aug 1813 Paid Malcom CURY, 7s.0d Ditto Paid Betsie TAYLOR, 6s.0d Ditto Paid Mary TAYLOR, 6s.0d Ditto Paid Cirstie TAYLOR, 5s.0d Ditto Paid John TAYLOR, 8s.0d Ditto Paid Barbra TAYLOR, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Flora CURY, 6s.0d Ditto Paid Soap to wash the table cloth, 1s.3d 19 Sep 1813 Paid Mary TAYLOR, Dunglass, 7s.0d 1 Feb 1814 Paid Malcom CURY, 10s.0d Ditto Paid Chirstin TAYLOR, 5s.0d Ditto Paid John TAYLOR, 7s.0d Ditto Paid Barbra TAYLOR, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Flora CURY, 7s.0d Ditto Paid [Widow?] THOMSON, £1.0s.0d Ditto Paid Archd THOMSON, Beadle, 5s.0d 3 Apr 1814 Paid Betsy TAYLOR, Portacro, 4s.6d 8 Jul 1814 Paid Christian TAYLOR, 5s.0d Ditto Paid John TAYLOR, 9s.0d Ditto Paid Barbra TAYLOR, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Flora CURRIE, 6s.0d Ditto Paid Elespie TAYLOR, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Archibald THOMSON, Beadle, 6s.0d 28 Aug 1814 Paid Archibald THOMSON, Beadle, 7s.0d 1 Dec 1814 Paid Catrin McCALLUM's coffin, 10s.0d 1815 Paid Archibald THOMSON, Beadle, 5s.0d 6 Jan 1815 Paid Chirstin TAYLOR, 5s.0d Ditto Paid John TAYLOR, 9s.0d Ditto Paid Barbra TAYLOR, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Florance CURRIE, 6s.0d Ditto Paid Elespie TAYLOR [Sum left blank; hence no doubt the entry on 22 Jan 1815] Ditto Paid Archibald THOMSON, Beadle, 5s.0d 22 Jan 1815 Paid Elespy TAYLOR, 5s.0d 26 Jan 1815 Paid Archibald THOMSON, Beadle, 12s.2d 9 Feb 1815 Recd By the price of a [wedder?], 15s.0d From Fasti Ecclesiae Scoticanae 1815 Hugh M'LAURIN, eldest son of Duncan M., Balquhidder; educated at Univ. of Glasgow; licen. by Presb. of Dunblane 25 Jul 1800; ord. missionary at Tarbert 30 Aug 1808; pres. by Commissioner for George William, Duke of Argyll, Apr and adm. 27 Sep 1815; died 29 Sep 1826. He marr. 22 Nov 1824 Janet MacLAREN, Balquhidder, who died 14 Jul 1885, and had issue - Duncan, born 26 Nov 1825. 2 Oct 1815 Paid Mary TAYLOR, Kilpatrick, 2s.0d 7 Oct 1815 Recd Interest from Mr Colin GRAHAM of his bill of £28, being from 6 Jan last to 6 Oct current, £1.1s.0d Ditto Recd Also from him part of the principal, leaving balance due £26 Stg, £2.0s.0d Ditto Recd Cash for mortcloth from 8 Jul 1814 to 7 Oct 1815, £1.12s.0d 15 Oct 1815 Paid Cash given to widows and orphans of those who fell at Waterloo, £5.2s.0d Ditto Paid Chirstin TAYLOR, 5s.0d Ditto Paid John TAYLOR, 7s.0d Ditto Paid Barbra TAYLOR, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Archibald THOMSON, Beadle, 7s.0d Ditto Paid Flora CURRIE, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Elspie TAYLOR, 5s.0d 24 Dec 1815 Recd Malcom THOMSON nd Mary [LUSK?], fine, 10s.0d 7 Jan 1816 Paid Archd THOMSON, Beadle, 7s.0d 24 Jan 1816 Recd Of the repairs laid out formerly on the church from the poor's funds - from the heritors, £2.2s.0d. [In other words, it would appear, they raided the poor box to pay for repairs and then made a levy on the heritors to replenish it.] Ditto Paid Chirstian TAYLOR, 4s.0d Ditto Paid John TAYLOR, 7s.0d Ditto Paid Barbara TAYLOR, 4s.0d Ditto Paid Archd THOMSON, Beadle, 4s.0d Ditto Paid Elis'th TAYLOR, 4s.0d 24 Jun 1816 Paid Barbara TAYLOR, North Colfin, 4s.0d Ditto Paid Archibald THOMSON, South Colfin, 7s.0d Ditto Paid Flora CURRIE, Cregan, 4s.0d Ditto Paid Elespie TAYLOR, Portcro, 4s.0d Ditto Paid Chirstin TAYLOR, South Colfin, 4s.0d Ditto Paid John TAYLOR, South Colfin, 7s.0d 18 Aug 1816 Recd From Mr McALASTER, [Curr?] as a fine for woodcutting to be given to the poor of this parish, £3.3s.0d Ditto Paid William COOK for a table and pane glass for the church, 7s.0d Ditto Paid John TAYLOR, Skipness, 9s.0d Ditto Paid Archibald THOMSON, Beadle, 9s.0d Ditto Paid Flora CURRIE, Cregan, 9s.0d 8 Sep 1816 Paid Barbra TAYLOR, North Colfin, 4s.0d Ditto Paid Archibald THOMSON, Beadle, 7s.0d Ditto Paid Flora CURRIE, Cregan, 4s.0d Ditto Paid Elespie TAYLOR, Portcro, 4s.0d Ditto Paid Chirstin TAYLOR, South Colfin, 4s.0d Ditto Paid John TAYLOR, South Colfin, 7s.0d Ditto Paid Margarat LUSK, Sunadal, 4s.0d 13 Oct 1816 Recd Given by Mrs McALASTER, [Curr?], £1.1s.0d Feb 1817 Paid Price of a coffin, John TAYLOR, 8s.0d 16 Mar 1817 Paid Archibald THOMSON's funeral expenses, £1.3s.0d 30 Mar 1817 Paid Exchanging seventeen shillings of silver, cost of old coin for new, 1s.6d 8 May 1817 Paid Barbara TAYLOR, North Colfin, 6s.0d Ditto Paid Flora CURRIE, Cregan, 7s.0d Ditto Paid Elis. TAYLOR, Portchro, 7s.0d Ditto Paid Chirsty TAYLOR, So. Colfin, 8s.0d Ditto Paid Margt LUSK, Sunadal, 7s.0d 17 Aug 1817 Paid Five years synod's clerk's fees at three shillings per year, 15s.0d 24 Nov 1817 Recd A fine from Malcom CURRIE, Monibacach, £1.1s.0d Ditto Recd Price of a strayed sheep from Archd WALLACE in Garskippail, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Barbra TAYLOR, North Colfin, 6s.0d Ditto Paid Flora CURRIE, Cregan, 6s.0d Ditto Paid Elespie TAYLOR, Portcro, 6s.0d Ditto Paid Chirstie TAYLOR, South Colfin, 6s.0d Ditto Paid Margarat LUSK, North Colfin, 6s.0d Ditto Paid Effie HYMAN, South Colfin, 6s.0d 10 May 1818 Paid Funeral expenses, Elespy TAYLOR, £1.2s.0d 2 Jun 1818 Paid Barbra TAYLOR, North Colfin, 4s.0d Ditto Paid Flora CURRIE, Cregan, 6s.0d Ditto Paid Chirstin TAYLOR, South Colfin, 6s.0d Ditto Paid Margarat LUSK, Skipness, 6s.0d Ditto Paid Effie HYMAN, South Colfin, 6s.0d 25 Jul 1818 Paid Barbra TAYLOR, North Colfin, 3s.0d Ditto Paid Flora CURRIE, Cregan, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Chirstin TAYLOR, South Colfin, 4s.0d Ditto Paid Margarat LUSK, Skipness, 4s.0d Ditto Paid Effie HYMAN, South Colfin, 4s.0d 13 Sep 1818 Paid Mary TAYLOR, Kilpatrick, [8s.0d] Jan 1819 Paid Archibald TAYLOR, South Colfin, 5s.0d [8] Feb 1819 Paid Archibald TAYLOR, South Colfin, 10s.0d 18 Feb 1819 Paid Barbra TAYLOR, North Colfin, 4s.0d Ditto Paid Flora CURRIE, Cregan, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Chirstin TAYLOR, South Colfin, 8s.0d Ditto Paid Margarat LUSK, Skipness, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Effie HYMAN, South Colfin, 6s.0d 28 Mar 1819 Paid Archibald TAYLOR's coffin, 15s.0d 6 Sep 1819 Paid Barbra TAYLOR, North Colfin, 4s.0d Ditto Paid Flora CURRIE, Cregan, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Chirstin TAYLOR, South Colfin, 8s.0d Ditto Paid Margarat LUSK, Skipness, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Effie HYMAN, South Colfin, 6s.0d 8 Jan 1820 Recd A fine for woodcutting in Crossag, £1.0s.0d Ditto Paid Barbra TAYLOR, North Colfin, 4s.0d Ditto Paid Chirstin TAYLOR, South Colfin, 7s.0d Ditto Paid Flora CURRIE, Cregan, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Margarat LUSK, Skipness, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Effie HYMAN, South Colfin, 6s.0d 30 Jan 1820 Paid Mary TAYLOR, No. Colfin, 4s.0d 12 Mar 1820 Paid Chirstin TAYLOR, Skipness, 4s.0d 26 Mar 1820 Paid Mary TAYLOR, Skipness, 3s.0d 28 Apr 1820 Paid Barbra TAYLOR, North Colfin, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Chirstin TAYLOR, South Colfin, 7s.0d Ditto Paid Flora CURRIE, Cregan, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Margarat LUSK, Skipness, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Effie HYMAN, South Colfin, 6s.0d Ditto Paid Mary TAYLOR, North Colfin, 6s.0d 5 Aug 1820 Paid Barbra TAYLOR, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Chirstie TAYLOR, 7s.0d Ditto Paid Flora CURRIE, 7s.0d Ditto Paid Margrat LUSK, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Effie HYMAN, 6s.0d Ditto Paid Mary TAYLOR, North Colfin, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Soap and [pins] at the sacrament, 1s.1d 20 Nov 1820 Paid Mary TAYLOR, North Colfin, 3s.0d 10 Jan 1821 Recd Cash for two wandered sheep, £1.0s.0d Ditto Paid Barbra TAYLOR, North Colfin, 3s.0d Ditto Paid Chirstie TAYLOR, Skipness, 6s.0d Ditto Paid Flora CURRIE, Cregan, 6s.0d Ditto Paid Margarat LUSK, Portachro, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Effie HYMAN, South Colfin, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Mary TAYLOR, North Colfin, 5s.0d 6 May 1821 Paid Chirstin TAYLOR, Skipness, 5s.0d 6 May 1821 Note: This entry appears among entries for 1812 and may have been misdated. However the writing is very clear and it is in a different hand. It may therefore have been inserted on the date stated, but out of sequence. Compeared Archd McQUILKAN and John REID, both in Crossaig, parish of Skipness. Said Archd McQUILKAN, complainer, alleged that the said John REID defamed the character of his daughter, Jean McQUILKAN, an unmarried woman. And Neil McNISH, Crossaig, being called as a witness, declared that on this day four weeks in Dugald THOMSON's house, in Crossaig in presence of the witness and the said Dugald THOMSON, the said John REID used language to the following purport, viz: After mentioning to the witness that he had received very insulting language from the aforesaid Archd McQUILKAN the preceding day and that he had never received such a scold from any other person, concluded by saying that he had much reason to be obliged to the aforesaid Archd McQUILKAN for keeping a prostitute for him for a long time, and upon which witness told him that he was very foolish for using such language, for if the girl happened to be with child she might be fathering it upon him, whether it would be his or not, upon which REID answered that he was not the least afraid as his time had passed long ago, and the witness says that he is able to give his oath when called upon that this is all he heard said REID speak upon the subject. Witness cannot say that REID mentioned whom he meant to be the prostitute aforesaid, whether one of McQUILKAN's daughters or any other person, but that in witness's own mind he thought that REID meant McQUILKAN's daughter, Jean. John REID aforesaid appeared and, being examined and interrogated, confessed that at the time and place aforesaid he had used the language as declared by the foregoing witness, Neill McNISH, that he does not recollect mentioning any woman's name more than another on that occasion, but being urged by the session to mention whom he meant to be the person whom the said Archd McQUILKAN kept for him as a prostitute, he confessed that she was McQUILKAN's daughter, Jean. Upon which confession of REID's the session unanimously resolved that he should stand to be publicly reprimanded before the congregation ... 18 Jun 1821 Paid Barbra TAYLOR, North Colfin, 3s.0d Ditto Paid Flora CURRIE, Cregan, 6s.0d Ditto Paid Margarat LUSK, Portcro, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Effie HYMAN, South Colfin, 5s.0d Ditto Paid James HILL, North Colfin, 4s.0d Ditto Paid Mary THOMSON, Crosaig, 3s.0d 26 Aug 1821 Paid Four years fees to the Presbytery Clerk preceding Aug 1820, £1.0s.0d 19 Feb 1822 Paid Margrat LUSK, 9s.0d Ditto Paid Barbra TAYLOR, 5s.0d Ditto Paid James HILL, 6s.0d Ditto Paid Effy HYNDMAN, 7s.0d Ditto Paid Floria CURRIE, 7s.0d 9 Oct 1822 Paid Sweeping the church, 2s.0d [evidently in preparation for the following ordination!] From Fasti Ecclesiare Scoticanae 1822 John MacFARLAN, born 24 Mar 1794 [not 1792 as in vol. iii, 326]; ord. (assistant and successor) 9 Oct 1822; trans. to Arrochar 20 Mar 1844. 9 Oct 1822 Paid Margarat LUSK, Achuline, 6s.0d Ditto Paid Barbra TAYLOR, North Colfin, 3s.0d Ditto Paid James HILL, North Colfin, 4s.0d Ditto Paid Effie HYMAN, South Colfin, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Flora CURRIE, South Colfin, 5s.0d Ditto Paid John TAYLOR, North Colfin, 6s.0d Ditto Paid Flora THOMSON, South Cregan, 4s.0d 6 Jan 1823 Recd Fine from John THOMSON, 10s.6d Ditto Paid Margarat LUSK, Achulun, 4s.0d Ditto Paid Barbra TAYLOR, North Colfin, [blank] Ditto Paid James HILL, North Colfin, [blank] Ditto Paid Effie HYMAN, South Colfin, 3s.0d Ditto Paid Flora CURRIE, Cregan, 4s.0d Ditto Paid Flora THOMSON, South Cregan, [blank] 31 May 1823 Paid Barbra TAYLOR, North Colfin, [blank] 3 Feb 1823 Paid Margrat LUSK's coffin, 6s.0d Ditto Paid Effie HYMAN, South Colfin, [blank] Ditto Paid Flora CURRIE, Cregan, [blank] Ditto Paid Flora THOMSON, South Cregan, [blank] 5 Jul 1823 Paid Archd TAYLOR, Achandunan, 4s.0d 27 Aug 1823 Paid A minute book for the Session, 3s.6d 29 Sep 1823 Paid James HILL, North Colfin, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Effie HYMAN, South Colfin, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Flora CURRIE, Cregan, 8s.0d Ditto Paid John THOMSON, Cregan, 4s.0d Ditto Paid Mary THOMSON, Crosaig, 6s.0d Ditto Paid Barbra TAYLOR's coffin, 10s.6d 23 Jan 1824 Paid James HILL, North Colfin, 3s.0d Ditto Paid Effie HYMAN, South Colfin, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Flora CURRIE, Cregan, 8s.0d Ditto Paid Ellin TAYLOR, Skipness, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Mary THOMSON, Crosaig, 2s.6d 17 May 1824 Paid A bad shilling of the money, 1s.0d Ditto Paid Flora CURRIE's coffin, 10s.6d [Crossed out] Ditto Paid James HILL, North Colfin, 4s.0d Ditto Paid Effie HYMAN, South Colfin, 6s.0d Ditto Paid Mary THOMSON, Crosaig, 3s.0d 2 Jul 1824 Paid James HILL, North Colfin, 6s.0d Ditto Paid Effie HYMAN, South Colfin, 6s.0d Ditto Paid Mary THOMSON, Crosaig, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Malcom TAYLOR, Clonaig, 6s.0d Ditto Paid Flora THOMSON, Cregan, 6s.0d Ditto Paid Soap and thread, 3s.0d 20 Sep 1824 Paid James HILL, North Colfin, 6s.0d Ditto Paid Effie HYMAN, South Colfin, 6s.0d Ditto Paid Mary THOMSON, Crosaig, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Malcom TAYLOR, Clonaig, 6s.0d Ditto Paid Flora THOMSON, Cregan, 3s.0d Ditto Paid Pulpit bible and psalm book, £2.10s.0d 26 Dec 1824 Paid James HILL, North Colfin, 3s.0d Ditto Paid Malcom TAYLOR, Clonaig, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Mary THOMSON, Crosaig, 2s.0d Ditto Paid Effie HYMAN, South Colfin, 3s.0d Ditto Paid John TAYLOR, North Colfin, 4s.0d 2 May 1825 Paid James HILL, North Colfin, 2s.0d Ditto Paid John TAYLOR, North Colfin, 2s.0d Ditto Paid Effie HYMAN, South Colfin, 4s.0d Ditto Paid Malcom TAYLOR, Clonaig, 4s.0d Ditto Paid Mary THOMSON, Crosaig, 3s.0d Ditto Paid Ellin TAYLOR, North Colfin, 5s.0d 2 May 1825 Paid James Hill, North Colfin, 3s.0d Ditto Paid John TAYLOR, North Colfin, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Effie HYMAN, South Colfin, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Malcom TAYLOR, Clonaig, 4s.0d Ditto Paid Mary THOMSON, Crosaig, 3s.0d 7 Aug 1825 Recd Collected for the Infirmary at Glasgow, £5.16s.9d 5 Nov 1825 Paid [Quire] of paper, 1s.2d 29 Nov 1825 Paid James HILL, North Colfin, 3s.0d Ditto Paid John TAYLOR, North Colfin, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Effie HYMAN, South Colfin, 4s.0d Ditto Paid Malcom TAYLOR, Clonaig, 4s.0d Ditto Paid Mary THOMSON, Crosaig, 3s.0d 25 Dec 1825 Paid John TAYLOR, Colfin, 5s.0d 15 May 1826 Paid Gilbart CURIE's coffin, 10s.0d Ditto Paid Archibald THOMSON's coffin, 10s.0d Ditto Paid James HILL, North Colfin Ditto Paid Effie HYMAN, South Colfin, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Mary THOMSON, Crosaig, 3s.0d 29 Jun 1826 Recd Collected on the fast day, 13s.0d 1 Jul 1826 Recd Collected on Saturday, 5s.0d 2 Jul 1826 Recd Collected on the Sacrament, £5.1s.6d 31 Oct 1826 Paid James HILL, North Colfin, 3s.0d Ditto Paid Effie HYMAN, South Colfin, 4s.0d Ditto Paid Malcom TAYLOR, Clonaig, 8s.0d Ditto Paid Mary THOMSON, Crosaig, 4s.0d 31 Dec 1826 Paid Malcom TAYLOR, Clonaig, 2s.0d 20 Jan 1827 Paid Malcom TAYLOR, Clonaig, 3s.8d 25 Mar 1827 Paid William COOK for four coffins [amount not noted] 22 Apr 1827 Recd Fine from John THOMSON, Ashminach, £1.0s.0d 4 Jun 1827 Paid James HILL, South Colfin, 4s.0d 10 Jul 1827 Paid James HILL, North Colfin, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Effie HYMAN, South Colfin, 6s.0d Ditto Paid Widow TAYLOR, Culentrach, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Mary THOMSON, Crosaig, 4s.0d 22 Jul 1827 Paid Flora THOMSON, South Cregan, 5s.0d 20 Aug 1827 Paid James HILL, North Colfin, coffin, 10s.0d 20 Sep 1827 Paid Effie HYMAN, South Colfin, 7s.0d Ditto Paid Widow TAYLOR, Culentrach, 6s.0d Ditto Paid Mary THOMSON, Crosaig, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Flora THOMSON, South Cregan, 4s.0d 13 Feb 1828 Paid Dugal McFARLAN for a peck of meal, 1s.3d Ditto Paid Effie HYMAN, South Colfin, 6s.0d Ditto Paid Mary THOMSON, Crosaig, 4s.0d Ditto Paid Flora THOMSON, South Cregan, 3s.0d 23 Jun 1828 Paid Effie HYMAN, South Colfin, 6s.0d Ditto Paid Mary THOMSON, Crosaig, 4s.0d Ditto Paid Flora THOMSON, South Cregan, 4s.0d Ditto Paid Mary CURRIE, Crosaig, 8s.0d [crossed out] Ditto Paid Archibald THOMSON [Lagangea], 8s.0d [crossed out] 7 Jul 1828 Paid The nursing of Duncan McPHEAL, £1.1s.0d 20 Jul 1828 Paid A [muchkin?] of [wine?] for Donal TAYLOR, 2s.3d 17 Aug 1828 Paid The Gigha [...] £1.1s.0d 7 Sep 1828 Paid Mary HYMAN, South Colfin, 5s.0d [crossed out] 6 Nov 1828 Paid Effie HYMAN, South Colfin, 8s.0d Ditto Paid Mary THOMSON, Crosaig, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Flora THOMSON, South Cregan, 6s.0d 7 Dec 1828 Paid Mary HYMAN, South Colfin, 5s.0d 6 Apr 1829 Paid Effie HYMAN, South Colfin, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Mary THOMSON, Crosaig, 3s.0d Ditto Paid Malcom TAYLOR, Monibakach, 8s.0d Ditto Paid Mary HYMAN, South Colfin, 5s.0d 17 May 1829 Paid Received from Mr McFARLAN for nursing Duncan McPHAIL's child, £2.2s.0d 30 May 1829 Paid Malcom TAYLOR, Monibakach, 2s.6d 29 Jun 1829 Paid Neil McKINVIN, for going to Tarbert, 2s.6d 4 Oct 1829 Paid Neil THOMSON, Crosaig, 2s.6d 12 Oct 1829 Recd From General CAMPBELL, £1.1s.0d Ditto Paid Effie HYMAN, South Colfin, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Mary THOMSON, Crosaig, 4s.0d Ditto Paid Margaret McFARLAN, Rothesay, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Flora THOMSON, Cregan, 4s.0d Ditto Paid Neil THOMSON, Crosaig, 8s.0d 11 Apr 1830 Recd As bank's interest, £1.1s.0d 12 Apr 1830 Paid Effie HYMAN, South Colfin, 6s.0d Ditto Paid Mary THOMSON, Spersaig, 4s.0d Ditto Paid Flora THOMSON, Cregan, 4s.0d 7 Jul 1830 Paid Flora LEITH, Bridge of Weir, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Mary HYMAN, 2s.6d Ditto Paid Flora THOMSON, Cregan, 6s.0d 26 Jul 1830 Paid Effie HYMAN, South Colfin, 6s.0d Ditto Paid Mary THOMSON, Spersaig, 3s.0d Ditto Paid Flora THOMSON, South Cregan, 6s.0d Ditto Paid Mary HYMAN, South Colfin, 5s.0d Ditto Paid John TAYLOR, Bridgen, 5s.0d 26 Sep 1830 Paid Duncan TAYLOR, Monibakach, 3s.0d 15 Nov 1830 Paid Effie HYMAN, South Colfin, 6s.0d Ditto Paid Mary THOMSON, Spersaig, 3s.0d Ditto Paid Flora THOMSON, South Cregan, 7s.0d Ditto Paid Mary HYMAN, South Colfin, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Duncan THOMSON, South Cregan, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Peter THOMSON, Origaig, 3s.0d Ditto Paid Duncan TAYLOR, Monibakach, 5s.0d 19 Dec 1830 Paid Duncan TAYLOR, Monibakach, 3s.0d 20 Dec 1830 Paid Effie HYMAN, South Colfin, 3s.2d 28 Mar 1831 Recd Drawn from bill payed in February 1828 by C. Graham, £7.10s.0d Ditto Paid Effie HYMAN, South Colfin, 6s.0d Ditto Paid Mary THOMSON, Spersaig, 3s.0d Ditto Paid Flora THOMSON, South Cregan, 7s.0d Ditto Paid Mary HYMAN, South Colfin, 5s.0d Ditto Paid John TAYLOR, Bridgen, 6s.0d Ditto Paid Peter THOMSON, Oragaig, 3s.0d Ditto Paid Effie TAYLOR, North Colfin, 5s.0d Ditto Paid McPHAIL's child, £3.10s.0d 17 Jul 1831 Recd From the Board of Skipness, £3.0s.0d Ditto Recd Stonefield, £1.0s.0d Ditto Recd Mr Keith McALASTER of Barr, £1.0s.0d 18 Jul 1831 Paid Meal to the poor, £2.12s.6d Ditto Paid Effie HYMAN, South Colfin, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Mary THOMSON, Spersaig, 2s.0d Ditto Paid Flora THOMSON, South Cregan, 2s.0d Ditto Paid Mary HYMAN, South Colfin, 1s.6d Ditto Paid John TAYLOR, Bridgen, 4s.0d Ditto Paid Peter THOMSON, Origaig, 3s.0d Ditto Paid Effie TAYLOR, North Colfin, 1s.6d 27 Nov 1831 Recd Bank [acceptance?] £3.3s.0d 28 Nov 1831 Paid Effie HYMAN, South Colfin, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Mary THOMSON, Spersaig, 3s.0d Ditto Paid Flora THOMSON, South Cregan, 3s.0d Ditto Paid Mary HYMAN, South Colfin, 3s.0d Ditto Paid John TAYLOR, Bridgen, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Peter THOMSON, Origaig, 3s.0d Ditto Paid Effie TAYLOR, North Colfin, 4s.0d Ditto Paid Hector CURRIE, Clonaig, 3s.0d 6 Mar 1832 Paid Hector CURRIE, Clonaig, 5s.0d 18 Mar 1832 Paid Hector CURRIE, Clonaig, 2s.0d Ditto Paid Mary HYMAN, South Colfin, 4s.0d 5 May 1832 Paid Margarat McMILLAN's coffin, Ardrossan, 15s.0d 13 May 1832 Paid Peter THOMSON, Origag, 2s.6d 16 Jul 1832 Paid Effie HYMAN, South Colfin, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Mary THOMSON, Spersaig, 3s.0d Ditto Paid Flora THOMSON, South Cregan, 3s.0d Ditto Paid Mary HYMAN, South Colfin, 3s.0d Ditto Paid Peter THOMSON, Origag, 4s.6d Ditto Paid Effie TAYLOR, North Colfin, 3s.0d Ditto Paid Chirstie HILL, 3s.0d Ditto Paid Hector CURRIE coffin, 10s.0d Ditto Paid Widow TAYLOR, 3s.0d 19 Oct 1832 Recd Donation from Mrs McALASTER, Curr, £6.0s.0d 29 Oct 1832 Paid Flora THOMSON, Cregan, 4s.0d 28 Nov 1832 Paid Effie HYMAN, South Colfin, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Mary THOMSON, Spersaig, 4s.0d Ditto Paid Flora THOMSON, South Cregan, 4s.0d Ditto Paid Mary HYMAN, South Colfin, 4s.0d Ditto Paid Peter THOMSON, Origaig, 4s.0d Ditto Paid Widow TAYLOR, Bridgen, 4s.0d Ditto Paid Effie TAYLOR, North Colfin, 4s.0d Ditto Paid Chirstie HILL, Clonaig, 4s.0d Ditto Paid John TAYLOR's coffin, Bridgen, 10s.0d 26 May 1833 Recd Heritors of Skipness, Stonefield and Kintarbert, £9.5s.10d 27 May 1833 Paid Effie HYMAN, South Colfin, 7s.0d Ditto Paid Mary THOMSON, Spersaig, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Flora THOMSON, South Cregan, 8s.0d Ditto Paid Mary HYMAN, South Colfin, 4s.0d Ditto Paid Peter THOMSON, Origaig, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Widow Bridgen [presumably TAYLOR] 5s.0d Ditto Paid Effie TAYLOR, North Colfin, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Chirstie HILL, Clonaig, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Mary CURRIE, North Colfin, 5s.0d Ditto Paid Chirstie TAYLOR, North Colfin, 5s.0d 30 Dec 1833 Recd Balance of Mr GRAHAM's bill £19s.11.8d Settled as follows: 23 Feb 1828 Cash £1. 1s.0d 17 May 1829 Cash 2. 2s.0d 24 Jan 1830 Cash 1. 0s.0d 28 Mar 1831 Cash 7.10s.0d 27 Nov Cash 3. 3s.0d ------------ 14.16s.0d -------------- Balance £ 4.15s.8d -------------- 31 Dec 1833 Balance of funds at this date, £2.10.4_d To be transferred to a new volume oooOOOooo At the end of the volume is a Register of Baptisms commencing January 1783. The fact that little of this has survived can readily be judged from the fact that the only two entries are as follows! ¯ Malcom CURRIE, lawful son of Hector CURRIE and Catherine HILL residing in Upper Claonaig, was born on 26 Jan 1783. ¯ John THOMSON was born 22 Nov 179[...]. Florence DUNCAN his wife was born 20 Jun 1800. And were married on 30 Jan 1830. Dugald THOMSON their son was born on 18 Dec [...] - 24 -