Spartanburg County, SC part of the SCGenWeb
Generously contributed by James D. Martin
Recorded in Will Book D Page 442 Spartanburg Co. SC
Box 38 Package 4
Recorded 3rd December 1855
R. Bowden O.S.D.

In the name of God Amen. I, William B. Turner of the State of South Carolina, Spartanburg District, being of Sound mind and memory, but weak in body and calling to mind the certainty of death, and being desirious to dispose of all Such worldly estate as it hath pleased God to blefs me with, do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner following, that is to say.
First, I desire that as much of my property be Sold as will pay my just debts.
Second, I give to my wife Jane all my land, during her natural life or widowhood.
Third, I give to my son John W. M. Turner part of the tract of Land that he now lives on beginning his and Robt. Turners corner thence down the Creek with the original line to the Road at the lower end of Said J. W. M. Turners field thence up the road with his fence as far as his fence follows the road thence the road untill the road forks, thence a Straight line between the two roads to the Wagon Road, thence with the Wagon Road to a Rock Corner in the old field thence with Robt Turners line to the Beginning, to have full pofsefsion at his mothers death or marriage.
Fourth. I give to my Son Rufus K. Turner the Judith Robertson Tract to have full pofsefsion when John Dies.
Fifth. I give to my Son William Elliotte Turner the Balance of the land I bought of Wm. Parris except a Small boundary in the north end of it joining Wm. P. Moors land which is to be marked out by me hereafter. It I give to my Daughter Dicy E. Moore.
Sixth. Now be it known that either of my sons refuse to aid and assist their mother to a support ther are to have no land should all three of my sons refuse to see their mother neither of them are to have the land named to them & should two of them fail and the 3rd one do their duty they have all the Land.
Sevnth. now if my Executors think it best to sell out and move they are at liberty to do so. Eitht. I now gave to my Beloved wife Jane all my personal property with the Excepsion of one
gray hrse and one colt Dureing her natureal life or Widowhood. I gave to my son Rufus K. the
gray horse and to my son Wm E the colt before mention.
Ninth. I gave to my daughter Pollyana one feather bed as good as wee have One cow or cow and calf. I gave to my Daughter Myra Jane One feather Bed as good as wee have One Cow or one cow and calf
Ten. My desire is to at the Death or Marriage of my wife that all the personal property bee sold or Equally devided between my three Daughters Except my farming tools I desire that Rufus K and Wm Elliot shall have them. I desire that Rufus K. shall my large family Bible as to the Balance of my Books, I desire that they shall Bee Equally Devided among my children.
Eleventh. Now as to my grandson Alfred Harris my desire is for him and my sons raise him a horse least for him to have in place of the forty five Dollars that I am bound to C S W Scruggs for if this way is not carried out my Executors must see that it must come out of my sons that keep the land.
And lastly I do constitute and appoint my said Wife Executrix and my son John W M Turner also my son Rufus K my Executors of this my last will and testament by me heretofore made in testimony where of I have here unto set my hand and affixed my seal.
11th October 1855 Wm B. Turner

In presence of us
A.D. Ray
James Harris
Sarrah Ray


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