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Home Winnie Couch Probate Records & Related Journal Entries
Transcribed and donated by Bill L. Couch

Winnie Couch Probate Records & Related Journal Entries Spartanburg County, South Carolina

Dec 9, 1820

Jas. Whitten’s letter of Surityship


Esq. Lancastor
The Barr Mr. Abraham Brock
Wishes to procure Letters of Administration on the
Estate of Winney Couch Deceased. I suppose the Estate
not to be worth more than One hundred Dollars
if that much. if you feel authorisd. I think that
you had better give him a warrant for appraisement
& order for sale So as to Enable him to make a sale
a quick as possible. if you grant him Letters
of Administration on Estate you may consider me
as bound as security for his performance
& will Execute a Bond accordingly the first opportunity
I remain In High Esteem &C

9th Decr. 1820 J Whitten


*Dec 9,1820:

& we petition you to admit him to take the


whole of the Estate of said Deceased home under his
immediate use & to allow him a reasonable time
for his attention. We can devise no better
a way at present for the management of the
business We remain yours


9th Dec 1820

J. Whitten
Jasper __
James Woods













Dec 9, 1820 Citation

State of South Carolina )(
Spartanburgh District )(

By William Lancaster_____________________Esq. Ordinary of
WHEREAS Abraham Brock
hath applied to me for Letters of Administration, on all and singular, the goods and
chattels, rights and credits of Winnie Couch
late of the said district aforesaid, deceased.
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred
and creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear before me, at our next Ordinary’s Court for the said district, to be holden on on the eleventh, at my own House
the_______________________day of this Instant next to shew
cause, if any, why the said administration should not be granted.

GIVEN under my hand and seal, this 9th day of
Dec. in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and Twenty,
and in the forty fifth Year of American Independence.

W Lancaster
O. S. D.


Dec 10, 1820 Citation on the estate of Winnie Couch decd.

I Certify that this Day in a Tolerable Large
congregation at the Holly Spring Meetinghouse
(it being the Church where Winney Couch
was formerly a member of) that I gave
notice Public notice that Abraham Brock would
on Tomorrow apply to William Lancaster
Esq. Ordinary for the District of Spartanburgh
for Letter of Administration on the estate of
Winney Couch Deceased. Witness my hand this
9th Dec 1820. this 10 of December 1820
James West MG


Dec 11, 1820 Administration Bond on the Estate of Winnie Couch by Abraham Brock Admr. 100$

Administration Bond]                                                    [D. & J. J. Faust, Print
State of South-Carolina, )(
Spartanburgh DISTRICT )(

Know All Men by these Presents, That we,
Abraham Brock, James Whitten & James Wood
are holden and firmly bound unto William Lancaster
Esquire, Ordinary for the District of Spartanburgh
in the full and just sum of one hundred dollars
lawful Money of this State, to be paid to the
said William Lancaster                    or his successors, Ordinaries
of this District, or their certain attorney or assigns. To which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and every of us, our and every Heirs, Executors, and Administrators, for the whole, and in the whole, jointly and severally, firmly by these Presents.

Sealed with our seals, dated the eleventh day of December
in this year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and Twenty.

The Condition of the above Obligation is such
That the above bound Abraham Brock
Administrator of the goods, chattels, and credits of Winnie Couch
deceased, do make a true and perfect inventory of all and singular the goods, chattels and credits of the said deceased , which have or shall come to the hands, possession or knowledge of the said Abraham
or into the hands or possession of any other person or persons for him and the same so made, do exhibit into the said Court of Ordinary, when he shall be thereunto required, and such goods, chattels and credits do well and truly administer according to law, and do make a just and true account of his actings and doings therein when required by said Court, and all the rest of the said goods, chattels and credits which shall be found remaining upon the account of said administration, the same being first allowed by the said Court, shall deliver and pay unto such persons respectively as are entitled
to the same by law, and if it shall hereafter appear that any last will and testament was made by the said deceased, and the same be proved in Court, and the Executors obtain a certificate of the probate thereof, and the said Abraham do in such case, if required, render and deliver up the said Letters of Administration, then this Obliga-
tion to be Void, or else to remain in full force.

Sealed and Delivered, )( A. Brock
In the presence of )(
J. Whitten
Robert Watkins his
Jas. (x) Wood

Dec. 11, 1820 Order of Sale on the estate of Winnie Couch decd.

Abraham Brock Admr of the estate of Winnie Couch decd.
Will proceed to a sale of the whole of the goods & Chattels
of said decd. on Friday the Twenty sixth of this Instant at
at twelve months Credit for all sums above one dollar on
notifying & taking security as the law directs~ By Order of the
Ordinary of Spartanburgh District the 11th of Dec.~ 1820.

W Lancaster

Dec 22, 1820 Appraisement of the estate of Winnie Couch decd. $112.37½


An Inventory of the property & Effects of
Winney Couch Descast as producd by A. Brock
to us this 22nd Day of December 1820.


1 A Horse Beast & Bridle worth


7 Head of Cattle worth


1 Lot of old Iron worth

$ 2.00


1/2 Bushel of Bear   a Lot of Tobacco worth

$   .75

Scythe blade & Irons worth

 $  .50

8 ½ yd. of Cloth 2 stays a Bell & Plow

$ 3.00


18 _ Spun Cotton a Meal Bag & a Sheet
& Towel & e

$ 2.00

a Pot rack 2 pr pot hooks & Dresser

$ 1.00

2 Beds & furniture worth



2 Bed Steads, a bed chord , 4 chear frames
a washing tub. 2 Riggers & a small tub
with some lye & soap worth

$ 1.50

a Table a Dutch oven & Lid & Hooks 

$ 2.00


4 Books $ 1.50 Two Boxes 50 cts. a
Lot of pewter & tin $ 3.50

$ 5.50


Some Cotton & wool, 3 pr chards a Table
Cloth & some Meal & some glass ware

$ 1.87


2 Cotton wheals $2.00 Six Ducks

$ 3.25


a woman’s Saddle worth





$ 97.37
112.37 ½


In Testimony to the Our appraising of the
above & Stated articles at the prices affixed to his          his
Them. We have here unto set our Hands & seals    Thomas x Burton
The date above.                                                           mark
                                                                              Thomas Alexander
                                                                               Joseph Davis

Dec 29, 1820 Abraham Brock Admr of the estate of Winnie Couch decd
return’d a Sale bill of sd. estate to the Amt of $112.87 ½

An Inventory of the Sale of the Estate of Winney Couch Decead.
Which took place the 29th day of December 1820.

Brock Abram

1 Dresser & Lot of old Irons $.18 ¾ 1 Bed & furniture $11.00
One Chest $1.75

 $ 12.93 ¾

Black William

1 Table & Cloth $0.56 ¼ 4 setting chairs $.06 ¼ a Bottle, Box & some Viols $.56 ¼

$ 1.18 ¾

Benton Jesse

 a Tub & 2 Piggens $1 a Huntting saddle $10.25 a barrel with some lye $.25 a Box & _ $.75

$ 12.25

Benton Thomas

 a Bed and furniture $11.00

$ 11.00

Brock Rueben

 a oven & Hooks $1.56 ¼ a lot of fodder $0.37 ½ a cotton wheel $1.12 ½

$ 3.06 ¼

Bolan Dudley

 1 Dish & 7 Plates $3.12

$ 3.12 ½

Camp Larry

 a lot of Books $1.12 ½

$ 1.12 ½

Commons John

 a Lot of Tin ware $.81¼ a yearling $4.00

$ 4.81 ¼

Davis Joseph

 a Cotton wheel $.75

$ 0.75

Fisher John

 2 stays & a Bag $1.00 a lot of Tobacco $ 0.12 ½

$ 1.12 ½

Fisher James

 a Red Cow and yearling $10.00

$ 10.00

Fowler Dempsey

 2 Bedsteads and a chest $1.00 a Lot of Pewter $0.87 ½,

$ 1.87 ½

Morgan Henry

 a Lot of old Irons $1.18 ¾ a Sythe Blade and Irons $0.37 ½

$ 1.56 ¼

Quals Hubbord

 6 Ducks $1.00 a Cow and yearling $10.50

$ 11.50

Turner John

 a small quantity of Cotton and Wool $.56 ¼, a Horse Beast $14.18 ¾

$ 14.75

Wilson Nelley

 a Lot of Home Spun $2.56 ¼

$ 2.56 ¼

Whitten James

 a Lot of old Irons $1.12 ½ _ Pot rack & Hooks $.56 ¼, Bell & lot of Spun Cotton $2.37 ½

$ 4.06 ¼

Wood James

a cow and calf $14.00

$ 14.00

Russel Elijah

 a lot of Corn $1.18 ¾.

$ 1.18 ¾




Jan 19, 1821: A Partial Appraisement of the estate of
Winney Couch Dec’d.
Inventory of Winny Couch Dec’d
Balance of property


$ .37 ½

1 Cow and Calf


1 looking glass 


1 pare of Dosing chanes




$18. 62 2\4

Thomas Alexander
Thomas x Burton
Joseph Davis


Jan 19, 1821: Additional Late Sale of Winnie Couch Dec’d
Inventory of a sale of Balance of property of Winnie Couch

Brock, Abram 

to Dr ring chore into Single Tree

$ .18 ¾

Bishop, George

 Glue $.18 ¾ one churn $.18 ¾ one cow
and calf $11.00

$11.37 ½


1 hog at large $

1.12 ½


$12.68 ¾


A. Brock admr.


Jan 1, 1822 Abm. Brock Admr. of the estate of Winnie Couch dec’d
first return in favor of Admr. $8.25

Dr Abraham Brock Admr. of the estate of Winnie Couch decd by rects

Expenditures for the year ending the first of January 1822



1820 By hire of Waggon to remove Dec. property squandered



1821 By paying Ordinary fee





A Brock Admr

Jan 1, 1823 Abm. Brock Admr of the estate of Winnie Couch decd. Annl Return of on oaths in favor of Admr. $3.20

amount expended & Received by A. Brock administrator of the estate
of Winnie Couch Descast from 1 of January 1822 until the 1 January 1823

amount recd

Amount Expended


4 March

Paid ordinary fees      



10 April

Paid Thomas Burton for    appraising property





A. Brock Admr.



Nov 7, 1825 Journal of Ordinary 1821-1826, page 153

Abram Brock Admr of the estate of Winey Couch decd, came before the Ordinary to ascertain the amount of sd. estate. when on examining the proceedings of said Admr. found them as follows (vis)



To sale bill




By first return

$ 3.50

“ Second Do.


“ Ordinary fee

$ 3.00




Leaving a sum of

$ 93.68¾


Nov 6, 1827

Summon to Settle the Adm. Of Winny Couch Decd


I accept the legal Service of the within Summons

State of South-Carolina )(
Spartanburgh DISTRICT. )(


By Thomas Bomar Esq. Ordinary of the District aforesaid.


Abram Brock Administrator of Winney Couch


________________________ late of said District, deceased


THESE are to cite and admonish you, the said Abram Brock


at the instance and request of Andrew Couch


personally to be and appear before me in the Court of Ordinary, to be held at Spart-


burgh Court House      on the _____19th day of this Inst     now


next ensuing, _________to shew cause, if any you can, why you


should not make and render before me ________________


upon oath, a true and faithful account of your administration upon said estate.


Hereof fail not, as you shall answer the contrary at your peril.


Given under my Hand and Seal this 6th day of November Anno Domini 1827, and of American


Independence the fifty-second.


Thos. Bomar
O. S. D.

Nov 19, 1827 Journal of Ordinary 1826-1829, pages 80-81

Abm Brock Admr. of the Est of Winny Couch Decd appeared before the ordinary (in obedience to a summons which had been issued) in order to settle his administration of sd Est and on examming the proceedings of the Sd Admr. find as follows

Admr Dr

To first Sale bill



To 2nd Do

$ 12.68¾






By annual returns



By ordinary fees for this _.

$ 3.00


By Commissions

$ 6.25




$ 20.80


Nine Legatees 




Due Each Legatee


$ 11.64


Source List:

South Carolina, Spartanburg County, Probate Court, Estate Papers, 1787-1900: file 608, Winnie Couch; film no. sp21, South Carolina Department of Archives and History, Columbia, South Carolina.
South Carolina, Spartanburg County, Probate Court, Journals of the Ordinary, 1800-1907; film no. C756, South Carolina Department of Archives and History, Columbia, South Carolina; film no. 1022747, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Author’s Comments on Estate of Winnie Couch

*This document appears to be incomplete. It was written on the reverse of the “Citation on the estate of Winnie Couch decd, pg. 608-2

**The names on this document are listed by last name then given name.


Other Documents


Possibly Relate to this Estate

Jan 14, 1822 Winney Couch Apprenticeship, Spartanburg District Clerk of Court, other than,Apprenticeships 1798…1873 (Jan 1822)

Whereas it has been represented to the commissioners of the poor for Spartanburgh District S. Co. that there were several children sons & Daughter of Lydia Couch in said District Destitute of any natural Guardian and without any means of support; And whereas Dempsey Fowler has made application to said commissioners to bind one of the said children to him (to Wit Winney Couch about Ten years of age) to him the said Dempsey. Now Know all men by these presents that the said Dempsey Fowler of the District of Spartanburgh & State of So. Carolina by and with the consent and approbation of Sterling L. Westmoreland, Robert Alexander, Philip Bruton, Michael Gaffney & Christopher Golightly Commissioners of the poor for the time present are vested with full and complete power over The person of the said Winney Couch, a poor Minor until she is of age according to Law. And I the said Fowler doth bind myself my Heirs &C to furnish the said Winney with good and sufficient provisions washings & Lodging during the Term from this date until of age as aforesaid and also to Teach or have her Taught to Spell, read and write sufficiently to understand correctly common English, reading and writing; and if She the said Winney should conduct herself in a becoming manner to the said Dempsey and family until of age then I the said Fowler promise and agree to give her a decent suit of clothes more than her common wearing apperrel .
Given under our hand the 14th January Ad 1822 )(by order and in)(Christi Golightly
                                                                                                    )(behalf of the )(
J. T. Rowland                                                                     )(Board )( Demcy Fowler
Richd H Golightly

South Carolina, Spartanburg County, Apprenticeships, 1798-1873: “Winnie Couch,” original records, South Carolina Department of Archives and History, Columbia, South Carolina.

Transcribed by Bill L. Couch April 2009

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