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Home Will of Thomas Couch, Jr.
Generously contributed by Paul David Couch

Certified True Copy of the Will of Thomas Couch, Jr.
(b: 1710-1714 in Prince George Co, VA)

This is a certified true copy of the Will of Thomas Couch from the Abbeville County Probate Clerk, Carol F. Speer, dated Jan. 29, 1981, obtained by Jerry Lynn Benedict.  The document was made in 1776, and was folded.  The paper was brittle, and the original document has been taped together.  Notice that Thomas Couch was of “South Carolina Enoree the Ninety Six District..” During this time period and after the Revolutionary War, Wills were filed at the Abbeville Courthouse.  Because of the Revolutionary War, Wills were often filed some years after an individual’s death.  (This copy courtesy of:  Paul David Couch) 

Please click on the picture for a larger view

Will of Thomas Couch, Jr. (“Ole or Old Thomas”)

(b: ca 1705-1714, Prince George Co, Va. d: 1776 to 1784 in Enoree, S.C.)

(Son of Thomas Couch, Sr. and Elizabeth of Brunswick Co, VA)


Transcribed directly from a certified copy of the original by Paul David Couch. The will was certified as a “TRUE COPY by Carol F. Speer (signature), Clerk Probate Court, Abbeville District, South Carolina. DATE: Jan. 29, 1981” The Will was filed for probate on 30 Jan 1784. (Certified “true copy”: courtesy of: Jerry Lynn Benedict) Note: Thomas Couch was not identified as “Ole or Old Thomas” when he was alive.  This is a modern day term used by Couch genealogy researchers to distinguish him from the other Thomas Couches.


Box 106 Pack 2732 - Estate of Thomas Couch 1784 (Complete)

Filed in Abbeville District, South Carolina 30 Jan 1784

The Abbeville District Courthouse was where wills were filed for those living in the Ninety Six District, South Carolina, after the Revolutionary War.


In the Nam of God amen. Thomas COUCH of South Carolina Enoree & Ninty Six District being sick and Weak in Body But of sound memory Blesed by God, Do this day being the 12 day of February in the year of our Lord one Thousand Seven Hundred Seventy Six Do make and publish this my last will and Testament In manner following that is to say, I give my son William COUCH one Shilling

Sterling, also I gave my Son Thomas one Shilling Sterling also I gave and bequeth to my Daughter Judith one Shilling x Sterling also I gave and bequath to my Daughter Elizabeth one Shilling Sterling also I gave to my Daughter Pattey one Shilling Sterling  also I give to my well beloved Son John COUCH one hundred and fifty acres of land Where I now Dwell the Remainder to my Son Drury. also I gave to my son Joseph Couch one Cow and Calf  one Ewe and lamb one sow and piggs & one feather Bed. (there are cross outs here) and all the Rest and Residue of my goods and Chattles and personally Estate Whatsoever to be Equally Divided amongst the younger children But to be possessed by my loving wife During her widowhood (there is a cross out here) Make and _________ my beloved son John and my beloved wife sole executors of this my will in Trust for the intent and purpose and this my will Contained and I make my well beloved son John and my beloved wife to be overseer of this my will take ______ and see the same aforementioned? according to my True intent and meaning.  In witness wereof the said THOMAS COUCH this my last Will and Testament set my

hand and Seal the Day and year above written. Signed by the Said THOMAS COUCH

and for his last will and Testament in the presence of us _______


witness present                                                                         his

Nathaniel Hillen                                                                        Thomas Couch

Ann (her mark ) Stone                                                                        marke

John Stroud


South Carolina )

Ninety Six District)

By John Thomas Jr. Esqure ordinary of district aforesaid personally appeared John Stroud one of the subscribing witnesses to the written will before me and made oath that he sat Thyomas Couch sign seal and declared the same to be his last will & testament. That he was then of sound perfect mind memory and understanding to the best of the deponents knowledge and belief and that Nathl. Hillen & Ann Stone gogether with his deponant did sign their names thereto as witness at the request of the testator and in presence and the presence of each other.

Given under my hand the 30th Jan 1784.

J. Thomas Ord


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