Spartanburg County, SC part of the SCGenWeb
Home Will of William Wheeler
Generously contributed by Blair Wheeler

State of North Carolina

Yancy County


I William Wheeler of the County and State aforesaid do nominate constitute and appoint John Staggs of Spartanburg County and state of North Carolina my true and lawful attorney as agent in fact to settle all debts on indebtedness in my name in said state of South Carolina and receive from the Probate Judge of said county all money coming or belonging to me in any way and receive and receipt for any and all money coming to me from said Probate Judge of said county and State and to do all things that is required by law of me to do and all things lawfully done by the said  John Staggs in my name as _____ shall be as binding as if I were present as far as my mothers estate and no farther given under my hand and seal this August 22 day 1874

Attest S B Briggs

                           State of North Carolina    In Probate Court August 22

                                  Yancey County          1874 Be it remembered that on this 22 day of August AD 1874 personally appeared before me J W Burton Judge of Probate for said county William Wheeler whose name appears to the within power of attorney to John Staggs of Spartanburg S Carolina & duly acknowledge the execution of the _____ power of attorney to be his act and deed for purpose herein set forth therefore let said power of attorney with this certificate be registered

                                                                        J. W. Burton

Registered Aug 22 1874                                   Judge of Probate A TAD EXTRA:


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