Spartanburg County, SC part of the SCGenWeb
Home Estate of William Wood
Generously contributed by Laurel T. Baty

The Estate of William Wood

Spartanburg Estate File # 2174, SP 70 [transcribed from microfilm available at the South Carolina State Archives by Laurel T. Baty].


South Carolina

Spartanburgh District


In the name of God Amen: I William Wood of State and district aforesaid being under bodily affliction but of sound and disposing mind, memory and understanding blessed be to God for the same, Do make this my last will and testament in manner and form following---My will is that my debts be first paid.  My will and desire is that my beloved wife Nancy Wood have the plantation or tract of land whereon I now live, bounded as follows Beginning at the head of the lane at David Reeds Corner turning with Nortons lane to the ford on the branch known by Sighs branch down said branch to Nuckolls home or lane a long his line to Pacolate up pacolate the meander thereof to David Reeds line a long Reid’s line to the beginning, six choice Negroes and as much of the household and kitchen furniture and stock of all kinds, wagon, plantation and farming tools together with one years provisions during her natural life as she choose to keep, the balance of my Real and personal Estate of what nature or kind soever be laid off into equal lots among all my children which I hereafter name, my lands to be made into seven lots & my negroes also to be made into lots as equal as can conveniently be done by keeping the families the Negroes together pretty much by four or five good men chosen by my Executor & those drawing the small lots are to made up by those drawing the larger lots, Lucinda Littlejohn, James Wood, David L. Wood, Wm. L. Wood, Caroline M. Wood, John H. Wood & George T. Wood. Those of my children that are under age their lots are to be kept in my Executors hands for the said Childrens benefit until they arrive at suitable ages to receive them & at my wife’s death the Negroes and perishable property which she have is to be divided in the same manner as the above and drawn for by my seven children as above stated.  My real estate which is above described for my wife is to be sold at her death by my Executor and the money answering there from be equally divided among my seven children which I have before named. If any of my children die having no child or children Lawfully begotten of their body then their part or parts are to be equally divided among the surviving Brothers & sisters unless one or more of said children having an heir or heirs in such case a deceased child or children’s Legatees shall have the share or shares that their parent or parents would have been intitled to were they living share and share alike.  I now nominate, constitute & appoint my sons James Wood, David L. Wood, & John H. Lipscomb my executors revoking all former wills by me made.  In witness whereof I have here unto set my hand and affixed my seal the twenty fourth day of February one Thousand Eight hundred and thirty eight.

Signed, Sealed & acknowledged

William Wood [Seal]

In presents of us


Smith Lipscomb Senr

Elizabeth Littlejohn Senr. (Her mark)

J. Griffen Junior


Recorded in Will Book C, page 147

Box 30, Package 6

Recorded 26th March 1838

Jno. Bomar O. S. D.


South Carolina, Spartanburgh District

Pursuant to the last will and testament of Wm. Wood dec’d late of said district We the undersigned commissioners called upon by the Exr. As mentioned L. will have this day received the real estate of said dec’d and also the Negroe property and have lotted out said land & Negroes agreeably to said will in to seven lots as follows: Lot No. one, one hundred & twenty five acres of land & three Negroes to wit Harry, Randy & Aaron valued to the sum of two thousand & seventy one dollars Thos Wood & Lot No. two on one hundred & ninety three acres of land & three negroes to wit Rose, Giles & Marthy Ann, valued to two thousand one hundred & thirty six dollars drawn by John H. Wood & Lot No three of one hundred & twenty acres of land & four Negroes to wit Kitty, Ellen, Elias & Charles valued twenty one hundred & forty five dollars drawn by James Wood & lot No. 4 one hundred and sixty acres of land & three negroes to wit Eliza, Doctor & Mary valued to twenty one hundred & fifty five dollars drawn by Caroline M. Wood & lot No. 5 one hundred & sixty acres land & four negroes to wit Cate, Barbary, Minty & Nancy valued to twenty one hundred & seventy seven drawn by William Lipscomb Wood & lot No. 6 one hundred & sixty seven acres of land & four negroes, to wit, Sary, Alexander Sampson & Letty valued to twenty two hundred & thirty three dollars drawn by Lucinda Littlejohn & Lot No. 7 Ninety four acres of land & four negroes to wit Norva, Josephine, Pinky & Catherine valued to twenty one hundred & fifty two dollars drawn by David L. Wood.

Which lots of land will more fully appear by reference being had to the several plats made out and delivered to the said Ex’tr for the use of the said Legatees we have also according to the will laid out to Nancy Wood relict of sd dec’d five hundred & forty five acres of land as per plat to be delivered.  Given under our hands this 13 day of Dec. 1838


D. W. Riles (??)

Wm. Lipscombe

Wm. Littyjohn

D. Mitchell

Joshua Draper


Spartanburg District

South Carolina

To the Ordinary of said District

The Humble Petition of James Wood Ex’r of William Wood dec’d showeth:

That his Testator died on the __ day of __ leaving a considerable personal estate to his widow the late Nancy Wood during his lifetime and at her death to be sold and divided among his legal heirs & representatives mentioned in same will.

Your Petitioner would further shew that his widow, Nancy Wood, as aforesaid has lately died and he therefore prays for an order from this court for the sale of said property.

And as in duty bound he will ever pray etc.

Nov. 25, 1857

James Wood, Exr.


The property of Nancy Wood is also divided up in the following lots of December 1, 1857:

Lot No. 1 Drawed by Daniel Draper

1 Negro woman Louisa 740.00

1 Negro Boy Farrow ?40.00

1 Negro girl Sarah 535.00

Bed & furniture 60

Total $1675.00


Lot No. 2 James Wood

1 Negro woman Darcas & child 840.00

1 Negro Boy Wash 470.00

Bed & furniture 52

Total 1362.00




Lot No 3 John L. Wood

1 Negro man Henry 870

1 Negro girl Lill 610

Bed & furniture 58.00

Total $1438.00


Lot No. 4 drawed by David Wood heirs

1 Negro man Armstead 720

1 Negro boy Wallace $780.00

Bed & furniture 50.00

Total $1552.00


Lot No. 5 G. T. Wood

1 Negro girl Mandy $790.00

1 negro man Isaac $330.00

Bed & furniture 52.00

Total $1172.00


Lot No. 6 W. L. Wood

1 Negro woman Annica  ??

1 Negro girl Nance $700

Bed & furniture 50.00



Lot # 7 William Littlejohn

1 negro girl Mary $675.00

1 Negro Boy Middleton 666.00

Bed & furniture 68

Total $1385.00


The State of Alabama

Bibb County

Probate Court Special term December 1st 1860


This day came Charles Carter* and moved the Court for letters of Guardianship on the personal estate of William C. Wood, Sarah L. Wood, Nancy A. Wood & Maryetta C. Wood minor heirs of the Estate of David L. Wood and the Court assenting thereto therefore came the said Charles Carter together with Henry F. Franklin and Felix Shropshire his securities and entered into and acknowledged ?? in the security of thirty two thousand and five hundred dollars conditioned according to Law which is approved by the Court and ordered  ?? in due form of Law to the said Charles Carter.

Jackson Ganoway, Judge of Probate Bibb County, Ala.


*Charles Carter is the grandfather of the heirs of David L. Wood.  David L. Wood married Mary Jane Carter May 11, 1844 in Bibb County, Alabama.  Sarah Lucinda Wood, daughter of David L. Wood and Mary Jane Carter, is the great great grandmother of Laurel Baty.



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