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Home George F. Steading Civil War Records
Generously contributed by John Steadings
George F. Steading joined for duty at Spartanburg, April 13, 1861 with Company F, 5th Regiment South Carolina Volunteer Infantry Army Northern Virginia Confederate States of America; was mustered into Confederate service at Orangeburgh by B. E. Bee, Lieutenant Colonel, Confederate States of America June 4, 1861, promoted from 4th Sergeant between June 4 and 30, 1861.
The muster roll of June 30, 1861, contains the following "Records of Events":
Mustered in the se(a strip of tape perpendicularly through the centre of the record obliterates a word or two on each line) Confederate states by Colonel Bee on the (tape) une on the 5th we left that place (tape) richmond Virginia when we arrived (tape) on and encamped at Camp Davis (tape) 20th we then left for manassass Ju (tape) were we arrived on the 21st and (tape) ped at Camp Walker near the (tape) where we remained during the month (tape) ng else occurd nothing of note during (tape) month.
The muster roll of August 31, 1861, contains the following "Records of Events":
Left Camp Walker by order of Colonel M. Jenkins July 17th Crossed Bull Run on McLeans ford Bivouacked in the woods Near the road leading from Centreville to Manassas Junction, on the morning of the 18th was orded to McLeans ford on Bulls Run Bivouacked there during the night on the 18th and on the 19th was employed in the throwing up breast works.  On the morning of the 21st marched up to the Union Mills road some 2 1/2 miles distant remained there in ambush about 1 hour was ordered back to Bull Run, was ordered again about 1 Oclock P. M. to advance and charge the battery located opposite Blackburns ford on the Enemy's extreme left Sustained no loss in the charge, returned to McLeans ford remained there until the 23rd when we were ordered to Fairfax Station a distance of 8 miles remained there over night being relieved next morning by General Elzeys Brigade was ordered to fall back to camp Pettus Near Centreville remained there until August 12th when we were ordered forward to this place "Camp Near Germantown".  A. H. Foster, Captain, Company G.
The muster roll of October 31, 1861, contains the following "Records of Events":
Company left "Camp Near Germantown" on the 3d or September at 9 Oclock P. M. by order of Colonel Jenkins Marched to Great Falls on the Potomac arriving there about 8 Oclock A. M. was thrown out in advance of the regiment  to guard the road leading from Seneca Falls.  Remained there about 1 hour when by order of the Colonel we rejoined the regiment was then put on the march for our camp where we arrived about sundown distance marched about 40 miles.  On the 22d of September the regiment was ordered on picket duty at Uptons Mill where we arrived on the morning of the 25 inst, remained there on picket until the night of the 28th inst when with the advance portion of the army of the Potomac we were ordered to fall back to Fairfax Court House distance marched 30 miles on the morning of the 12th of October the Company with the regiment was ordered to Mills Cross road for Picket duty remained there until the 15th inst was ordered to strike tents and fall back to McLeans ford.  remained the next day at Germantown awaiting the reported advance of the Enemy we arruved at "Camp near McLeans ford" on the 17th inst.  On the morning of the 22d October was ordered to Leesburg to support General Evins remained near Leesburg until the morning of the 28th inst was ordered to return to Camp arriving there the same night whole distance marched while under orders about 70 miles.
Captain: A. H. Foster                                          1st. Lieutenant: J. M. Benson
2nd. Lieutenant: James S. Ballenger                3rd. Lieutenant: R. A. Snoddy
1st. Sergeant: Warrens S. Drummond               2nd. Sergeant: J. J. McDowell
3rd. Sergeant: C. A. Lathrop                                3rd. Sergeant: George F. Steading
4th. Sergeant: L. C. Zimmerman                         5th. Sergeant: Moses Foster
1st. Coporal: Thomas Lee                                   1st Corporal: F. V. Landrum
2nd. Corporal: F. V. Landrum                               2nd. Corporal: G. F. Smyer
3rd. Corporal: R. D. Ballenger                             4th. Corporal: Henry Tucker
6th. Corporal: William S. Beacham 
Appears on Company Muster Roll of Company D, Palmetto Sharp Shooters for June 30 to October 31, 1862, does not say whether he was present of absent.  He re-enlisted from Comapy F 5th South Carolina Volunteers with pay due as Sergeant in that Company to April 13.
Appears as present on Company Muster Roll as Corporal in Company D, Palmetto Sharp Shooters for November and December 1862
Company D, 27 Regiment South Carolina Infantry, this company left Charleston September 4th at 6 p.m. and proceeded to Fort Sumter where it remained until September 19th at 9 p.m. when it returned to the city of Charleston on the morning of September 9 at at 1:04 a.m.  The enemy attacked the Fort by sending men from their Barges and attempted to assault but were repulsed.  This company occupied the parapet at the Sout East angle.  The company left Charleston October 29th and encamped at Legares Point, James Island.


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