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Generously contributed by John Bullington

South Carolina
Spartanburg District


Know all men the these presents that I Robert Bullington of State and District above written being now in health and of Sound and disposing mind do make this my last will & Testament

1st I will to my wift Mary Bullington a negro woman named Grace and the youngest She may have at my death (the other children of Grace to go to my other heirs as here-inafter directed)  Two Feather beds with necessary furnature for Each. One Large Cherry Wood chest & one Table of the Same Wood one Small bureau all of which I give to her and her heirs- (not mine) for Ever

I also Will that She Shall have the Following property during her natural Life and after death the same to be part of my Estate. three Choice Chairs & one Small pine Table one Choice Cow four Choice Hogs and four Choice Sheep & her choice of any One of my Horses and One third part of all by Table and Kitchen furnature to use during her natural life. but Should She die before my death then those last Mentioned Articles will remain as part of my Estate

I Will further that Should my wife be the Longest lived & by Sickness or infirmity need more for her comfortable Support than I have Allready provided. I will that my Executors Shall provide out of my Estate Such reasonable Sum or Sums as may be necessary for her comfort during her natural Life

I hereby Will to my Daughter Lucy Chapman a Negro Girl named Fan which Girl I have delivered to her and I herby charge her with the price of the Girl Six hundred and fifty dollars which Sum She is to account for in the final Settlement of my Estate I give to my Daughter Nutty Howard Three hundred and Seventy five Dollars which Sum She is to account for as part of her distributive Share in my Estate

I hereby charge my Son Samuel Bullington with the Sum of four hundred and Sixty nine and Eight Seven cents ($469.87) due me on three Separate notes which I now hold on him my Son Samuel Bullington in the whole to that sum—I further charge him with forty three dollars for which I hold his receipt and I further charge him with the Sum of Twenty four Dollars & fifty cents on account amounting in the whole to the sum of five hundred & thirty Seven dollars & thirty seven cents ($537.37) I further charge him my Son Samuel Twenty five Dollars pr Annum rent for the Land upon which he now lives commencing with the year Eighteen hundred and forty nine & to continue till my death or So Long as he Shall continue to use and occupy the same I hereby charge my Son William Bullington with the Sum of one hundred and fifty Six Dollars (156 00) due me on Two Separate notes which I hold against him my Said Son William I further charge my Son Benjamin Bullington with the Sum of Seventy four dollars the price of a Mare delivered to him I also charge my Son Jesse Bullington with one hundred Dollars the price of a Waggon delivered to him I further charge my son Calib with the Sum of one hundred and forty five Dollars the amount of a note I hold on him---


I Will and desire that after all my Just debts are paid all of my Estate both real and personal Shall be divided amongst my Eleven Children (viz) Samuel Bullington Luch Chapman wife of John Chapman Nutty Howard now a widow William Bullington Benjamin Bullington Jesse Bullington John Bullington Reuben Bullington James Bullington Calib Bullington & Elizabeth Brannon wife of James Brannon Equally (viz) all the Sums mentioned in the forgoing part of this Will as being Severally charged Shall be deducted from the Share of Each of them & Those who have not received any thing & those who have received Small Sums Shall be made Equal with the highest Sums named So that all my Said Eleven Children Shall have an Equal Share in my Estate – But I further State that no Interest Shall be charge on any note or account which I have or may have on any of my Said Children at my death they are to account for the principal only but they may Mach Such arrangements, or Division of property as Shall be Equal and Satisfactory to all parties concerned or they failing to do so then the whole of my Estate to be Sold by my Executors Should I appoint one herafter as I now intend to do but Should I appoint no Executor then my Administrator will Sell agreeable to Law In Witners Whareof I have herunto Set my hand & Seal this 26th day of Febury 1851


In presence of

Gabrel Cannon                                     Robert Bullington (Seal)

Eliza Johnson

Joseph Furger


Recorded in Will Book D    Page 347

Box 13 Package 27

Recorded 5th July 1852

R. Bowden O.S.D.



Reference – S.C. Archives
Spartenburg Estates #1090 (first 3 pages of file)



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