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Home Will of Reuben Meadors (Meadows)

Will of Reuben Meadors – 1829
Laurens County
Will Book F-page-238 Bundle 45-Pkg.9
Proven date 15th of September 1829

In the name of God Amen I Reuben Meadors of South Carolina Laurens District, being Sick and weak in body but sound of mind and disposeing mind memary, and understanding thanks be to Almighty God for his Blessing; calling to mind the uncertainty of this life do make and ordain this my last will and testament that is to say First I give my Soul to Almighty God who gave it my body I commend to it mother earth to be buried in a decent Christian burial; believing that at the general Resurection I shall Receive to it again, and touching my worley Estate where with it has pleased god to bless me with I do dispose of the Same in the manner and form following that is to Say. First I give and bequeath unto my beloved Wife Hannah all my property both real and personal that I am in possessing during her natural life or widowhood and in case of her death or marriage, then it is well and desired that all my property both real and personal with the increase and improvement be sold and equally divided amongst all my children, Share and Share alike Susannah Prather, Paschal Oney Polly Pearson, Martha, Ruben and James A. also the Share that falls to my daughter Susannah Prater arising from the Sale of my property as above Stated, I give and bequeath the Same to her and her heirs lawfully begotten Also in case any of my Children Shall decease leaving no Issue, then in that case the dividend thy have received of my property it is my will and desire that it should Sink back into my Estate and be divided as above directed And I do hereby nominate, constitute and appoint my Wife Hannah and my son Paschal Executors of of this my last will and Testament, hereby revoking all other and former will whatever this 9th of July 1829 Signed Sealed and declared publicly by the above  named Reuben Meadors as  and for his last will and  testament in presence of us test
Reuben Meadors (L.S.)
HS Neel
Isham Milam
Robert Adair
David Anderson Ordy. Laurens District

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