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Home Nathaniel Vice Probate Record
Generously donated by Lisa Ricks
Filed August 7, 1873

Nathaniel Vice Probate

State of South Carolina
County of Spartanburg

In the Probate Court

To the Hon. Benjamin Wofford, Judge of Probate

The Petition of Andrew Petit administrator of the good, chattels, rights and credits of the estate of Nathaniel Vice decd showeth that for nineteen years or more under authority of this court he has been exercising the functions of his office-has sold all personal property and collected all the debts due to the estate, and is now prepared to make a full and entire exhibition of his payments, receipts and transactions as administrator.

He further shows that he said Nathaniel died leaving the following distributees and heirs at ________, To wit, Azariah Vice decd, leaving five children named John S. Vice, James Eber Vice, Thomas Vice decd, leaving one child by name of Thomas, Harriet Vice who intermarried with Hezekiah Ducker and Jane Ellender Vice wife of James Smith at this time.

Obadiah Vise now deceased leaving a daughter named Susan who married a Clemens residing in Alabama, Martha who intermarried with James Harrison of this county, another by name of Sarah Ann now dead who married name not known, one named Francis who married Lewis Grist of Yorkville, another named Mary unmarried, a son by name of George supposed to be in Texas and one daughter named Louiza married name of husband and residence not known to your petitioners and another named Helen who married and removed hence, the name of her husband and whereabouts are unknown to your petitioners.

Nathan Vice decd son of Nathaniel Vice decd leaving a child named Mahala who intermarried with John Rhodes-residence at or near Springfield Illinois.

Nathaniel Vice Jr. decd leaving children by the name of Hosea, the names of the other children unknown to your petitioner.

Nancy Turley daughter of Nathaniel Vice decd who intermarried with Aaron Turley now residents of Ga.

Ruth Edwards widow of Newman Edwards decd now living in Ga.

Hosea Vice now living in Illinois another son of Nathaniel Vice decd.

A daughter named Mary wife of A. Petit the Petitioner now living in this county.

Your petitioner being desirous of concluding a settlement of all matters connected with the estate and finding it impracticable owing to the distant residences of some of the parties and uncertainty of the number and names of the children of the original ______ and distributees now deceased, respectfully asks your Honorable Court to appoint an early day for auditing his accounts as Administrator: to grant him such orders as may be necessary to enforce a full settlement and such other and further relief in the premises as to your Honor may seem just and proper.

And your petitioner will ever _______________
Andrew Pettit
And your petitioner as an amendment to this petition would state that Thomas Vice a son of Thomas Vice decd mentioned in the petition is a minor and humbly prays that your Honor will order the appointment of a Guardian ad litem to take charge of and superintend his interests in this case.

All which is respectfully _________
Andrew Petit


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