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Home Will of Meredith P. Meador (Meadows)
Recorded in Book No.19, pages 459-460
June 17, 1856

State of South Carolina
Fairfield District
I Meredith P. Meador being of sound mind and memory, do make and publish this my last will and Testament in manner and form following (that is to say) Item1st my will and desire is that my executors herein named pay all my just debts funeral expenses and all other such charges Item2d my desire is that the whole of my property both real and personal be either sold or divided by my Executors. (the way that they consider best.) in the following manner-- one half of the whole of my estate both real and personal to my three oldest children Viz Urban W. Meador, Mary Ann Rebecca Coleman and Louisa Caroline Wood the one half above mentioned to be Equally divided between my three above named children. The other half of the whole of my Estate both real and personal be divided Equally between my wife Mary Ann Meador, and my two youngest children, Viz Franklin Pierce Meador and Penelope C. Calhoun.  I hereby ordain nominate and appoint my son Urban W. Meador and Berry H. Weathers my Executors to carry out and execute this my last will and Testament, hereby allowing then what is customary on the whole of my property both real and personal, for executing the same.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this fourth day of June one thousand Eight hundred and Fifty six and Eightyeth year of American Independence Signed Sealed and published as and for the last will and testament of Meredith P. Meador. who at his request and in his presence and in the presence of each other have signed the same as witness there unto
M. P. Meador
Sam W R Mc C(?) Lufkin
G.C.Rhyne James Smith


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