Spartanburg County, SC part of the SCGenWeb
Home Estate File of Matthias Turner, Sr.
Generously contributed by James D. Martin


Significant Events ............................................................................................................................. iv

Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... v

Will of John Turner .............................................................................................................................. 1

Complaint of Rebecca Turner in Spartanburgh Equity Court ................................................ 3

Refiled Complaint of Rebecca in Pinckney Equity Court ......................................................... 7

Will of Matthias Turner ..................................................................................................................... 13

Agreement Between Matthias Turner and Wilson Nesbitt ..................................................... 15

Executor Appointment for Matthias Turner's Estate .............................................................. 16

Publication of Executor Citation ................................................................................................... 16

Appraisal of Matthias Turner's Property ..................................................................................... 17

Response of Wilson Nesbitt to Rebecca's Refiled Complaint ............................................... 19

Revised Bill of Complaint ................................................................................................................ 21

Plea of John Campbell ..................................................................................................................... 28

Plea from Richland District SC ...................................................................................................... 29

Answer of Wilson Nesbitt to Bill of Complaint ....................................................................... 31



Date                     Event


9 May 1813          John Turner's Last Will and Testament made

May 1813          John Turner dies

5 Jul 1813          John Turner's Will presented to Spartanburg District Ordinary for probate.

20 Oct 1817          Rebecca Turner owned five negroes

20 Oct 1817          Rebecca Turner, age 73; allegedly agreed to transfer the five negroes

to the care of her son Matthias Turner

17 Nov 1817          Complaint of Rebecca Turner and Joseph Price filed in Equity

Court, Spartanburgh District

Nov 1817          Matthias Turner request Col Wilson Nesbitt to write a Bill of Sale

for the five negroes

2 May 1818          Rebecca Turner files Complaint in Equity Court, Pinckney District

27 May 1818          Matthias Turner prepares his Last Will and Testament

27 May 1818          Agreement between Matthias Turner and Col Wilson Nesbitt made

27 May 1818          Wilson Nesbitt purchased the five negroes from Matthias Turner

Jun 1818          Matthias Turner dies

6 Jul 1818          Executor appointed for Matthias Turner's Will

18 Jul 1818         Publish Matthias' Executor Appointment Citation

21 Aug 1818          Joseph Price qualified as Executor of John Turner's Estate

31 Aug 1818           Inventory and Appraisal of Matthias Turner's property completed

About 1819           Wilson Nesbitt responds to the Bill of Complaint

9 Feb 1820         Judge James issues decree setting aside the sale from Rebecca to

Matthias Turner [document missing]

1820- 1825           Bill of Complaint refiled in Equity Court, Spartanburgh District

1834- 1835            Petition for Bill of Review in Equity Court [document missing] Before 1836          Rebecca Turner dies

About 1836 After Rebecca's death apparently the children of Matthias led by William B. Turner, his eldest son and an Attorney, continued to plead the case against Wilson Nesbitt. This document was not included in those received from SC Archives.

About 1841           Answers of Wilson Nesbitt to Bill of Complaint

Note:          Rebecca Turner is the wife of John Turner Matthias Turner is the son of John and Rebecca

Joseph Price is a Son-in-law of John and Rebecca Wilson Nesbitt is a business associate of Matthias Turner



1. ESTATE FILE OF MATTHIAS TURNER. This is the Title given to this study as it includes those documents from the South Carolina Archives that make up the Estate File of Matthias. However, as there is considerable interplay with the death of Matthias' father, John Turner, I have included John Turner's Last Will and Testament herein.


2. DATING THE DOCUMENTS. Several of the documents from this file are not dated. After careful reading of the document itself, I have used a date found internal in the document or assigned an approximate date based on the document content and the relationship to other events.


3. JOSHUA RICHARDS. The name of Joshua Richards as Executor is found in the Will of John Turner. Joshua Richards was from North Carolina and a Veteran of The Revolution. He was also Pastor of the Goucher Creek Baptist Church located in the northeast part of Spartanburgh District.


4. WILLIAM COLLINS. This name appears on several of the documents as Witness. William is believed to have been the Sheriff of Spartanburgh District in the early 1800s.


5. ABNER BENSON. This name also appears on several of the documents as Witness. Abner Benson was one of the largest landholders in Spartanburgh District during the early 1800s. His holdings extended from the north side of the North Tyger River eastwards to the Thickety Mountain area.


6. DOCUMENT ARRANGEMENT. The documents herein are arranged in order according to their actual or estimated dates.


7. CHILDREN O F JOHN TURNER. These children are listed partly in his Will and on Page 4, Lines 65 thru 74. They are listed in the Family Group Sheet based on the order in which they appear in the Complaint with approximate dates of birth.


8. TRANSCRIPTION. The original Complaint starting on Page 3, and the Revised Bill of Complaint starting on Page 21 are transcribed on a line for line basis; precisely reflecting the same lines of the original documents. The copies of the documents received from the South Carolina Archives were produced from microfilm of the originals. These copies were very dark at the edges and in many cases, the words could not be read. The missing, or unreadable words, are indicated by spaces between square brackets. If anyone has a previously transcribed copy of these or access to the originals, I would appreciate any corrections or additions.


9. LINE 60 ON PAGE 4 had almost a complete line inserted between words. The font size was reduced to maintain line numbering integrity.


      10. TERM "BAN DRY". This term is a contraction, or short hand for the word "hus-bandry" meaning the care of animals and stock. It is found on Page 21 Line 15 and Page 22 Line 37.

Last Will and Testament
John Turner

[9 May 1813]


          State of South Carolina

          Spartanburgh District


 In the name of God Amen. I John Turner of Spartanburgh District &  State aforesaid being of sound and disposing mind and memory but calling to mind the uncertainty of my long continuing on this Earthly to be parte being now an old  man & desirous to regulate and adjust my affairs while present, have thought proper  to make this my last will and testament disposing of the property at hath pleased God  to bless me with in the following manner.

 Imprimis. After paying all my just debts I lend unto my beloved son Nathan Turner one Negro man named job and all my smith tools during his natural life for  his portion and as I believe he is an insane person my Executors shall have the charge  of his property and see to the taking care of him and after his death it is my will what  is left shall return to my estate and equally divided among all my lawful heirs share & share alike.

2nd I lend unto my beloved daughter Sally Turner one Negro woman named Sarah and one feather bed & furniture for her portion during her natural life & my executors shall have the full charge of her property and see to the taking care of her, and after her death it is my will what is left return to my estate and be equally divide among all my lawful heirs share & share alike.

3rd All the rest of my property real and personal I Leave to my beloved wife Rebekah Turner during her natural life for her support and maintenance.

4th It is my will and desire after the death of my beloved wife Rebekah Turner all my estate to real and personal be equally divided between & among all my children or their lawful heirs share & share like.

 5th I here constitute and appoint Joseph Price and Joshua Richards Executors of this my last will and testament and invest them with full power to divide my estate as aforesaid without any order of Comt. Ratifying acknowledging & confirming the same this 9th day of May 1813.



Jesse Turner      Jon. Turner [Seal]

Rachel Price

Robert Price


South Carolina Spartanburgh District                         by William Lancaster Ordinary SD


Personally appeared before me Joshua Richards who being duly sworn on the Holy evangelist of Almighty God, doth make Oath and say that he saw John Turner sign, seal, publish, pronounce and declare the same to be and contain his last will and

testament that he the said John Turner was then of sound & disposing mind, memory, and understanding of the deponents Knowledge & belief.


Joseph Camp esqr. being also sworn say he could not prove the hand writing of the deed tho' had seen his hand writing was often with him & never discovered but what he was in his right mind. 17 Augt 1818. On the twenty first day of August 1818 Joseph Price named Executor in said will came forward & was qualified.


                                                                                       W. Lancaster

O. S. D.

Complaint of
Rebecca Turner and Joseph Price
Matthias Turner and Wilson Nesbitt

[17 Nov 1817]

State of South Carolina   In Equity
Spartanburgh District


To the Honourable Judge of the Court of Equity of the said State -


Humbly complaining & here write your Honour your Oratrix Rebecca Turner

and Orator Joseph Price that John Turner (late husband of your Oratrix) being of sound mind and memory did on the ninth day of May one thousand eight  hundred and thirteen duly make and execute his last Will and Testament and shortly afterward died leaving the same unmarked did us fully forge - And make and by the said Will did appoint Joshua Richard and Joseph Price Executors           did of - that the said Will is as presented to the Ordinary of Spartanburgh District for Probate on the fifth day of July 1813 and to [        ]Will refusing to take the necessary [          ] to plead the same they be in [   ]expecting to get their share of the Testators Estate sooner by not having the said Will as they were the Children and heirs of the said Testator and he by his Will having given the property in which they were to have a part to his wife your Oratrix during her natural life and at her death to be divided between the said colegatees to the Will and others: On which refusals of the said colegatees to the said Will to [   ]               Administration of all and singular the goods and chattels rights and orders of the said John Turner was granted to his Widow your Oratrix and gave Wilson Nesbett [   ] or security for the [       I dealings of his duty a copy of which being    exhibited and marked H - that all the personal Estate of the said John Turner Decd was sold by order of the Ordinary by your Oratrix the Administratrix and that said Oratrix [         ] and at the sale of the said Estate the following negroes, Job Ruben,  Sarah John and Ephraim being the property of the said John Turner at the time of his death - Your Oratrix and Orator further shew unto your Honours that on the seventeenth day of August 1818 the Will of the said John Turner was duly proven before the Ordinary of Spartanburgh District and the Administration of your Oratrix revoked and that your Orator Joseph Price qualified as Executor to the said Will and that Joshua Richards the other Executors refused to qualify that your Orator Joseph Price obtained letters testamentary and took [         ] the execution of the said Will all which will be made fully appears by [Exhibit ?] hereunto filed and marked A. And your Orator and Oratrix further shew unto your   Honours that there was an appeal taken from the decision of the said Order of in the proving of the said Will and the administration aforesaid to the Court of Common Pleas filed for the District of Spartanburgh which said Court of common pleas rescinded the said appeal hereby confirming the decision of the Ordinary in the establishing the said Will and revoking the Administration aforesaid & your Orator and Oratrix further shew unto your Honours that the said John Turner in and by his said will did leave unto his son Matthias a negro man named job during his natural life who was and Estate is in said and give the [    ] and change of his son and property to the said Testator Executor and after the death of his son divide that which is left of his Estate shall be trust to the Estate of the said Testator and be equally divided among all his lawful heirs share and share alike. And the said Testator by his said Will lends unto his Daughter Sarah or Sally Turner among other things a negro woman named Sarah  for his natural life and the Executor the same as a change of that from and Estate of the said Sally and divide that what is left after the death of his Daughter Sally shall return to the Estate and be equally repaid amount all his legal heirs share and share alike which said negroes job and Sarah [         ] of those sold by the Administrators of the said John Turner Decd at [    ]of his Estate before stated and purchased by your Oratrix. And the part [cannot read - may not be any writing present; burnt out] Testator in and by his said Will leaves all the rest of his property real and personal to his wife Rebecca Turner your Oratrix during her natural life for her support and maintenance and after her death divide all the said property given to his wife to be equally divided between and among all her children or other lawful heirs of age made share alike a copy of which said Will is [    ] presented as Exhibit B. Your Orator and Oratrix further tells unto your Honours that Sally Turner the daughter and legatee of the said Testator on or about the day of one thousand eight hundred and died is without being married and intestate since the death of her Father the Testator. Your Orator and your Oratrix further states unto your Honours that the Testator had in following children (to wit), Samuel Turner who died before the Testator leaving several children now alive. William Turner who died before the Testator leaving several children now alive. John Turner now living fall and he is deceased, died since the death of the Testator leaving a wife and several children. Molly Byars wife of Nathan Byars now living. Unisa Price wife of Joseph Price your Orator is living. Rachel Price wife of Robert Price who has died since the testator leaving several children now living. Henry Turner Deceased since the Testator leaving several children now living. Matthias Turner is living. Polly Turner now Polly Price entered marriage since the death of the Testator to Russell Price & Sally Turner who is died since the time of the Testator death unmarried. Your Orator and Oratrix further shewers to your Honours that John Turner the Testator at the time of death is not indebted to any person neither has any debt been rendered in against the Exo since his death which is now about seven years. Your Orator and Oratrix further States unto your Honours that your Oratrix says this Seventeenth day of November in the year of our lord [   ] eight hundred and seventeen possessed and at the time believed to be her own  five negroes (to wit) Job, Ruben, Sarah, John & Ephraim being all the negroes she possessed and being the negroes of John Turner Deceased at his death which [               ] of the value of two thousand five hundred dollars that your Oratrix bring about security thru years of age and being infirm and leaving last us some degree her memory and being unable to attend to the said negroes in the cultivation of her land did the same day and year aforesaid agree to sell her son Matthias Turner who had  no lands of his own to live on & that he should take the care and management of the negroes aforesaid her house and implements of her bandry and [  ]and [  ] her land during your Oratrix life take all the profits and enhancements arising from the Custodian thereof with the negroes, horses and tools of this bounty aforesaid provided he the said [       ], would maintain support and [     [ your Oratrix and find her the courses necessary of life and feed and take [         ] of her [            ] during her life which he agreed to do. That the said Matthias was to give Bond and surety to your Oratrix for the faithful performance of his agreement aforesaid and your Oratrix was to give to the said Matthias instrument of working containing the agreement [understand ?] that your Oratrix being of want [         ] and illiterate can see this write was read writing neither can this said Matthias but reposing great confidence in him her said and believing that he would not thought to deceive and defraud your Oratrix consented he should find some person to do all this writing conformable to make the agreement aforesaid that on the same day and year aforesaid the said [allotur?] presented to your Oratrix an with consent of writing which is not read to his (in the hand writing of Wilson Nesbitt that the said Matthias do said it was drawn according to this agreement before made and your Oratrix believing what he said to be true required the same which was [         ]by the two son of the said Matthias although Col Wilson Nesbitt was there at the house though he does not recollect that he was in the house when the said writing [     ]  [           1 that your Oratrix and Orator have been informed and will be [        ]              [this line appears to have been "x"ed out by the writer]

This is the end of this Document as provided by the SC Archives


Refiled Complaint
Rebecca Turner and Joseph Price
Matthias Turner and Wilson Nesbitt

[2 May 1818]

State of South Carolina                                                      In Equity


Pinckney District                           


To the Honorable the Judges of the Court of Equity of the said State.


Humbly Complaining show unto you now your Oratrix Rebecca Turner that your oratrix on the twentieth of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventeen owned and possessed five negroes to wit job Reubin Sarah, her child him the son, and Ephraim being all the negroes She owned except an old woman upwards of seventy years old, which were of the value of three  thousand five hundred dollars, that your Oratrix being about Seventy three years of  age and very infirm and having lost in some degree her memory and being incapable to attend to the said negroes in the Cultivation of her lands did on the same day and your aforesaid agree with her son Matthias Turner who had no plantation of his own  to reside on, that he should take the care and management of the negroes aforesaid her horses and implements of husbandry and works and Cultivate her land during the Oratrix life and have all, the benefits and entitlements arising from the cultivation thereof with the negroes home and tools of husbandry aforesaid provided he would maintain and support and do The your Oratrix and find her answer necessary of life and feed and take care of her Stock which he agrees to do that the said Matthias was to give about to your Oratrix in which he should bind himself to her keep and perform his agreement aforesaid with your Oratrix and she was to give to said Matthias an instrument containing the agreement in her past that your Oratrix being ignorant and illiterate can neither count or read writing neither could the said Matthias but refusing great confidence in him and believing he would not attempt to deceive  and defraud your oratrix consented he should procure some person to draw the writing. After and in able to the agreement aforesaid that on the same day and year  aforesaid the said Matthias presents to your oratrix an instrument of writing which was not read to her but the said Matthias declared that it was drew confirmable to the agreement aforesaid and your oratrix believing what he stated to be true signed the same which was witnessed by the two sons of the said Matthias as alltho the person who drew the said instrument was about the house tho she does not know that he was in the house when the same was signed by her, that your oratrix at the same time recover the paper herewith filed and Marked B which the said Matthias said contains the agreement on his part but was not read to your oratrix as she recollects which from the information she has received appear to be a bond signed by the said Matthias and Wilson Nesbitt conditioned for clothing and maintenance of your oratrix during her natural life. That your oratrix believing that every thing that had been done by her son was fair & honest handed over to him the care and management of the said five negroes horses implements of husbandry and lands in pursuance of the agreement aforesaid that shortly after the said Matthias had gotten the negroes aforesaid into his possession your orators was informed that the instrument of which she had signed to the said Matthias supporting and believing it to contain her agreement with the said Math this aforesaid was an absolute bill of sale for the said five negroes from your oratrix to the said Matthias expressing a consideration of Eighteen hundred dollars to the great astonishment this surprise of your oratrix the same having been recorded She procured along which is herewith exhibited and Marked A. Your oratrix further shews to your Honours that shortly after she discovered the deception and fraud of said son Matthias she asked him if he had such a bill of sale for the negroes he did and he had and said the said negroes were his own and he intended to keep them, that your oratrix then demanded the said bill of sale and negroes from the said Matthias who refused to deliver them to your oratrix Stating at the same time that your oratrix had made  another agreement with him subsequent to the first agreement as above set forth, which he did not pretend to deny by which she had sold the said five negroes to him provided he would maintain and support her during her natural life but said nothing of her land horses and tools of farming which he then had in his possession neither did he pretend he had any claim to the use of them alltho he was then still Cultivating  the land of your oratrix with her horses tools of husbandry and the negroes aforesaid That your Oratrix denies ever making any such agreement with the said Matthias as he stated as aforesaid to her recollection but states to your Honours that a few days before such agreement was said to have been made by her with the said Matthias a son of hers by the name of John, to whom she was very much attached, had visited her who lived in the western country and started home and from her age and infirmities never expected to see him again in this life by which she was much affected and disturbed and when this disturbed her mind is much impaired and that if she ever did consent to depart absolutely of her right to the said negroes to the said Matthias upon the terms stated by him your oratrix must have been deranged as she has no recollection of the same and the said Matthias knowing her situation and distress must have as She with a sorrowful heart and tears believing fraudulently taken advantage of his Mother information and weakening and endeavored to save to himself the principal and Mort valu all parts of her property which your oratrix intends at her death should be divided between the said Matthias and ten other children of your oratrix who was equally near and dear to her that your oratrix is confident that they never could have made such a contract when in her further state as she was capable of proper though and reflections she most solemnly declares in the presence of that God who gave his existence & before who awful tribunal she must soon appear that she never intended that the said Matthias should have all the said negroes in the exclusion of the rest of his brothers and sisters. That she considered and still thinks that she was doing much for the said Matthias when she provided him home the use of her land negroes, home & working tools during her life for the small pittance of her support and her little stock. That if your oratrix had ever made such a contract with the said Matthias he made not complain with the same & he may not furnish anything for her support and maintenance since he has gotten the said negroes into his possession that the said Matthias still has the said negroes & bill of sale in his possession and claim the said negroes as his own under the same and refuses to deliver them to your Oratrix when applied to for them and that your oratrix has frequently applied to the said Matthias to deliver her the said bill and to have an instrument 89 drawn according to the agreement insisted on by your oratrix or to deliver the said negroes to her. And your Oratrix well before that the said Matthias would comply with such her request as in justice and he ought to have done But now as it is may & please your Honours that the said Matthias Turner combining and confederating with divers either persons at present unknown to your oratrix whose names when discovered she prays may be herein inserted with apt and proper bonds to charge them as party thereto and construing how to injure and dispossess your oratrix in the premises absolutely refusing to comply with such reasonable request of your Oratrix on naming pretenses all which actings and doings are contrary to Equity and good conscience and tend to the Manifest wrong of your oratrix in her premises. In  consideration whereof and for as much as your oratrix is remediated in the premises by the [      ] of law and cannot have adequate relief except in a Court of Equity where matters of this kind are properly cognizable and believable To the end therefore that the said Matthias Turner and his confederates when discovered may upon their several and respective knowledge remembered information and belief a full true direct and perfect and you make to all and singular the matter aforesaid and that as fully as if the same were here repeated and they particularly interrogated thereto and from especially that the said Matthias Turner can be compelled to answer and set forth whether he did not not make such agreement with your oratrix as he has stated and insist is the true agreement and whether if she did make such a second agreement with him the said Matthias by which she needed the negroes absolutely [ ] if she was not much disturbed and afflicted at the time at the late departure of her son John if she is not seventy three years old and very infirm and now old and when distressed of from her age and infirmities she is capable of making a Contract and is easily informed on and whether he the said Matthias if she did make a contract as allowed by him did not persuade her to make it by taking advantage of her then situation and who as present when the said Contract was made & who witnessed the bill of sale from her to you and who drew it. And who else was at the house the time of the bill of sale was signed. Was it read it to her. Did you state to her it Contract and what did you state was the [   ] can she write and read writing - where was Coln Nesbitt when she signed the bill of sale and where was he when you made the Contract for the negroes and will he testify did he hear her make it - did you not go or send for him to do the writing between you and and why did he not witness the bill of sale and where is the bill of sale and is the exhibit Marked A, A true copy and is the bond Marked B a true copy of the bond signed by you & Wilson Nesbitt to her and have you not said you were willing to give up the negroes if Col W. Nesbitt was willing that he any interest in the negroes is there any agreement or understanding between you and him that he shall have part of the negroes is he any way interested in them. Has he not asked you to deliver the negroes to him & bill of sale also did you not receive and then to keep them has he any other negroes might he [    ] [    ] have you not got them in possession had she not to other children at the time you get the bill of sale had not her son John who lives in the western country just been in to see his Mother who had a few days before you get the bill of sale, started home and was she not in great distress of news at his going away. Have you furnished her with any thing towards the support of herself and stock since you got possession of the negroes. Have you not often heard her say she intends to divide her property at her death between her children had you any land of your own at the time you get the bill of sale from her do you not live on her land work her horse and make use of her tools to cultivate the land. what do you give her for the use of the land horses and tools. And that the said bill of sale may be decreed to be allowed to your oratrix or to be null and void & that the said five negroes may be delivered to your oratrix and that the said Matthias account to her for the use of them and also that for the use of her land horses & tools of husbandry and that your oratrix may have such other and further relief in the promise as the nature of this case [ ] [ ] and unto your Honours  Shall seem meet. May it please your Honour to grant unto your oratrix the Writ of Subpena to be directed to the said Matthias Turner thusly commanding him at a certain day and under certain [ ] therein to be instructed formally to be and   appear before your Honour in this Honourable Court then and there to answer the presents and to atend to and write such order and decree therein or Your Honour shall seem agreeable to Equity and good conscience and your oratrix will ever pray.                                             

J Girt Cornfity Solr


Last Will and Testament of Matthias Turner

[27 May 1818]


State of South Carolina


              I Matthias Turner of the district of Spartanburgh and State aforesaid being low in health but of sound and disposing mind memory and recollection do make this my last will and testament in Manner and form following, that is to say,

1st I will that so much of my estate as will be sufficient to pay my just debts be sold for that purpose.

2nd After all my debts are paid I will give devise and bequeath unto my son William Turner the sum of Three hundred and fifty dollars to have and to hold unto him and  his heirs, forever.

3rd I will devise and bequeath unto my wife Molly Turner during her natural life or widowhood the remainder of my estate both real and personal and every other thing or things to me and my wife belonging, to have and to hold during her natural life or widowhood.

4th  In case of the death or marriage of my wife Molly I will devise and bequeath all my estate herein willed to her be equally divided among such of my children as may be living at her death or marriage.

5th  My will and desire is that my wife shall support maintain and educate my children out of the property herein willed to her during her natural life or widowhood.  

6th  I make name constitute and appoint my wife Molley Turner Executrix and Col Wilson Nesbitt Executor of this my last will and testament hereby revoking all former will or wills, testament or testaments by me made In witnefs whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 27h day of May 1818.


                                                                                       Matthias (x) Turner


Signed sealed published and declared by the said Matthias Turner to be his last will and testament in our presence who in his presence and at his request subscribed our names as witnesses thereto


                A. Benson

                William Collins

                Thomas Collins


 Recorded 27h of May, 1818
W. Lancaster O.S.D.


 Personally appeared before me Abner Benson esqr. & William Collins who being duly  sworn on the Holy Evangelist of Almighty doth make oath and say that they saw Matthias Turner Sign, Seal, publish, pronounce, and declare the same to be and contain his last will & testament that he the said Matthias Turner was then of sound & disposing mind, memory, and understanding, to the best of the deponents Knowledged & belief, & that they the said A. Benson & William Collins did sign their names as witnesses thereto, at the request of the testator, in his presence: at the same time qualified Molly Turner Exexutrix & Col. Wilson Nesbitt Executor


Given under my hand this 3`d day of August 1818


                                                                         H Lancaster Ord Sptg. Dist

 Agreement of
Matthias Turner and Wilson Nesbitt

[27 May 1818]

State of South Carolina

Spartanburgh District


           Articles of an agreement made and entered into between Matthias Turner, Senr. and

Col. Wilson Nesbitt in manners and form following, that is to say;


 The said Matthias Turner having this day executed a Bill of Sale to the said Wilson  Nesbitt for the following Negroes, to wit, Joab a negroe man about thirty years of age,  Sarah his wife about twenty years of age, John their son about four years of age,  Ephraim about two years of age & Reubin about twenty five years of age. For and in consideration of which Negroes the said Wilson Nesbitt obligates himself his heirs Executors Administrators and assigns to pay or cause to be paid unto the said Matthias Turner his heirs Adms Extors and assigns the sum of Two thousand five hundred and fifty dollars to be paid by installments of two hundred dollars annually without interest until the said sum of Two thousand five hundred and fifty dollars shall be discharged. Provided the said Wilson Nesbitt his heirs Exe Adm & assigns shall loose the said Negroes or any of them by law, then this obligation to be void to all wants. Given under our hands and Seals this 27th day of May 1818.


Executed in presence of                                           Matthias Turner             (Seal)

William Collins                                                        Wilson Nesbitt               (Seal)


Citation of Executor Appointment
[6 Jul 1818]

South Carolina

Spartanburgh District


 By William Lancaster

Ordinary of Said District


 Whereas Matthias Turner late of said District dec. died leaving a will, with Wilson Nesbitt asg. Executor for the probate thereof - These are therefore to Cite the Kindred & legatees of said dec. to appear before me on the first Monday in August next, to show cause if any why the will of said dec. should not be proven in Solemn form & the Executor therein named quallify according to Law.


Given under my Hand & Seal this 6`h day of July 1818 and in the forty third year of
 American Independence.

                                                                                       W. Lancaster



Publication of Citation

 [18 Jul 1818]


          The Within Citation for Publication at my Muster Ground this day its being made 18th   July 1818.

                                                                                      W. Collins Capt



[31 Aug 1818]


          Appraisments of the Estate of Matthias Turner Deceased

                                                                                      Wilson Nesbitt              Executor

                                                                                      Molly Turner                Executrix


1 Bed 1 Blanket 1 quilt 2 sheets                                                                    12 50 "

1 Bed 1 Counter Pin                                                                                      6 " "

1 Shaw Bed & Counter pin                                                                            2 " "

 1 Pine Chest                                                                                                  1 "

 1 Double Bolted Pad Lock                                                                              " 50 "

 1 Rack                                                                                                          1"

 2 Cotton Wheels                                                                                            1 75 "

 1 Flax Wheel                                                                                                 2 " "

 1 pair fire dogs                                                                                               2 " "

1 Smoothing iron & stand                                                                                " 75 "

1 tin trumpet                                                                                                   " 25 "

2 pair cotton chards                                                                                         " 75 "

1 Sifter & Bread tray                                                                                       " 75 "

2 pink Bowls                                                                                                   " 37 5

4 pewter Plates                                                                                               1 50 "

1 pewter Bason                                                                                               1 50 "

4 iron spoons                                                                                                   " 25 "

1 Knife & 5 forks                                                                                            " 18 7

1 Belt & Buckle                                                                                              " 31 3

1 Spelling Book                                                                                                " 18 7

 Shaving Box & razor                                                                                       " 31 3

1 Pocket Book                                                                                                 " 25 "

1 pair spectacles                                                                                              " 37 5

1 pint & half pint tin Cafx                                                                                 " 18 7

1 Loom Stay Complete & Shuttle                                                                      3 12 5

1 Salt                                                                                                              " 25 "

1 Plow Mould                                                                                                  " 50 "

1 Bay Mare                                                                                                     55 55 "

                 Carried to Bottom next page                                                             95 50 2


 One Saddle Sade Blanket & Bridle                                                                   3 "  "

 One [cannot read]                                                                                          1 75 "

 One plow Stock Single thr through                                                                  1 "   "

One di                   di       di       di        di                                                        1 "   "

3 old [unreadable]                                                                                           2 "   "

3 old plow mould                                                                                           " 62 5

1 12 gallon Pot                                                                                               2 " "

1 7 gallon Pot & Hanger                                                                                  2 12 5

1 Mill oven                                                                                                     1 50 "

1 Small Pot & Skillet                                                                                        1 25 "

1 Marbing tub                                                                                                " 50 "

One drawing knife                                                                                          " 25 "

One water pale & Peggin                                                                                 " 37 5

3 small vials                                                                                                    " 18 7

Cotton                                                                                                           1 25 "

Flax & Tow                                                                                                   1 " "
3 shoats                                                                                                          ? " "

Waring apparel                                                                                               10 50 "

4 Kids                                                                                                            6 "

18 Fouls                                                                                                         1 87 5

9 quart Bottle                                                                                                  " 25 "

1 [unreadable]                                                                                                  " 12 5

1 Level                                                                                                            " 50 "

1 yard spun cotton                                                                                           1 25 "

4 yards spun flax                                                                                             1 " "

One Iron wedge                                                                                             " 37 5

Indigo                                                                                                            1 "   "

One [unreadable] niting needle                                                                           " 60 3

Brought from preceding Page                                                                        95 56 2

                                                                                                                    141 31 2

                 [Scother ?] in tax                                                                                    6

                                                                                                                                                          147 31 2

One Cow Bell & Collar                                                                                  " 75 "

4 Bushels rye                                                                                                      3 " "                                         151 06 2

State of South Carolina

Spartanburgh District


 We do hereby Certify that we have appraised all the property Shewed unto us by Molly Turner Exex of the Estate of Said Deceased - and that the above Contains a true Statement of the Same Amounting to One hundred & forty Seven dollars thirty one cents & two mills. Given under our hand this 31st day of August 1818. Bell & Rye to be added $3.75 of the Grand.

                A. Benson

                William Collins

                 Briant Bonner

            [Note: The first column is in Dollars, the second column in Cents and the third column is in Mills]




Answer of Wilson Nesbitt
Refiled Bill of Complaint 

[about 1819]


          State of South Carolina

          Spartanburgh District                                      In Equity


 The separate answer of Wilson Nesbit to the bill of complaint of Joseph Price and 5          Rebecca Turner.


 The Defendant in answering to in [March?] of complainants bill as he is advised is material to be answered, answering saith, that he as with the preliminary statement made in the bill relative to the Bill of John Turner [accrues?] and to the letters of administration granted by the Ordinary to be correct and true as in that at the sale made by order of the Ordinary Mrs Rebecca Turner purchased the negroes mentioned in the bill. This Defendant for further answer to the said Bill states that some time in November 1817 the late Matthias Turner deceased requested this Defendant to write a Bill of Sale for the five negros stated in the Bill which he said he had contracted for or purchased from his Mother Mrs R. Turner the complainant That is completed with this request he went to the house of Wm. B. Turner and wrote a Bill of Sale of which complainants, Exhibit "D", is a correct copy. The said Matthias Turner then informed this Defendant that the consideration for which his Mother sold him these negros, was an agreement on his part to Maintain and support her during her life, and that she required surety from him for the performance of his contract and requested this Defendant to become his surety - This Defendant then drew the Bond stated in the Bill and signed it as a co-obligor - Before these instruments were put in the hands of the parties, the Deft read them both aloud & he asked twice to Mrs. Turner, and he is perfectly satisfied she distinctly heard and fully understood their purport meaning and object. He further avers that at this time he had not the slightest suspicion of Mrs. Turner sanity, or that it had even been questioned; if he had heard or suspected any want of rationality her conversation and manner would have removed every doubt. This Defendant most confidently believes that Mrs Turner was there sane, and that she perfectly understood the nature and character of the contract she was then Making. This Defendant in for this answer to complainants Bill States, that on the twenty seventh of May Eighteen hundred and Eighteen he purchased from Matthias Turner the five negros already mentioned for the sum of two thousand five hundred and fifty Dollars, and received the Bill of sale herewith filed as an exhibit. He admits that he did hear about the time he made the purchase that Mrs Turner had filed a Bill against Matthias Turner for the rescission of the Sale and the recovery of these Negroes, on the ground of her insanity at time of the contract. But as this Defendant was satisfied that the pretext for rescinding the Sale was unfounded, and believed the suit to have initiated chiefly from the jealousy and advice of her two son-in-laws Joseph Price and Nathan Byars, he was not deterred from Making the purchase, he admits that his principal inducement to the purchase, was to save a debt due him from the said Matthias Turner, but states that he did not make the purchase until the said Matthias Turner had offered to sale the said Negroes to other buyers.

Matthias Turner was indebted to this Defendant in the sum of about three hundred & fifty eight Dollars and the widow and children of the said Matthias have rescinded  since the death of the said Matthias the sum of about four hundred dollars.

The reason this Defendant has not paid the remainder of the purchase money to the representative of Matthias Turner, is the litigant state in which the property purchased, has been, and still continues.

 The answer to the specific interrogatories in complainants Bill, this Defendant says he believes that neither Mrs Rebecca Turner or Martha could write or read writing. The negro Sarah has had a child since Defendants purchase - The terms of the contract  between this Defendant and Matthias Turner are fully set forth in exhibit "B".  Matthias Turner owed this Defendant at the time he died the Bond mentioned in the Bill the sum of about three hundred & fifty eight dollars which together with some debt afterwards contracts, they subsequently agreed to be discounted - It did form a part of the said purchase Defendant credit - He did not recollect whether he saw Mrs  Turner or Matthias Turner sign this naming or execute the papers already mentioned. The Defendant denies the charge of fraud combination & pray, that he may be dismissed herewith his reasonable costs of suit.


                                                                                    Warren N. Davy

                                                                                                   Defts At


Revised Bill of Complaint
of Rebecca Turner
Wilson Nesbitt

 [1820 - 1825]


State of South Carolina

Spartanburgh District                                  In Equity


                                                To the Honorable the Judge of the Court [               ] Wilson Nesbitt who wrote the agreement aforesaid said he was a friend [   ] about to be executed but debt he said out of does and said that bill and another the [            I see it executed for fear of ourselves from Joseph Price your Orator as he did not want to offend heirs that your Oratrix at the same time necessary the paper has [     I filed and marked which the said Mathias said containing the agreement on his part but which was not read to your Oratrix a she recollects that from the information she has received appears to be a Bond required by the said Mathias and Wilson Nesbitt and do travel from Colters Ford and maintaining your Oratrix during her natural life that your Oratrix believes that something that has been done by her son is a fact and that horses delivered over to [ ] and management of the five negroes, horses and implements of his bandry and land information of the agreement aforesaid that shortly after the said Mathias had  gotten the negroes aforesaid into his possession your Oratrix is as informed that the inducement which she had signed to the said Mathias supporting and believing it to contain his agreement as before stated with the said Mathias was an absolute bill of sale for the said five negroes from your Oratrix to the said Mathias [expecting ?] & consideration of eighteen hundred dollars to the great astonishment and surprise of your Oratrix the same having been recorded she procured a copy which is herewith filed and marked D . Your Orator and Oratrix further Sale that the instruments of which exhibit D & are copies and are in the hand writing of Wilson Nesbitt. - Your Orator and Oratrix further States unto your Honours that shortly after your Oratrix discovered the deceptive and fraudulent that had been foisted on her in obtaining an absolute bill of sale for the negroes aforesaid she asked the said Mathias if he had such a bill of sale to declare he had and said the negroes were his own and he intended to keep them that your Oratrix then demanded the said bill of sale and negroes from the said Mathias who refused to deliver them and stated that your Oratrix had made another agreement making him subsequent to the first agreement as above set facts (which he did not pretend to deny)                by which she had sold the said five negroes to him provided he would maintain and support her during her natural life that said nothing of her land, house and farming tools which he then had in his possession neither did he pretend that he had informed to the use of them although he if there continued to cultivate the land until his death is me the house, tools of his bandry and negroes aforesaid that your Oratrix denies ever making any such agreement will the said Mathias as stated by him to his recollection but states to your Honours that a few days before it is said  such an agreement was made by her unto the said Mathias a son of his by the name of John to whom she is as much attached had [ ] her who lived in the Western country and had then started home and from her age and infirmities never expected to see him again in this life by which she ever will be affected and disturbed her mind is much disordered and her understanding and recollection much impaired and that without, being dissatisfied she believes from her age and infirmities that she is not capable of making a contract and that if she did contract to dispose absolutely of her right to said negroes to the said Mathias afirm the terms stated by him your Oratrix must have been deranged in her mind and memory since she injured by old age as she leaves recollection of the same and the said Mathias himself  his situation and dislike must have by the aid of Col. Wilson Nesbitt who does that writing fraudulently takes the advantage of her retention and endearment to see to himself as well as Col Wilson Nesbitt the [          ] and most valuable part of her property which your Oratrix intended at her death if the sale by her as Administrator was valid and good should [          ] the said Mathias and two of her children of your Oratrix or their children who are qualified as said estate that your Oratrix is confident this was [       ] wherein [ cannot read remainder of this line; it is the bottom of the page]God who [ cannot read remainder of this line; it is the top of the page 1never extended that the said Mathias should be [    ] with said Negroes [        ] excluded of the rest of his brothers and Sisters this she [        ] doing nothing for the said Mathias who should have all the said negroes when she promised him a house the use of her land, Negroes horses and working tools during her natural life for the small furtherance of her [       ] support and her little [    ] years. Orator and Oratrix further states unto your Honours that your Oratrix could then have made such an agreement which in her right mind as the value of the said Negroes each was [     ] three times as much as he maintained during her natural life as she was infirm and of Seventy three years of age and a reading to her could of nature could not [       ] long - Your Orator and Oratrix further states that if your Oratrix even had made such a contract unto the said Mathias he and his Security Col Wilson Nesbitt have not even filed wills this said or another of them has furnished anything for her support since the alleged contract and that she has now to live with one of her son in laws and can expect no support and maintenance from the said Mathias as he is dead and his Estate is without and was so before his death. Your Orator and Oratrix further state that the said Mathias Deceased got the said Negroes into his possession on the seventeenth day of November 1817 and kept them in his possession from upwards of a year and had the benefit of the work and labour of them and shortly before his death as your Orator and Oratrix are informed and believes sold or [  ] to sale the said five negroes to Wilson Nesbitt for the sum of $2,550 dollars of the same negroes were not recovered from the said Wilson Nesbitt and if the said Wilson Nesbitt should loose them then nothing and that said Wilson Nesbitt purchased the said negroes into his possession and now has them in his possession and employment and has received the benefit arising from their cook and labors for two years and aforesaid that the said Wilson Nesbitt purchased the said negroes well knowing or heard that custodian by which the said Mathias held them was changed to the Spartanburgh by your Oratrix and that she intended to see for them also knowing or heard that John Turner had made a will by which he had given two of the negroes to his son and daughter Nathan Turner and Sally Turner and the rest of his property including three of those Negroes to your Oratrix for life only and after his death to be divided among the Testator children. - Your Orator and Oratrix further state to your Honours that be a Decree of the Ordinary of Spartanburgh District made the ninth day of February 1820 there is due and owing from your Oratrix as Administrator of John Turner Deceased to each legatee there being [       ] in [        ] the sum of Two hundred and thirty nine dollars, thirty four cents [  ] with which your Oratrix will be unable to pay if the Administration of the sale [ ] valid until she can recover the negroes a copy of which [    ] [            ] and she asked - Your Orator and Oratrix further state this they are induced to charge Col Wilson Nesbitt with being [          ] and [   ] to the fraud that has been foisted on your Oratrix by the said Mathias  Turner in obtaining the bill of sale aforesaid for the negroes aforesaid for the following reasons that the said Mathias Turner previous to the obtaining the said bill of sale was indebted to the said Wilson Nesbitt and was unable to pay him [            ] & not to aid him that the said Wilson Nesbitt [  ] to the getting of the said bill of sale had refused to [           ] the said Mathias Turner and had refused to let him have a peck or half bushel as a bushel of salt as one did as [            ] small article but let the said Mathias Turner wife heard in his [               ] and at his request that the said Wilson Nesbitt the bill of sale and was present and did not recollect and the same was [         ] by Mathias Turners two sons are of whoin could not will his [         ]              [               ] that the said Wilson Nesbitt bill of sale [        ] [ cannot read this line; it is the top of the page ]       to his Mother for her support and agreed the said [ ] with the said [  ] [               ] security as it is sufficient with a [   ] said Mathias is as there indebted to him and he had refused his [   ] that the said Wilson Nesbitt went out of doors when the papers were about to be explained                for fear of being present and that Joseph Price [          ] And easily that he has gotten the said negroes and claim them as his own without having paid a cent to the said Mathias Turner and that the [      ] -tion if he did [ ] them of the said Mathias Turner whole apart that amount that the said Mathias owed from the said Wilson Nesbitt. And your Orator Joseph Price further state unto your Honours that [        ] Will of the said John Turner has been [regularly ?] present and admitted to [        ] by the Ordinary of Spartanburgh District and that decision supported our on appeal to the Court of Common Pleas by which the Will [           ] and listened that the sale made by your Oratrix the Administrator of the negroes is null and void & [ ] to [   ] And that the legatees which the said Will & must be disposed of. Those interested in the said negroes              although the court should be of an opinion that the bill of sale from your Oratrix Rebecca Turner to her son is not void under the circumstances but that your Orator as the only qualified and acting Executor under the said Will is entitled to the possession of the negroes -Job who is willed to Nathan Turner and the negroe woman Sarah willed to Sally Turner and after their death to the Testator herein meaning his children not only as Executor but as guardian and trustee under and by virtue of the said Will as the said Mathias Turner is in a state of insanity and has nothing to support him and the said Sally Turner being dead and according to the said Will said negroe job goes to her brothers and sister - that your Orator is entitled to the possession of the other three negroes Willed to your Oratrix Rebecca during life as Executor he has not [considered ?] that the legatees should be in possession if the legacy which by said does not vest in the leatee until the consent of the Executor that your Orator is not only entitled to possession of the said negroes but to the value of them for their work and labour while in the possession of Mathias Turner and Wilson Nesbitt - Your Orator and your Oratrix further state unto your Honours that the negro Sarah has had a child while under possession of Mathias Turner or Wilson Nesbitt and that Wilson Nesbitt now has possession of it whose name is not known to your Orator and Oratrix - Your Orator and Oratrix further shew unto your Honours that Mathias Turner departed this life about the day of  one thousand eight hundred and eighteen and that previous to his death he duly made and executed his last will and testament in which he appointed Molly Turner his wife Executrix and Wilson Nesbitt Executor thereof and that this said Will has lawfully proven before the Ordinary of Spartanburgh District and admitted to  record and that the said Mary or Molly Turner and Wilson Nesbitt qualified as Executor thereto and took upon themselves the Execution of the said Exhibit and that Wilson Nesbitt [speaks ] of [too ?] often of [asking ?] the State and [  ] to some [parts or past] by and the hands of this State and intends selling or taking this said Negroes with him - Your Orator and Oratrix further States that your Oratrix applied to the said Mathias Turner in his life time to delivered to her the said bill of sale and negroes and have an agreement drawn according to the true contract as to come to some fair and honest settlement with your Oratrix but that he refused as to do, that in consequence thereof she filed a Bill in Equity against him for the negroes aforesaid on the second day of May 1818 but that the said Mathias died in a few days after the Service of the Mathias said responding and before any answers filed by which the said Bill attest - And that your Oratrix being old and infirm and unable to attend after [    ] and the said Wilson Nesbitt having gotten the said Negroes into his possession [               ] who now has [cannot read the remainder of this line; it is the top of the page] your Oratrix in and that [cannot read the remainder of this line; it is the top of the page]a deed or bill of sale for the said negroes to Nathan Byars and Joseph Price your Orator in the nature of a paper of Exhibit or [D ? ] of that but not with any [     ] any right [        I that they would be intelligent as her [        ] under the Will of John Turner. And this was [deliberately ?] understood by the said agreement between them: And your Oratrix in order to foresee the reasons of the said Negroes for the benefit of all his children And if the Decd makes true asking to make Nathan Byars a party to this complainant your Orator and Oratrix pray he may be made a party thereto. But they do not consent [   ] as he is no more interested this said than any of the other legatees with rest your Orator Joseph Price your Orator [                     ] Price represents.

                  Your Orator Joseph Price further states unto your Honours that he has applied to the said Wilson Nesbitt to deliver the said negroes to him and to pay for deliver of them in a most friendly manner but that he refused to so do. And your Orator and Oratrix still believe that the said Molly and Wilson Nesbitt would have complied with such a reasonable and [      ] request or [in ? I and Equity they ought to have been. But now so it is nicey please your Honours that the said Mathias Turner in his life time and the said Wilson Nesbitt and the said Molly Turner since the death of the said Mathias [combining ?] to your Orator and Oratrix whose [names ?] when at present unknown to your Orator and Oratrix whose names when discovered they pray be heirs interested will after and prosper [loosed?] to charge them as parties thereto and continuing how to inform and apprise your Orator and Oratrix in the premises absolutely refuse to comply with such their reasonable request [    ] all which [ ]  and [  ] and contrary to Equity and good conscience and tend to the manifest [ ] Orator and Oratrix [   ] [            ] cause [ ] where of and for as much as your Orator and Oratrix are [                        ] [     ] in the premises of law and cannot have adequate [ ] except with a court of Equity when matters of this kind are property [organization ?] will believable. To the end therefore that the said Molly Turner and Wilson Nesbitt and their confederates whom [        I may [         ] their several and respective corporal as this according to the best and utmost of their several and respective knowledge information and belief a full [    I and perfect answer make to all and singular the matters aforesaid and that as fully as if the same were here represented and they particularly interrogated there to   and more especially that the said Molly Turner and Wilson Nesbitt may be compelled to answer and set forth whether exhibit B is not a  true copy of the last Will and testament of John Turner Deceased and whether the exhibit D is not a true copy of the Bill of sale of your Oratrix to Mathias for the five negroes aforesaid and whether it is not a true copy of the bond given by Mathias Turner and Wilson Nesbitt to your Oratrix and whether you Wilson Nesbitt were present when the bill of sale for the negroes and bond to your Oratrix was signed as either of them? And did you see this Bill of sale signed by Mrs Turner? Could Mathias Turner or your Oratrix Rebecca Turner either read writing or write? And who is & [          ] you Wilson Nesbitt to write the said Bill of sale and bond read [         ]              you not write them? And do you not [        ] [          ] the said negroes and where are they? And has not the negroe woman Sarah had a child while in your possession as in Mathias Turner since she moved out of the possession of your Oratrix and who has that child now? What is its age and what is its name and how old is it? Did you know or will you [     ] found previous to the purchase of said negroes five and Mathias       [               ] that this right of them said negroes is [       ] [         ] that if her Oratrix was taken in [    ]  [        ] fraudulent [      ]? When did you buy [      ] they the [           ]              Mathias Turner and this [   ]

negros that Mathias Turner got from Rebecca Turner that [                                             ]     [               ] believe you and Mathias Turner with the sale of these negroes from him to you & relate it fully and if you have any matters [  ]  of it [ ] it? What was the time [          ] ? Was there any matters [     ] to the payment of the price of said Negroes? Did you pay him any money order count him money as debt that he owed you? And how much did he owe you at the time you signed the bond with him to Rebecca Turner  for her maintenance and how much and had you refused [                                                            ]   before that time? And how much did he owe you at the time in before purchased said negroes from him? And was his debt to be part of [ ] [       ]? Did you give any note for the purchase money [                                                                                                  ] bill of sale from him? Then you pray for the negroes if [    J Rebecca  Turner recovered them and have you paid anything to M. Turner in his life time or since his death to his Estate for said negroes and have you not been applied to by the wife or some of the children of M. Turner Decd for the payment of those negroes or some part of the price and have you paid them or do you refuse what was your reason for refusing? How long have you had these negroes in your possession and how have you employed them? To Molly Turner and Wilson Nesbitt: Where is the original bill of sale from Rebecca Turner to Mathias Turner? If either of you haven't produced it on the trial of this case? Is the children named as the legatees of John and Rebecca Turner the reputed children of theirs? And some others dead and who as dead leaving children as heirs before stated? Had said John Turner the son of Rebecca Turner a few days before the bill of sale of the the negroes aforesaid from Rebecca to M. Turner was given started to the Western  country where he lived and was the old lady his Mother much dismayed at his departure? Had Mathias Turner any land as plantation of his own at the time the said bill of sale was given him by his mother? Had he any negroes and in short was he worth anything and how much and in what did his property consist? Name it. Is not his Estate insolvent or how much is it worth? Just what did it consist of at his death? Have you made a time and [   ] of all his Estate at the time of his death to the Ordinary? And what [  ] did he owe at his death? And what amount remained in against his Estate and whether Rebecca Turner is worth anything and what land and housing? And in what his property consist? And with whom does she live? And what the said bill of sale from Rebecca Turner to Mathias Turner may be declared as null and void and if the sale made by the Administratrix of John Turner should not be declared void that then the said five negroes with this would be decreed to be delivered to the said to the said Rebecca Turner and that the Estate of Mathias Turner for the time he had the use and benefit of the said negroes do also account for the lives of these and that the said Wilson Nesbitt do also account for the use of them for the time he has had the use and benefit of the said negroes and if the sale by the administratrix of John Turner should be void and had that the said negroes job and Sarah and her increase be delivered over to the Executor Joseph Price and that the Estate of Joseph Price and Wilson Nesbitt do accept to him for the work and labours of them. And that Wilson Nesbitt do give security to the Executor Joseph Price for the delivery of the other three negroes to him at the death of Rebecca Turner and that in case the said Sheriff sale is not all lands null and void nor the sale set aside made by the administratrix Rebecca Turner then the said Wilson Nesbitt be decreed to pay Joseph Price the Executor of John Turner the representative [ cannot read this line; it is at the top of the page and black] of each child or the representative of John Turner Deceased according to the decree of the Ordinary before set forth or that he do pray to the Executor Joseph Price the full value of Job and Sarah willed to Nathan and Sally Turner    and that he be decreed to support and maintain Rebecca Turner and others and further relief as to your Honours shall now meet and a [            ] to Equity and good conscience - may it please your Honours a grant unto your Orator and Oratrix the Writ of Subpena to be directed to the said Wilson Nesbitt and Molly Turner thereby considering them as certain and under a certain finally therein to be interested [ ] because appears before your Honours in this Honorable Court this said there to [        ] the [    ] and to stand to and abide such order and decree therein as to your Honours shall seem agreeable to Equity and  good conscience and your Oratrix and Orator will ever pray.

                                                                             J. Geo [unreadable]

 Plea of John Campbell
[8 Apr 1837]


 Sir to your honor the present ordinary of Spartanburg District of south carolina I request of as I before is your Authority to Collect and settle with Col. Nesbet of this Estate of Matthias Turner all that has Fell in to said Nesbets hands Both real and Personal that should be due to us heirs at Law. Col Nesbet has appointed with the rest of Matthias Turners heirs to settle with them At next Court But I Cannot attend.  Please to attend to it for me and oblige you & if you write to me direct your letters to  the Lincoln County Land with Post Office.

              April 8th 1837.

                                                               Yours Respectfully,

                                                                                John Campbell and Wife

[Note: John Campbell is the husband of Rebecca Turner, daughter of Matthias and Molly Turner.]

 Plea from Richland District SC

[about 1837]

State of South Carolina

Spartanburgh District


 Wm. B. Turner 
& others


Wilson Nesbitt


                    In Equity Spartanburgh District


 And the said Defendant by protestation not confussing or acknowledging all or  any of the matters and things in the complainants said bill of complaint - contained to be true in such manner & form as the same are therein declared & set forth - doth  plead thereto - and for cause of plea says, that at the time of the filing of the complainants bill and for several years before he did not reside in Spartanburgh  District in the said Bill is not filed to effect any estate lying within Spartanburgh District - but that this Defendant at the time of filing of the complainants bill resided in Richland District where he now resides and therefore the Defendant pleads to the jurisdiction of this Court (within Spartanburgh District) and humbly prays the judgement of this Honorable Court who this he is bound to make any further or other answer thereunto - and prays to be hence dismissed with his reasonable cost & charges in this behalf most wrongfully sustained -


                                                                              John D. [unreadable]


Answers of Wilson Nesbitt
Bill of Complaint 

[about 1841]


State of South Carolina

Spartanburgh District


Wilson Nesbitt
et al
 Wm. B. Turner

et al


                The answers of Wilson Nesbitt to the Bill of Complaint of Wm. B. Turner, Davis Turner, Nancy Yarborough, Henry Turner, John Turner, Polley Phillips, John Campbell & Rebecca his wife, John Dauherty & Minerva his wife, Elizabeth Turner and Anderson Turner.

The defendant reserving to himself the exceptions to the errors contained in the Said bill of Complainant - for answers to so much by him is advised that in material  for him to answer - Admits that in May in the year of our lord one thousand eight  hundred and Eighteen Matthias Turner executed by last will and Testament and within some short time died leaving the same in full force diffect. That the Testator  after giving a Legacy of three hundred & fifty Dollars to his son William Turner - devised & bequeathed the remainder of his estate real & personal to his wife Molley Turner during her natural life or widowhood and at her death all his estate willed to her to be equally divided among his children - and appointed his wife Molley Turner  Executrix and this Defendant Executrix and Executor - both of whom qualified and              obtained letters Testamentary on the estate of her Testator.

                      This Defendant further answering denies that the whole estate of the Testator was not embraced in the inventory, with the exception of a contract which will be hereafter referred to and contends that this inventory and sale bill - here filed and marked Exhibit A, contains a full Statement of the entire personal estate of Testator  with that exception. This Defendant herein states that after the inventory of the estate of the Testator Molley Turner the Executrix under this will sold under an order from  the Ordinary the whole personal property a will appears by the sale bill above referred to & returned by her - and received the proceeds of the Sale - having a life estate in the same - and this defendant as he did not receive any part of the proceeds contends that he should not be chargable for the same and that the Complainants should look to the estate of Molley Turner - which is liable if any person for the proceeds of this sale bill - This Defendant for this answering States and admits that in the life time of Matthias Turner, who was greatly indebted to this Defendant he sold to this  Defendant five Negroes, Job, Sarah & her two children, John & Ephraim & Ruben - and this Defendant and the said Matthias Turner on 21St of May 1818 - entered into Articles of Agreement under seal Stating the terms of Said Contract by what this  Defendant was to pay the sum of Twenty five hundred & fifty Dollars to be paid by

installments of two hundred Dollars annually without interest until the sum of Twenty five hundred & fifty Dollars should be discharged with a provision that if this Defendant, his Heirs Exers Admin & assigns should loose the said Negroes or any of them by law then the obligation to be Void to all extends - which will more fully appear by a copy of said Covenant herein filed & marked B. This Defendant further answering states that some time in the year of our lord One Thousand eight hundred & nineteen Joseph Price & Nathan Byars as Executors of John Turner & Rebecca Turner from whom Matthias Turner had obtained a bill of Sale for said Negroes in  consideration that he would support & maintain the said Rebecca Turner during her natural life, filed this Bill in the Court of Equity for Spartanburgh District against this  Defendant and Molley Turner as Exor & Exix of Matthias Turner; Decd, for the purpose of sitting aside the bill of Sale executed by Rebecca Turner to Matthias Turner for said Negroes as fraudulent & Void and to make the property possessed under the Will of John Turner. That the said suit in Equity continues in court until at near 1820 or 1821 - When his Honor Judge James delivered a decree setting aside the sale from Rebecca Turner to Matthias Turner as fraudulent & Void and ordered this Defendant to deliver up the Negroes and account for this here - that the appeal from said decree  but the [ ? ] way confirmed by the appeal Court for and under this decree of the Court after an attachment had been opened from said Court be delivered up the Negro man job to Joseph Price & Nathan Byars Executors of Jno. Turner, Decd, - and this Defendant would here state that the negro man job was a valuable negro being a Black Smith by trade and at the time he made the Contract with Matthias Turner, was estimated & valued at eight-hundred & fifty Dollars - That the said suit in Equity continued in Court & under an order of Reference the Defendant and he continued to Litigate the claims of the Complainants by a petition for a bill of review and in  every other probate state until in 1834 or 1835 - When he obtained a decree from the appeal court reversing all previous decrees in the case & denying the bill so far as Joseph Price & Nathan Byars Exors of John Turner, Decd, were concerned. Rebecca Turner have died pending the litigation the bill was retained so far as her rights were effected and the parties were under the decree of the appeal court at liberty to take and Administration of the estate of this and Rebecca Turner and file a bill of revision from the previous contained in the original Bill - of ordering void the bill of Sale from Rebecca Turner to Matthias Turner and this Defendant further states to your Honors, that after the decree of the appeal court in his favor - he had a rule issued from the Court of Equity against the Executors of Joseph Price who had the negro job in their possession requiring them to show cause why the negro job should not be delivered back into the possession of this Defendant and on the return of said rule a motion was made before the presiding Chancellor - who after hearing full argument refused the motion - and the said negro job was carried off to Arkansas where he still remains in the possession of the Executor of the said Joseph Price - to whom he was delivered by this Defendant under a decree of this Court. And this Defendant submits to the Court if the covenant between this Defendant & Matthias Turner above set forth is not by its express provisions rendered Void - as he has lost the negro job by legal process - and he here contends that he is not bound by it - but should he be mistaken in this, he contends that the price of the negro job should be deducted from the contract.

                       This Defendant further answering admits and states that the Testator, was indebted to this Defendant and by notes & otherwise to a considerable amount which

formed the inducement of making this Contract respecting the negroes as set forth -  and that the Testator was indebted to others to a considerable amount as will appear  by Exhibit C - which this Deft has paid off which with the legacy to the Complainant Wm. B. Turner - amounts to One Thousand & fifty six Dollars - that he paid one hundred fifty six Dollars forty four cents - [ ? ] - which accrued by a litigation in the Court of Common Pleas with the Exor. of Jno. Turner, Decd, respecting the estate of  his Testator - which appears by the Sheriff receipt referred to in Exhibit D - and in the fifteen or sixteen years legation in this Court in the suit brought against him & Molly  Turner as Exor & Exix of the Testator - his has paid out sixteen hundred & Eighty Dollars - (beside the witnesses costs) - in defending the right of his Testator - as well also appears by Exhibit D.

                       This Defendant further answering states that the Complainant John Turner is indebted to him in the sum of Twenty five Dollars twenty four cents by notes due bills & orders - which should be regarded as a payment to him Pro. Tanto ["only to that extent"] - as well also appears by references to Exhibit D.

                       This Defendant further answering states that accounts and a note against the estate of his Testator, has been presented to him and which he supposes are just – that have not been paid as the estate of his Testator would have been insolvent if the decree of the court had not been revised. This Defendant and further answering states that, except the covenant above referred to - he never received any funds or had any property of his Testator in his possession and he contends that he should be allowed interest on his debts against the estate of his Testator and also the legacy and debts against the estate which he paid out of his own funds - until the death of Molly Turner - and that he should also have interest on all costs and expenditures expecting the litigation for the estate which he paid out of his own funds.

                        This Defendant here contends that should he be compelled to account for his amount of covenant aforesaid with or without the deduction for the price of job – that under the will of the Testator Molly Turner had a life estate in the same - and that the Complainant are not entitled to interest untill after her death.

                        This Defendant further answering denies the charge made in the bill that he has refused to come to a settlement with the Complainants or that he evaded it in any manner or under any subterfuge whatever but states that he has always been ready and willing to settle for every cent which he may have in his possession after being allowed the monies expended with a reasonable compensation for great trouble in attending to the complicated litigation respecting the title of Matthias Turner to the property - and he feels satisfied that he has no funds in his hands belonging to the Complainants provided he is refunded his payments & expenditures - and this Defendant would feel surprised at the allegation of the Complainants bill - if he did not know, that it is not the charge of the Complainants - but that of J. W. Martin - who has purchased the chances of this litigation for some trifle.

                  And this Defendant here alleges and states that he will be able to prove that all the Counts in this bill previous to the filing of the bill conveyed all this right, title interest & claim whatever imbraced in this suit to J. W. Martin and this Defendant would here submit - to this Court, of the complainants bill can be sustained as they   have no interest whatever in the case - and prays to have the same benefit thereof, as if he had plead the same in bar to complete recovery.
                  This Defendant further answering states that some five or six years since he attempted to have a settlement with the Complainants and at this time they all agreed

that the defendant should be allowed a credit for all fees & other instances which he 138 had paid or might - thereafter pay in the case of Jos. Price Exor of Jno. Turner against this Deft in his own right as Exor of Matthias Turner and three of the complainants, to wit Davis Turner, Nancy Yarborough & Polly Phillips signed an agreement to that effect - a copy of which is here filed & Marked Exhibit E - and this Defendant further answering denies all manner of fraud and prays to be dismissed with his reasonable costs in this behalf most wrongfully sustained -


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