Spartanburg County, SC part of the SCGenWeb
Generously contributed by Betty Tartas
written 1808; probated 1813.
In the name of God Amen, I, JOHN WOFFORD Sen., of the State of So Carolina and District of Spartanburgh, being weak in body but of sound memory blessed be God do this 3rd day of May in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred & eight make and publish this my last will and Testament in manner following, that is to say,
First, I give and bequeath to my son ISAAC WOFFORD one Negro man named Cyrus. I also give and bequeath to my son WILLIAM WOFFORD two Tracts of Land, one of the thirty six acres taken up by myself, the other two hundred & forty more or less, purchas'd by myself from Joseph Lannom, one negro woman named Tempey, all my stock of Cattle, hots & sheep, farming tools, household furniture, with this injunction that he take care of his mother & provide for her, her lifetime.
And in respect of the rest of my children, I have given them and each of them in my lifetime what I designed to give them.
And lastly I do make and constitute my well beloved son WILLIAM WOFFORD & my trusty friend WILIE WILLFORD (note: difficult to decipher on original. Likely is WILIE WILLIFORD, son of BRITTAIN WILLIFORD. These individuals were in 1800 & 1810 Spartanburg SC census) Executors to this my last will and Testament, in witness whereof I the said JOHN WOFFORD Sen. have hereunto set my hand and seal the day & year above written.
Signed, Sealed & published by the said JOHN WOFFORD Sr as & for his last will & Testament in the presence of us who were present at the signing & sealing thereof--WILIE WILLFORD (WILLIFORD), MARK BENNETT, JAMES BENNETT.

South Carolina Spartanburgh District. Personally appeared before me WILIE WILLFORD (WILLIFORD), MARK BENNETT & JAMES BENNETT who being duly Sworn on the Holy Evangelist of Almight God, doth make oath and say that they saw JOHN WOFFORD sign, seal & publish, pronounce and declare the same to be and contain his last will and testament,that he, the said JOHN WOFFORD, was then of sound and disposing mind, memory & understanding, to the best of the deponents knowledge and belief; and they the said WILIE WILLFORD (WILLIFORD), MARK BENNETT & JAMES BENNETT did sing their names as witness thereto, at the request of the testator in his presence; at the same time qualified WILLIAM WOFFORD Executor. Given under my hand this 25th day of November, 1813. W. Lancaster, Ord. Of Sp. Dist.


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