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Will of John Meador (Meadows)

Will of John MEADOR – 1833
Fairfield District
Book number 14 Page 213

The State of South Carolina
I John Meador of the District of Fairfield and state aforsad Farmer being of sound mind and memory do make and publish this my last will and testament in manner and form following that is to say---1st my will and desire is that my Executors here after named pay all my Just debts--2d my will and desire is that my Executors --that will be named will cause to be laid off to my son Meredeth M Meador fifty acres of my land that I am now on posses Mieajah Mobleys fence runing thence rather a North west course with my Sons Merideth fence taking in the
four wherein he now lives and thence a course to the back line to make fifty acres-said land of fifty acres I give my son Merideth M Meador him and his heirs forever---I also give to my son Merideth one horse and saddle one feather bead and furniture and one cow and calf which he has now in his possession---3rd My will is that all the ballance of my property both real and personal I give and bequeath to my wife Rebecka Meador during her natural life or widowhood-(with the following exceptions that is to say my other five children Elizabeth Meador,  Alexander Meador,  John Meador Jr.,  Daniel R. Meador and Susanah E. Meador when ever they or either of them should desire to leave their mother or should Marry that is that case they shall receive a horse saddle and bridle one feather bead and furniture and one cow and calf to make them equal with my son Meridith--) And at my said wifes death or termination of her widowhood that all my personal property then left shall be equally divided between my six children as above named Vis Meridith M., Elizabeth Alexander, John, Daniel R, and Susanah E Meador to them and their heirs forever- and that my Executors to be named cause the personally property so left to be appraised by three or more. Disinterested persons to to divide the same into six lots with the appraisment thereunto and my children to draw for the same. These that draw lots of most value must pay to those that draws lots of less value that all may be equal-- and that all my real property left at my wifes death or termination of her widowhood that I am now in possesion of at the time of making this my last will (except the fifty acres laid off to my son Merideth Meador) shall be equally divided as to quantity between my five children Viz- Elizabeth Alexander John Daniel R and Susanah E Meador to them and to their heirs forever-- and my desire is that my Executors to be named cause the said land so left to be laid off into lots and cause said lots to be appraised by three or more disinterested person and to draw for the same those that draw lots of greater value will pay those that draws lots of less value-that all may be equal- and my desire is that if there should be any land bought between this my will and wifes death or termination of her with the rest of my children in the land so bought that all may be equal-and I do herby ordain nominate and appoint my sons Merideth M Meador and John Meador my Executors and my wife Rebecka Meador my Executrix of this my last will and testament hereby revoking and making void all wills by me made and declaring this my last will and Testament. Given under my hand and seal this Twenty Eight day of November one thousand Eight hundred and thirty three and fifty Eight of American Independence-
Signed sealed and published-- in the presence of us
Jacob Feaster Jr.
Bolling Wright
John Meador Sen.
Seal Proved Apr.31, 1834
John R. Buchanan O.F.D


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