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Home Jesse G. Wheeler Estate Records
Generously contributed by Blair Wheeler
See also Jesse Wheeler Biography and Deed Records

Estate Settlement: Administration Bond:  J. W. McMakin Adm. of Jesse Wheeler Dec. Estate to R. C. Poole $6,000.00 - Recorded in Book A and Page 77

State of South Carolina

Spartanburg District

  KNOW all men by these presents, That we James McMakin and are holden and firmly bound unto R.C. Poole - Esquire, Ordinary for the district of Spartanburg in the full and just sum of six thousand dollars - lawful money of this State, to be paid to the said R. C. Poole or his successors, Ordinaries of this district, or their certain attorney or assigns. To which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and every of us, our and every of ur Heirs, Executors and Administrators, for the whole, and in the whole, jointly and severally, firmly by these Presents.

  Sealed with our seals, and dated the 18th day of March in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and forty four.

 Now the condition of the above obligation is such, That if the above bound James McMakin Administrator of the Goods, chattels and credits of Jesse Wheeler deceased, do make a true and perfect inventory of all and singular the goods, chattels and credits of the said deceased, which have or shall come to the hands, possession or knowledge of the said Jesse Wheeler or into the hands or possession of any other person or persons for him and the same so made, do exhibit into the said Court or Ordinary, when he shall be thereunto required, and such goods, chattels and credits do well and try administer acording to law, and do make a just and true account of his actings and doings therein when required by the said Court, and all the rest of the said goods, chattels and credits which shall be found remaining upon the account of the said administration, the same being first allowed by the said Court, shall deliver and pay unto such persons respectively as are entittled to the same by law; and if it shall hereafter appear that any last will and testament was made by the said deceased and the same be proved in Court, and the Executors obtain a certificate of the probate thereof, and the said James McMakin do in such case, if required, render and deliver up the said Letters of Administration, then  this oblication to be void, or else to remain in full force.

   Sealed and delivered in                                                 James McMakin

       the resence of                                                          William Smith

                                                                                       John Wingo

   Enoch G Gramling


Appraisement Bill of the Estate of Jesse Wheeler, Dec’d $3804.09  3/4 Recorded in Book F and Page 1221


Gen Grey Mare                                   50.00         Amt Brot Over                     $3632.75

1 Hooved Colt                                     15.00         1 Note on B.P.

1 Grey Mare                                      35.00          McMaking date the

1 Lot Hoggs                                        15.00

1 Cow & Calf                                     10.00          Credited the 21st of

1 Stilt & Tubs                                    56.00          March 1843 with $5.00

1 Stack Oats                                        3.00          Also credited the 19 Dec

1 Cutting Knife                                     1.50          1843 with $14.68

4 Stacks Fodder                                   8.00                                                             534 3/4

8 Head of Sheep                                   8.00           1 Note on John Wheeler

7 Axes                                                7.00           due the 22 Feb 1843 for       $121.00

1 Lot Mattock & Hoes                          2.25

1 Lot Mattock & Irons                         1.25            1 Note on Samuel Morgan

1 half Buschel                                       .25            due 23 May 1844                   $45.00

3 Augurs                                              .30                                                      $3804.09 3/4

1 Saw & Drawing Knife                         .50

1 Log Chair                                           .75

2 Sythes & Cradles                             2.00

1 Lot Plows                                         3.00

1 Lot Seed                                           4.00           South Carolina

1 Oven & Lid                                       1.25           Spartanburg Dist        Ths is to certify

1 Wash Pot                                          2.75           that the foregoing is a true lisst of the

1 Pair Steel ?                                        .75          goods and cattels of the estate of

1 Lot Barrels                                       5.00          Jesse Wheeler as shown to us by

1 Rifle & Gun                                     12.00          Jas. McMakin Admin. this 21st day

! Shot Gun                                            4.00          of March 1844

1 Grind Stone                                         .50

1 Lot of Corn                                    100.00         Perry Smith

1 Lot Bacon                                         15.00        Thomas Ballenger

1 Loom                                                 3.00         Samuel Morgan

1 Spooling Frame                                    .75

3 Wheels                                               3.00

2 Pair Chairs?                                        .75

Hot Cooking Utensils                            10.00

Carried forward                              $381.75


Amt Brot forward                           $381.75

2 Bee Stands                                         1.00

1 Bed                                                      .50

1 Coffee Mill                                           .75

1 Cupboard                                            2.00

1 Clock                                                  8.00

1 Looking Glass                                        .25

1 Table                                                    .75

1 Cupboard                                             8.00

1 Lot Chairs                                           7.00

1 Bureau                                                6.00

1 Lot Glass & Crockery                          4.00

2 Chests                                                3.50

1 Lot Cotton                                           3.25

1 Lot Slays & Harness                            2.00

2 Jugs & 2 Barrels                                   .75

1 Bed Furniture                                     13.00

1 Do............Do                                        5.00

1 Do............Do                                      10.00

1 Do............Do                                      10.00

1 Book & Map                                          1.50

1 Cart & Oxen                                       35.00

1 Negro Man Tob                                  600.00

1 Negro Woman Tavy                           300.00

1 Negro Woman Ann                             525.00

1 Negro Woman Lynn                            500.00

1 Negro Boy Anderson                          550.00

1 Negro Girl Esther                              350.00

1 Negro Girl Hannah                              300.00

1 Mans Saddle                                          1.00

1 Womans Saddle                                      2.00

1 Razor & Strap                                         .75

Carried Forward                               $3632.75




Recorded in Book H, page 152

Sale Bill of the estate of Jesse Wheeler Decd 12 April 1844

James McMaking Adm


Sworn to and Subscribed to before me July 1st 1846

James McMakin Adm




James A.Tucker                       $3.75                 Amt Brot forward                         196.80

4 Stands, 1 Barrel, 1 Plow,                                1 Cupboard                                       3.50

1 Sword                                                             1 Lot Crockery Ware                         1.75

                                                                          1 Candle Stand                                    .25

Alfred Davis                                 .37 1/2          1 Chest                                             2.00

1 Grind Stone                                                      2 Rugs                                                .37 1/2

                                                                          5 Slays                                             1.50

Edward Smith                           10.62                  2 Barrels                                           .12 1/2

1 Rifle Gun                                                          1 Bed & Furniture                              3.00

                                                                           1 Do.........Do                                    8.50

Sally Loftis                                2.00                   1 Do.........Do                                    5.00

1 Barrel Corn                                                       1 Do.........Do                                    5.50

                                                                            7 ? Chairs                                       3.50

Alex Miller                                 1.12 1/2            1 Lot ? Botttoms                              1.00

1 Old Saddle                                                          1 Yoke Oxen & Cart                       30.50

                                                                            1 Negro Girl Ann                          560.00

Jessee Wheeler                             .78                   1 Negro Boy Toliver                     615.00

1 Coffee Mill                                                                                                        $1438.30



                                                                            John Booker

                                                                             1 Barrel Salt                               12.50


                                                                            Alexander Wheeler                     162.50

                                                                             1 Cutting Knife & Box                      .50

                                                                             1 knife                                          1.12 1/2


Paschal Wingo                                                        Tench C. Carson

1 Stilt                                  50.25                         1 Mattok                                        .56 1/4


Thomas Hutchins                                                    John W. Hutchings

1 Loft Stands                         8.62  1/2                 1 Iron Wedge                                  .50

1 Howel & Crow                      .38

1 Barrel                                  .82                          Perry Smith

4 Stands                                2.00                          3 Plows & Bands                          1.00

2 Stands                                  .43  3/4

                                           12.26  1/4                 Robert Gains

                                                                             1 Lot Plows                                    .73  3/4

Hiby H. Hilburn                                                       1 Lot Iros                                       .25

1 Stack Fodder                      2.75                          1 Negro Girl Lynn                      561.00

1 Broad Axe                          2.00                          1 Negro Girl Hannah                  375.00

1 Map & History                      .73  3/4                                                               $937.38 1/4

                                           $5.68  3/4                 Austin Edwards

James McMakin                                                      1 Oven & Lid                                  .75

1 Old Axe                                .37  1/2                  1 Shot Gu                                     3.56 1/4

2 Do............Do                        .62  1/2                                                                      4.51 1/4

1 Barrel                                  .62  1/2

1 Do............Do                        .62  1/2

1 Lot Cotton                          2.25



Jane Wheeler                   $196.80                          William Brown                              8.37 1/2

Farm Animals

Farm Equipment                                                      James Pearson                               .75


Household Furniture                                                John Ballenger                              1.00


                                                                              Samuel Morgan                         225.00

                                                                              1 Negro Woman Lavy


                                                                              Alexander McMakin                  600.00

                                                                              1 Negro Boy Anderson

Amount of Sale $3322.49  3/4


One Negro named Esther died after the appraisement and before the day of sale which was appraised at $350.00


James McMakin Adm


         1844                          1844

Recd of John Wheeler           68.17                           Paid Postage of Letter                   .25

Recd of Samuel Wheeler       46.50                           T. Hutchins                                  1.50

                                       $114.74                           R. C. Poole for taxes                   8.30

                                                                              J. Wheeler                                 12.17

                                                                              J. Wheeler                                   8.00

                                                                              T. Wilson                                     2.00

                                                                              Dr. I. Cannon                              30.12 1/2

                                                                              Peter Moore                              10.58

                                                                                                                             $72.92 1/2


                                                                              Samuel Morgan                          79.14 1/4

                                                                              David Dautzler                           10.93

                                                                                                                           $162.99 3/4


                                                                                                                             $48.25 3/4

Sworn and subscribed before me December 20, 1844

James McMakin Adm


R Bowden


James McMakin Administrator or the estate of Jesse Wheeler Decd first anl return for the year 1844 in favor of Book A, page 170


Amt of Cash Recd and Paid out for the estate of Jesse Wheeler for the year 1844.

Amt recd             $114.74

Amt paid out        $162.99  3/4

                           $  48.25  3/4


James McMaking Adm


Amt of cash recd for estate of Jesse Wheeler decd in the year 1845

1845 Oct 30 Cash recd of John Wheeler                    $70.25


Amt of cash paid out for estate of Jesse Wheeler decd in the year 1845

1845  Jan 8     Paid R. C. Poole (ordinary)                  $9.95

          Apr 22     “ ? Twigby                                        3.00

          Jul 18      “ James Wilson                                  2.93  3/4

          Oct 20      “ Issac Morgan                                  5.00

          Oct 30      “ John Wheeler (note)                      62.82

          Dec 24      “ Andrew McMakin (note)              378.34

                                                                              $461.34  3/4


Sworn to and Subscribed before me Jan 29 1846

James McMakin Adm


James McMakin Adm 2nd Return of the receiving and paying out for the estate of Jesse Wheeler decd for the year 1845


Amt recd              $70.25

Amt paid out       $461.34  3/4

                          $391.00  3/4


Recorded in Book A, page 260


Amt of Cash recd for the estate of Jesse Wheeler decd James McMaking Adm for 1846


Recd of Tench C. Carson    $4.44


Account of each paid out from estate of Jesse Wheeler Decd by James McMakin for he year 1846


Paid to R. C. Poole for taxes                                 1.60

 “        G. C. Carson                                              2.94

 “        David W. Moore for Mary McMakin          93.25

 “        Moore & McMaking in case of a court

           judgment Wm. Wilson & Jesse Wheeler    63.43



Sworn to and subscribed before me Nov 30th 1846

James McMakin


Anl return of the estate of Jesse Wheeler Decd

Recorded in Book A, page 321




On a final settlement of the personal Estate of Jesse Wheeler Decd the following is the result 1844 Dec 2 Esstate is to Adm to the Amt


     Paid taxes 1st anl return                                                162.99

     Paid to Estate to amt recd as for return                          114.74

                    Due the Adm                                                      48.25

     Add commissions as for 1st return                                   13.88

                    Due the Adm                                                      62.13

     Interest from 2 Dec 1844 to 12 Aril 1845                          1.83

                    Due the Adm                                                      63.96

     1845 April 12th Adm Due to Amt of Sale bill                 3322.49

                    Due the Estate                                                3258.53

     Interest from 12 April 1845 to 1 of January 1846          164.71

                    Due the Estate                                                3423.24

     1846 Jan 1 Adm Due to Amt recd as per 1 anl return         70.24

                    Due the Estate                                                3483.48

     1846 Jan 1 Adm Cr to amt paid out as per 2 return          461.34

                    Due the Estate                                                3032.14

     Deduct Commission as per 2 an return                               26.57

                    Due the Estate                                                3005.57

     Interest from pymt Jan 1846 to 30th Nov 1846              192.75

                    Due the Estate                                                3198.32

     1846 Nov 30th Adm due to Amt recd as per 3 return           4.44

                    Due the Estate                                                3202.76

     Adm Cr to amt paid out as per 3 return                            161.22

                    Due the Estate                                                3041.54

     Deduct commissions as per 3 anl return                               8.28

                    Due the Estate                                                3033.26

     Deduct commissions on Sale bill                                       166.12

                    Due the Estate                                                2867.14

     Deduct R Bowden Ordinarys fee                                         12.00

     Deduct the Widows part                                       1/3    2855.14

                    Widows part                                                     951.71

     There being Twelve Distributions                       1/12    1903.43

                    The Share of Each is                                          158.61



Widows part

David Wheeler art

Mary Edwards part

Rachael Gains part

William Wheelers part

Elizabeth Staggs part

Martha Johnson part

Margarett Wheeler part

Nancy Wheelers part

Andrew Wheelers part

John Wheelers part

Peter Wheelers part

Alexander Wheeler part


Settlement of the Estate of Jesse Wheeler Decd





   The following is a list of members of the Wheeler Family who were members of the Holly Springs Baptist Church organized 1804, rebuilt in 1954:


8-18-1848  First Date of Records



               Margaret Wheeler

pg #13   Nancy Wheeler

pg #17   Rachael Wheeler

pg #18   Ann & Jane Wheeler

pg #35   William Wheeler

pg #48  Jane Wheeler

pg #49   John Bomar



pg #1   Elizabeth Staggs

pg #5   Elizabeth Wheeler



pg #6    Peter Carr McMakin Wheeler

pg #7   Jane Wheeler



pg #2   William Wheeler (Kicked Out)



pg #21  Andrew Wheeler



pg #3   Andrew Wheeler



pg #8   Martha Bomar


pg #16  John Bomar

pg #18  Peter Wheeler

pg #19  John Wheeler Jr.



pg #13  John Bomar

pg #37  J. S. Wheeler

pg #43  William Bomar



pg #2   William Bomar



pg #10  Rachael Staggs



pg #1.   Nancy Wheeler



pg #7   J.S. Wheeler, Killed in War

pg #8   P.C. Wheeler, Killed in War



pg #6   Margaret Henson



pg #1   Nancy Wheeler


   Jane was listed among the members at Zoar Methodist Church


They had the following children:

              2                i.             Benjamin (1816-)

              3               ii.             David C (1817-)

              4              iii.             Mary (1819-1888)

              5              iv.             Rachel (1821-<1880)

              6               v.             William  "Buck" (1824-1909)

              7              vi.             Elizabeth (1826-1909)

              8             vii.             Martha J. (1828-)

              9            viii.             Margaret (1830-1916)

           10               ix.             Nancy C. (1832-1862)

           11                x.             Andrew Jackson (1834-1911)

           12               xi.             John William (1836-1924)

           13              xii.             Peter Carr (1839-1863)

           14             xiii.             Alexander (1841-1863)


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