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Home Jesse and Mary Wofford Estate Record
Generously contributed by Laurel Baty

Estates of Jesse and Mary Wofford


Spartanburg County Estates, # 2226 Frames 414 -469, Jesse Wofford, SP72 [Transcribed from a microfilmed copy available at the South Carolina State Archives by Laurel T. Baty.]


South Carolina

Spartanburgh District

Jesse Woffords Last Will & Testament

In the name of God amen.

I leave to my wife Mary Wofford all my real & personal Estate during her life or widowhood only such part as is to be distributed to the children as they become of age each one negro & horse & such other property as she can spare all to be valued by two men and a Book to be kept so that each one shall have equal if she should decease or marry before all the children become of age the negroes to be hired out annually & the land to be rented & mills also annually for the support & education of the children & when the youngest one becomes of age then all to be divided by valuation as before mentioned.  If she should marry she shall have a woman by the name of Hanner (sic) and her children & a negro Boy by the name of Alford During her life then to be divided as before mentioned amongst her children.  They shall be bound for the forthcoming of that property at her decease if she should have any more property to give to the children as they become of age each one to have equal as before mentioned & if she should decease or marry before the children should become of age all that is not of age shall choose a gardeen (sic) to act for them--& to live with them.  I wish the churches money that is in my hands to be payed (sic) to the commitioner (sic) in Equity as soon as she can without injury to my estate within one or two or three or four years by paying the interest annual to the trustees & taking ??

In witness whereof I set my hand and seal this the 12 June 1834

Jesse Wofford (Seal)

Jared Drummond

Jacob H. Hastin

Warren Drummond


[Recorded in Will Book C page 78, Box 33 Package 6, recorded March 2, 1835]


South Carolina

Spartanburgh District

By Wm. Scrivenier (??)

Whereas Polly Wofford hath applied to me for Probate of the Will of Jesse Wofford deceased.  These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and legatees of the said deceased, to appear before me, at our Court of Ordinary to be holden at Spartanburgh Court House, on the first Monday of March next, to shew cause, if any, why the said Will should not be proven, and the said Polly Wofford qualified as the Admr’x with the will annexed.

Given under my Hand and Seal, this 2nd day of February 1835

Wm. Scrivenier, O. S. D. [Seal]

On Reverse:

The within Citation was Read publickly (sic) in the Congregation at the Green Pond this day of Feb. 22nd 1835

Elias Rogers


In this book may be found the property valued to Mary Wofford’s children as they become of age.


South Carolina Spartanburg Dist Sept. 14th 1834.

The following is property valued to Mary Wofford’s children as they become of age by Jared & Warren Drummond.


Sept. 14th 1834 Wade H. Wofford

One Negro boy Ned $300

One Horse $70

One Negro girl $125

Total -- $495


August 19, 1837 Hosea Wofford

One Negro Boy John $270

One horse $75

One Negro girl Laura $135

Total -- $480


July 21, 1838 James Wofford

One Negro boy Steven $270

One horse $68

One Negro boy $260

Total -- $598


Nov. 15, 1839 Elias Wofford

One Negro boy Tony $275

One horse $40

One Negro girl $210

Total $525


Oct. 24, 1842 Thomas Wofford

One Negro boy Edmund $345

One horse $68

One Negro boy George $155

Total $568


October 24, 1842 Elvira Wofford

One Negro girl Phebe $280

One horse $40

One Negro boy Sampson $130

Total $450


August 22, 1844 Partheny Wofford

One Negro girl Susan $300

One sorrel mare $40

One Negro boy John $190

Total $530


April 10, 1845 Jesse Wofford

One Negro boy $410

One Negro boy Hiram $245

One horse $60

Total -- $715


April 10, 1845 Eliza P. Wofford

One Negro girl $280

One horse $45

One Negro boy Jerry $195

Total -- $520


Oct. 6, 1847 Jeffison (sic) Wofford

One Negro boy 4320

One Negro boy Nelson $75

One sorrel mare $50

Total -- $445


Nov. 5, 1849 Ira Wofford

One Negro girl Fanny $445

One Negro boy Lewis $320

One black filly



Feb. 10, 1851 Martha Ann Wofford

One girl Jane $490

One Negro boy Miles $195

One grey mare $50

Total $735


Nov. 4, 1853 Benjamin Wofford

One Negro Boy $390

One Negro Girl $175

One horse $65

Total $620


South Carolina

Spartanburg Dist.

An Inventory of the goods & chattels and personal estate of Jesse Wofford dec’d.


One negro man David at $600

Philip $600

Joe $550

Caniday $500

One woman named Edy & 3 children Stephen, Toney & Jerry $900

Eliza & two children Washington & Edmund $900

Tabby & five children Sarah, John, Mary, Zandal & Susannah $1300

Hannah & two children Phebe & Fanncy $700

One girl Milley $300

One bed & furniture $0

Ditto 30

Ditto 25

Ditto 25

Ditto 12

Ditto 15

Ditto 10

One small bed 2

One lot of boxes, chairs, wagon hub &c 6

One side board & furniture 45

One buroe (sic) & looking glass 20

One clock 12

Total $6,627.00


One cupboard and furniture 30

One chest 4

Eight counterpins 28

One lot of counterpins, table cloths, tylets cloth (?) 10

Two trunks 5

One cradle & umbrella 1.50

One lot of knives and forks paper spectacles razors ?? 7

One lot of spoons locks buttons pins &c 7

One small table cloth 1.50

One lot chairs 5.50

One shot gun pouch &c 10

One folding table half ?? cloth 19

One lot of barrels molasses jugs nails &c 15

One lot of barrels flour hogs lard spun yarn &c 39

On lot of plains auger and chisel 5

One table 3 jars & 1 pan 2

1 pair waffle irons 2 pans & coffee mill 2

1 lot tinware pater dish & plates crockery &c 5

One loom 4 pair harness and 8 sleys 10

One table & two tray 1.50

4 jars 1.00

1 lot of casting Baker oven tea kettle &c 2.00

3 pots racks hooks 4 ?? 9.00

2 pots 4.00

5 pails & tub 1.50

Total 223.50


One lot of leather 2.00

1 lot of books 5.00

4 spinning wheels & reel, 1 churn, pair cards &c 5.75

1 grind stone 3.00

1 lot of bacon & supposed to be 1498 lbs at 12 ½ ct per lb 187.25

1 lot of barrels & flour wheel 2.00

1 lot of soap 7.50

4 raw hides at 1.50 pr hide 6.00

1 lot of picked cotton 16.25

1 lot of barrels, tubs, boxes and peas 5.00

3 scythes & cradles 3.00

3 bushels of wheat 3.00

1 lot of barrels 1.00

1 set of blacksmith tools 17.00

1 lot of plows, stocks &c 9.25

1 lot of iron & drawing knife 3.00

1 load wagon & harness 50.00

1 carryall wagon 60.00

1 lot of corn supposed to be 60 barrels 180.00

1 log way 1.00

1 lots hoes 1.00

1 lot of mattocks 5.00

1 lot of axes 4.50

1 lot of fodder 12.00

1 lot of oats 25.00

1 lot of hogs 15.00

1 lot of sows & pigs 15.00

1 sorrel mare 55.00

1 bay mare 50

1 sorrel horse 65.00

1 Bay horse 30.00

1 Bay Horse 75.00

1 Bay colt 30.00

Total 953.50


[Several more pages of accounts owed follow.]

We the undersigned named appraisers return this to Polly Wofford Admr’x of Jesse Wofford Dec’d as a true appraise Bill of the Personal Estate of sd Dec’d this March the 10th 1835

Philip Brewton

Nathaniel Wofford

Jared Drummond

J. M. Bradley


The State of South Carolina

Spartanburg District

To R. Bowden, Ordinary

The humble petition of the undersigned petitioners respectfully showeth that Jesse Wofford Late of the aforesaid state & district during his lifetime executed his last Will and Testament which has since been proven in your court by which he gave a life estate in certain property to his wife Mary Wofford who has since died & left the Estate subject to Admr your petitioners therefore prays your court for letters of Admr on the same this 11th Feby 1856

W. H. Wofford

James P. Wofford


Annual Return of W. H. & J. P. Wofford Adm’rs of Jesse Wofford Dec’d

Filed May 3, 1858 [Recorded Book C, page 600]

1858 Anl Return of W. H. & J. P. Wofford Adm’r of Jesse Wofford dec’d

Paid Out 1858

Graves stones 19.00

Frait (sic) on graves 3.82

Graves stones for A. J. Wofford 8.10

R. Bowden 14.00

Total 44.92


The foregoing return sworn to and subscribed before me on May 3, 1858

Jno. Earle Boman, O. S. D.

J. P. Wofford


[The following is a clipping from a Newspaper contained in the lengthy probate files of Jesse and Mary Wofford.]





Citation to Settlement.

Wade H. Wofford, J. P. Wofford Admr’s, Applicants vs. Hosea Wofford, Elias Wofford et al defendants.

It appearing to my satisfaction, that Hosea Wofford, Elias Wofford, Jesse Wofford, Ralph Wrigh and wife Elvira, John Tillotson and wife Elsea, A. Thomas and wife Martha, and Oshello Thomas, son of Parthena Thomas, deceased, heirs at law of Jesse Wofford, deceased, and Mary Wofford, deceased, reside from and without the limits of this State: It is ordered, that they be and appear, at the Court of Ordinary, to be holden at Spartanburg Court House, for Spartanburg District, on the 3d day of May next, to show cause, if any they can, why the estates of said Jesse Wofford and Mary Wofford, deceased, should not be finally settled, or their consent to the same will be entered of record.

Given under my hand and seal of Office, this February 1st, 1858.  Jno. Earle Bomar.


Final Settlement of the Estate of Jesse Wofford dec’d.  Made May 3, 1858.  Parties cited—Jas. P. Wofford & W. H. Wofford, Adm’rs

1856 Nov. 13 Admrs. Dv To amt of Sale Bill $4183.00

Int. to 3rd May 1858 $406.68

Total $4589.68


1858 May 3 Deduct amt pd as pr return $44.92

Total 4545.76


Deduct to pay Carr’r & Trimmel for Citation to Settlement $4.00

Total $4541.76


Deduct to pay Inv Earle Bower $6.00

Total $4535.76


Deduct Conv. 2 ½ pr ct on amt rec’d $114.73

Deduct Conv. 2 ½ Pr ct. on amt pd out $1.47

Deduct Conv. 2 ½ pr ct  10/12 of ?? 94.49


Total $4325.07


Amount of Advancements leaving out Jefferson Wofford who has died without issue


There being 12 Legatees the share each is 1/12 $11,341.07



Wade H. Wofford’s share $945.08

Deduct advancement $495

Due Wade H. Wofford $450.08


Hosea Wofford’s share $945.08

Deduct Advancement $480.00

Due Hosea Wofford $465.08


Jas. P. Wofford’s share $945.08

Deduct Advancements $398.00

Due Jas. P. Wofford $347.08


Elias Wofford’s share $945.08

Deduct advancements 325.00

Due Elias Wofford $420.08


Thomas Wofford’s share $945.08

Deduct advancements 568.00

Due Thomas Wofford $377.08


Elvira Wofford’s share $945.08

Deduct advancements 450.00

Due Elvira Wofford $495.08


Parthena Wofford’s share $945.08

Deduct advancements $530.00

Due Parthena Wofford $415.08


Jesse Wofford’s share $945.08

Deduct advancements $715.0

Due Jesse Wofford $230.08


Eliza P. Wofford’s share $945.08

Deduct advancements $320.00

Due Eliza P. Wofford $25.08


Ira Wofford’s share $945.08

Deduct advancements $780.00

Due Ira Wofford $165.08


Martha Ann Wofford’s share $945.08

Deduct advancements $735.00

Due Martha Ann Wofford $210.08


Benjamin Wofford’s share $945.08

Deduct advancements $620.00

Due Benj. Wofford $325.08


It is ordered and decreed that the Admr’s of Jesse Wofford dec’d pay to each of the Legatees of said dec’d the amounts severally annexed to their names in the above settlement with interest from this date—May 3, 1858

Jno. Earle Bomar


The Estate of Mary Wofford is file #2573, Frames 0014 -058, SP87.  It contains an inventory and sale of the property of Mary Wofford very similar to the above inventory for Jesse Wofford.  I believe that Wade H. Wofford may have left South Carolina by January 1858 due to the following document:


South Carolina

Spartanburg District


To the Ordinary of said District

The humble petition of J. P. Wofford of Mary Wofford dec’d showeth

Hat the estate of his intestate is now ready for settlement, he therefore prays that the parties in interest to wit, Wade H. Wofford, Hosea Wofford, Elias Wofford, Jessse Wofford, Ralph Wright and wife Elvira, John Tollotson and wife Elsea, Orthello Thomas, son and heir at law of Parthena Thomas, dec’d, A. Thomas and wife Martha who reside from without the limits of this state and Thomas Wofford, Ira Wofford & Benjamin Wofford may be cited before this court and settlement had, and as in duty bound he will ever pray &c.

Jany 29, 1858.

J. P. Wofford.


Wade H. Wofford’s signature no longer appears on the documents form 1858.  No receipts signed by any of the heirs are in the files.


I have been unable to find Wade H. Wofford in the 1850 Census, although he appears to be living in Spartanburg in 1856. Here is his mother Polly Wofford in 1840 and 1850:


1840 Spartanburg Co., SC p. 86

Mary Wofford

01212 0022001

1 male 5-10[Benjamin], 2 males 10-15[Jefferson & Ira], 1 male 15-20 [Jesse?], 2 males 20-30 [Wade & James P.? ], 2 females 10-15 [Martha Ann & Eliza?], 2 females 15--20 [Parthenia & Elvira] 1 female 40-50[Mary]


1840 Chickasaw Co., MS p. 64

E. J. Wofford: 2 males under 5, 3 males 20-30 [Hosea, Elias and ?], 1 female 20-30


1850 Spartanburg, SC p. 146

#873 Polly Warford 54

Jefferson 22 [Came of age Oct. 6, 1847, dies before 1856]

Ann 21 [Martha Ann comes of age Feb. 10, 1851]

Benjamin 18 [Comes of age Nov. 4, 1853]

# 876 William Warford 33 [Who is this?]

Martha 30

Albert 8

Alvira 6


1850 Spartanburg, SC p. 145

#869 Ralph Right 33

Elvira 26

M. A. 6 male

Q. A. 4 (male)

Comodore 4 (male)

R. F. 3 (male)

C. C. 32 (female)


1850 Spartanburg, SC p. 98

James Wofford 53 (should be 33?) SC

Margaret 33 SC

Nancy Vaughn 67 SC

Thomas Wofford 12 SC

Jesse 8 SC

Calvin 6 Sc

Mary 4 Sc

Augusta 2 SC


1850 Western Division, Chickasaw Co., MS p. 403

Hosey Wofford 34

Sarah 28

Jesse 7

Abiah 6

Mary F. 4

Martha C. 2

Olivia J. 3/12


1850 Western Division, Chickasaw Co., MS p. 404

Elias J. Wofford 33 SC

Delia 31 SC

Maland 12 SC

William 10 SC

John 6 MS

Leand 4 (female) MS

Olive S. 2 (female) MS



By 1860 Wade Wofford and wife Nancy Rogers Wofford are living in Bartow (Cass) County Georgia.  They have two children who should appear in the 1850 Census: James O. born in 1845 and Martha A. born in 1847:


1860 Georgia Militia District 828, Cass County, Georgia p. 844

Wade H. Wofford 45 SC

Nancy 36 SC

James O. 15 male SC

Martha A. 13 female SC

Parthenia G. female 9 GA

Joseph 7 male GA

A. W. 3 female GA

Sarah 2/12 GA [Would fit  Lillie being born in April 1860]


1870 Dist 5 Bartow Co., GA p. 398

Wofford, Wade H. 55 SC

Nancy S. 45 SC

Mattie 21 GA

Joseph 15 GA

Adora 12 GA

Carrie L. 10 GA

Lula 8 SC


1880 Stilsboro, 851 District, Bartow Co., GA p. 449B

#149/157 Wofford, W. H. 65 SC, SC, SC

N. S. 58 SC, SC. SC

M. A. 32 SC, SC, SC

Leoline 18 SC, SC, SC

Lou A. 16 GA, GA, GA



I have been unable to locate a death record for Wade Wofford or his wife Nancy Rogers Wofford.  The last mention of him is in a Bartow County Newspaper in 1884.  His wife Nancy appears to live at least until the early 1890s, based again on a mention in the Bartow County newspaper. I would like to find a marriage record for Wade H. Wofford and Nancy S. Rogers as well as a record of their deaths (cemetery, bible record or obituary).


I am a descendant of Lillie Wofford, daughter of Wade and Nancy Wofford, who married Charles W. Baker in 1884:


From Cartersville American, March 1884

"Talk from Taylorsville"

Married, at the residence of the bride's parents, on Thursday eve, at half-past four o'clock C. W. Baker, of Cedartown, to Miss Lula Wofford, by Rev. J. P. Jones.  Much success to the happy couple.


Birmingham News, April 22, 1938, page 37

Baker--Mrs. Lillie Wofford Baker, age 78, passed away at the residence, 1609 15th Ct., N., Friday a. m. Survived by 1 son, H. A. Baker; 6 daughters, Louise Pate, Mrs. R. O. Baty, Mrs. A. O. Tucker, Mrs. C. C. Thomas, Miss Alma and Beulah Baker.  Funeral services from the residence Saturday 2 p. m. Rev. H. H. Hobbs and Rev. V. H. Hawkins officiating, Interment Elmwood Cemetery, Brown Service.  Norwood 3-2111 directing.  Active pallbearers will be the nephews and grandsons.


Tombstone at Elmwood reads: Lilly W. Baker Apr. 15, 1860 to Apr. 23, 1938; death certificate states her parents were Wade Wofford and Nancy Rogers, both born in South Carolina.


Laurel Baty

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