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Home Last Will and Testament James Turner, Jr.
Generously donated by James D. Martin

State of South Carolina
Spartanburg District


I, James Turner being of sound and disposing mind and being sensible of the uncertainty of life and the certainty of death, and being disposed to arrange my temporal affairs, do make and declare this my last will and testament in the manner a form following, viz:


lst My funeral expenses and all my just debts must be paid as soon as practicable, and if there is not funds enough left on hands to do this, then my Executors must sell enough property such as can be best spared, to satisfy said expenses and debts;


2nd It is my will that my property of every description Shall remain with and in possession of my widow, during her natural life for the sole purpose of her support and for the further purpose of raising and educating my minor children, except such as may herein after be disposed of.


3rd It is my will and desire that my minor children be given as they come of age or marry, as much property or its equivalent in money as nearly as can be as those hav received that are already married.


4th At the death of my wife my property must all be sold on the usual terms and the whole estate divided among my children so as to place them all upon an equal footing precisely. And if any of my children die leaving a child or children, the said children or child to be entitled to and receive the same portion of my estate the parent would hav been entitled to were he or she living.


5th I hereby authorize and empower my executors to sell or dispose of otherwise, any of my negroes if they become troublesome or will not be controlled by my wife, and the proceeds thereof to be and remain a portion of my estate.


6th I hereby appoint my son Henry Hines Turner and my wife Edith Turner my Executor and Executrix to this my last will and testament.


In witnefs whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this the 20th May 1857.


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