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Home Will of James Leonard
Generously Transcribed and Contributed by Susan Brock-Booker
Filed: September 21, 1880 Book F, pages 69-70:

"I James Leonard of Welford [sic] in the state and county aforesaid, do make and publish this my last will and testament.
1st I give devise and bequeath my estate and property, real and personal, as follows, that is to say, I desire that after my decease my body be directly buried and that the expense for the burial be paid by my Executor or Executrix as the case may be.
2nd I give, devise and bequeath all my property or estate both real and personal to my beloved wife, Elizabeth Leonard, during her natural life or widowhood, and at the death or marriage of the said Elizabeth Leonard I direct that all my estate both real and personal be sold to the highest bidder at publick [sic] auction and that the proceeds of said sale be deposited in the hands of the board of trustees of the Reidville Female High School, the interest of said proceeds (unreadable) to be used by said Trustees for the purpose of educating any worthy indigent or poor scholars attending said school or said interest may be used otherwise if in the discretion of said board it would be more to the interest and advantage of said institution. (explanation)
Having divided amongst my children as I have been able therefore in my lifetime, I have reasons for the foregoing disposition of my estate which are satisfactory to myself and I leave my children and others to form their own reasons or opinions.
Thereby revoke, anull and make void any and all former wills and testaments or bequest by me heretofore made.
Thereby appoint my wife Elizabeth Leonard and her nephew Thomas Pearson, Executrix and Executor of this my last will and testament.
Signed, sealed, declared published and pronounced in presence of
M. F. Bright
W. W. Harley
M. M. Harley"


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