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Home Will of Herndon Meadows
Posey County, Indiana
In the name of God Amen. I Herndon Meadows in the state of Indiana and Posey
County_____ to this my last will and testament hereby seeking and breaking all former
will by me at any time when or where made. First I direct that my body be decently
interred and that my funeral be conducted in a manner corresponding with my estate and
situation in life and as to such earthly estate as it has pleased God to entrust ____ with I
do dispose of this same in the following manner to wit: I direct first that all last debts and
funeral expenses be paid and as soon after my death as possible out of the first money
that shall come to the hand of my executor from any portion of my estate real and

I give and bequest unto Jane Meadows my beloved wife all of my Estate Real and
Personal during her natural life in Widow hood. To my son Joseph Meadows I give the
horse saddle and bridl and I also give him forty acres of land, the north half that I now
have as if were to remain and take care of his mother and sister Rebecca until he arrives
to the age of twenty one years of age then I give and bequeath to him eighty acres of land
in the tract that I now live and should he maintain and take care of his sister Rebecca until
she is eighteen years old and his mother during her life then and in that case I give him
one hundred twenty acres. Should he not comply with this above ____ then it is my
request that my wife select any one of my children to take care of her during her natural
life and so for doing he shall have eighty acres of land. Daughters Mary and Rebecca
Meadows I give and bequeath the cow and calf _____ bidding each also fifty dollars in
money. To my daughter Nancy Eaton I give and bequeath to her fifty dollars in money.
All rest of my property both Real and personal at the death of my wife Jane Meadows be
equally divided among all my children.

I also hereby make and ordain my friend Joseph Cater executor of my last will and
testament____ In witness whereof I Herndon Meadows hereunto set my hand and seal
the twenty first day of august one thousand eight hundred and forty.

Sealed Herndon Meadows

Signed sealed published and declared by the above named Herndon Meadows as his last
will and testament in the presence of ___who have hereunto subscribed as named
witnesses thereto in the Presence of the testator and the presence of each other.

Signed witness Joseph Timmons
Signed witness Enoch Williams

State of Indiana
Posey County Be it known the on the 22 day of September A.D. 1840 personally
appeared Joseph Timmons and Enoch Williams the Subscribing Witness to the foregoing
last will and testament of Herndon Meadows late of Posey County deceased and after
being duly sworn Defiendi and saith that they saw the testator herein named sign and
seal the foregoing last will and testament and heard him publickly pronounce and declare
the same to be his last will and testament and that at the time of so doing he was to the
best of their apprehension of sound mind memory and understanding and that they
subscribed their names as Witnesses in the presence of and at the request of the testator in
the presence of each other. Before me the undersigned clerk of the Probate Court in and
for County of Posey aforesaid the day and date above written.

Signed James Nelson clerk of the Probate Court P.C.
Recorded September 22nd 1840
J. Nelson Clerk



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