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Home Treatise on Henry "Harry" Turner, Sr.
Generously donated by James D. Martin

Treatise on Henry "Harry" Turner, Sr. b. 1773 Virginia and his son Fielden Turner, Sr. b. About 1800 Spartanburg County, South Carolina


by James D. Martin 20 January 2003


Several days ago I was provided with a copy of Henry's Last Will and Testament. This document was executed 26 June 1832 in Spartanburg County, SC and is on file in the South Carolina State Archives. A transcribed copy of this document is included following. Wills in the 19`h Century were arranged in a typical style; first the wife would be listed and then the children. The male children would be listed first and arranged by order of birth. The female children would then be listed and typically arranged alphabetically by their first name or the name that was commonly used. It was unusual to see the female children listed by order of birth.


Recognizing this style in Henry's Will provides a little different arrangement of his children than we previously thought. Also, keep in mind that Henry was a judge (J. Q.) and probably had been exposed to some legal training; therefore, the wording of this Will is to be read more carefully than most other documents of this time. Coordination of this Will with the 1850 Census of Spartanburg County and other references provides the following Family:


1. Jane Turner                               b. About 1795 Spartanburg County, SC.

2. Margaret Peggy Turner               b. 1797 Spartanburg County, SC

3. Fielden Turner, Sr.                     b. About 1800 Spartanburg County, SC

4. Sarah "Sibbah" Turner                b. 1 April 1802 Spartanburg County, SC

5. John Turner                              b. 1803 Spartanburg County, SC

6. Peyton Turner                           b. 1806 Spartanburg County, SC

7. Nancy Turner                            b. About 1809 Spartanburg County, SC

8. Henry Turner, Jr.                       b. 27 March 1810 Spartanburg County, SC


The information on Jane Turner is derived from her husband, William Cantrell. William was born about 1790 and their first child, Wilson, was born in 1812; therefore, Jane's estimated date of birth is about 1795. Margaret is included in the 1850 Census of Spartanburg County, SC as the wife of Aaron Ezell. Fielden's date of birth is estimated based on the birth dates of Margaret, his older sister, and "Sibbah" his younger sister. The birth date of his first child, Samuel, was also used. Sarah, or "Sibbah's," date of birth is taken from the 1850 Census as the wife of Robert Poole. John and Peyton's birth dates are also provided by the 1850 Census. Nancy's birth date was provided by Mark Freeman, another researcher of the Turner Family. Henry, Jr's date of birth was provided by Lou McMillan, a descendant of Henry Turner, Sr. All of the names are included in Henry's Will.


Fielden Turner's family is not included as a "Family" in the 1850 Census. We do not know the reason for this, but can speculate that Fielden and his wife Nancy both died before the census was taken. The children were split up and can be found living with other Turner Families. The children listing was provided by Lou McMillan and others, except for Fielden Sanford Turner. Fielden Sanford Turner is specifically listed in a legal document prepared by his Father, Fielden Turner, an attorney, and filed in the Deed Books of

Spartanburg County on 25 July 1843. I have used the spelling of Fielden Turner as "Fielden" since this is the way his father, Henry Turner, Sr used it in his will, and the way he [Fielden] wrote it in the document naming his son Fielden Sanford Turner. There are numerous references to these names as "Fielding," I am uncertain of the correct name.

Fielden Turner married Nancy Alice "Allie" Putnam and their family is believed to be as follows:

1. Samuel "Sam" Turner                 b. About 1823 Spartanburg Co, SC

2. Albra Putnam Turner                  b. 1825 Spartanburg Co, SC

3. Delphia Turner                          b. 17 June 1826 Spartanburg Co, SC

4. Emily Pea Turner                       b. 14 January 1827 Spartanburg Co, SC

5. Henry "Applejack" Turner           b. 1830 Spartanburg Co, SC

6. Hester A. Turner                        b. 13 February 1835 Spartanburg Co, SC

7. Fielding Sanford Turner              b. 1838 Spartanburg Co, SC

Information on Samuel Turner's date of birth was provided by Lou McMillan. Albra's birth date is provided in the 1850 Census as he was living with the Family of John [Fielden's brother] and Cynthia Turner in House 1162. Delphia's information was also provided by Lou McMillan. Delphia cannot be identified in the 1850 Census; being 25 years of age it is probable that she has married and now has a different last name. Emily's date of birth was provided by Paul Sarratt, Jr, another Turner Family researcher. She is listed living with the family of L. A. Turner in House 2181. I do not know what the relationship of this family to Emily is. Henry's date of birth is given in the Census. He is listed living with Justin and Easter Turner in House 3; the relationship is unknown. Hester's name is verified by the Death Certificate of her Son, C. B. Martin, Sr. Her date of birth is taken from her headstone in Cowpens Cemetery. Fielden Sanford's date of birth and name are provided by the legal document prepared and filed by his father.


1. In the early 1800's the system of justice included Justices of the Peace, J. P., and Justus Quorum, J.Q. The J.Q. was equivalent to what later became the District Judge. The J. P. could handle simple civil and some criminal matters, but anything of significance had to be brought to the J. Q. Individuals serving as J.Q.'s were not elected but named by the Commissioners of the Peace. This system was apparently unique to North and South Carolina. Henry Turner was a Justus Quorum, or J. Q. His authority is signed as such in numerous documents in Spartanburg County.

2. Fielden Turner was an Attorney. This is evident in a deed by William Cantrell on 2 May 1838, in which he named Fielden to be his "lawful Attorney." It is further evident in the wording of the document in which he named his son Fielden Sanford Turner as his heir on 23 February 1843.


1. Last Will and Testament of Henry Turner, Sr., 26 June 1832.
2. Deed Abstracts from Spartanburg County, SC
3. Family Group Sheet for Henry Turner, Sr.
4. Family Group Sheet for Fielden Turner, Sr.
5. Last Will and Testament of James Turner, Jr., 20 May 1857.

Will of Henry Turner, Sr Spartanburg District, South Carolina 26th June 1832 

In the name of God Amen, I Henry Turner, Senior - of the State of South Carolina and District of Spartanburgh, being of Sound and Disposing mind & memory but being advanced in Years, and Calling to mind the uncertainty of life and being Desireous to dispose of all Such worldly Estate as it has pleased God to blefs me with, I do make and ordain this my Last will and Testament in manner following that is to Say - I give to my beloved wife Tamar Turner if She out lives me, the House and half the plantation where I now live with Every priveledge Necsfsary to the Same, during her Natural life which Land I have Deeded to my Son Henry Turner, Jun., also I give to my wife Tamar the Choice of two Negroes out of five, the names of the Negroes, Henney, Harriett, Hannah, Ned and Danniel, also as many of the Horses Cows, and hogs, as She thinks fit to keep for her own use, with all the Household furniture, and all the working tools on the plantation and at the Death of my wife Tamar Turner, I want all the property she held in her hand at her Death to be Valued by three disinterested persons and let Every one of my Childen have an Equal Shear of the property, and at my Death I want all the Negroes, Horses, Cattle & hogs that my wife Tamar don't want, to be Valued by three Disinterested men and property to be Equally Divided amongst them and keep the Negroes in the Family if it can be done, and to Settle all in peace, and give a Reasonable time for the payment of the money to one another.


I now proceed to will to my Children the following property in the Following manner I give to my son Fielden Turner one Tract of Land which I have given him a deed to at two hundred and fifty Dollars also one mare at fifty Dollars also one Bed and furniture at ten dollars also ten dollars in money.


I give to my son John Turner one Tract of Land which I have given him a deed for at one hundred and Sixty Dollars also one horse at fifty Dollars also one Bed and furniture at ten dollars also one hundred Dollars in money.


I give to my Son Peyton Turner one Tract of Land which I have given him a deed for at too hundred and fifty Dollars also one Horse at fifty Dollars one bed and furniture at ten Dollars also ten dollars in money.

I give to my son Henry Turner one Tract of Land which I have given him a deed for at three hundred Dollars also one filley at ten dollars one bed and furniture at ten dollars.


I give to my daughter Jane Cantrell one bed and furniture at ten dollars, one Cow at ten Dollars also one Negroe Girl by the name of Nancey at two hundred Dollars, one Cow & Calf at ten dollars also forty dollars in money, one wagon at fifty Dollars.


I give to my Daughter Nancey Cooper one bed and furniture at ten Dollars, one Cow at ten Dollars also one horse at forty Dollars also two hundred and Sixty Dollars in money.


I give to my Daughter Peggy Ballenger one bed and furniture at Ten Dollars one Cow at Ten Dollars one Mare at Seventy Dollars two hundred and thirty Dollars in money.


I give to my Daughter Sibba Poole one bed and furniture at ten dollars also one Cow at ten Dollars also one Negroe Girl by the name of Manda at three hundred Dollars.


Which the above mentioned property my Children has recd.


In witnefs whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 26h June 1832.


Test                                                               Henry Turner (Seal)
James Foster
Peyton Turner 

Henry Turner

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