Spartanburg County, SC part of the SCGenWeb
Recorded in Will Book B, Page 99, Box 31, Package 1
Recorded June 19th 1826 by Thomas Bomar O.S.D.
14 March 1826, Spartanburgh District, South Carolina.

Generously donated and transcribed by Terri Everts Camp

"Will of Henry Walding, The State of South Carolina, Spartanburgh District.
In the name of God Amen I Henry Walding Senr-of the District and State aforsaid being in health in body and of sound mind and memory and understanding prase be to God for the name. Do make this my Last Will and Testament in the manner & form Fowlering------(That is to say) I give unto my wife Mary Walding One Hundred and fifty acres of Land where on I now live including the Houses and all the improvements thareof during her natural life and after the death of the said Mary Walding the said Tract of Land is to revert and inure to the said Nathan Walding the youngest son of the said Henry Walding Senr in fee simple Item, I Do hearby requst and it is my desire after my Desease that the balance of my reale Estate not otherwise deaposed of be sold upon a credit of Twelve month and be Equally devided amongst my Legal representives----------Item. ----- I give and Devise unto Elizabeth Walding my Daughter on Bed and furniture and one cow & calf. Item.-------I give and Devise unto my Daughter Mary Walding one Bed and Furniture and one Cow & calf. Item. I give and Devise unto my Daughter Sarah Walding one Bed and Furniture also one cow and calf. Item. I do heareby give and it is my desire and request that my Daughter Drucilla do Recieve and be paid out of my Est.. not other wise desposed of One Hundred and Fifty Dollars after having an Equal Dividing of the said Estate not otherwise disposed of------Item. I do heareby give and devise unto my son William Walding one Bed and furniture-----Item I give and devise unto Nathan Walding my son one Bed and furniture----------Item, It is my wish and desire and it is my will that all my Stock House Hold and Kitchen Furniture do remain in my wifes porsefsion and for her seperate use during her natural life and after her deth that the same do and Inure and revert Back to Nathan Walding for ever to his own use and benefit and behoof WILL OF HENRY WALDING PAGE 2. in fee simple. Item, Wheareas my sons in Law Samule Ward and James M. Seay and my sons Asa M. Walding and Henry Walding having Rievd a Bed and furnture and a Cow and calf a piace it is my will and desire that the same shall be deducted out of their Equar 6 part of the said Estate heareby Willed and the same do go to the rest of the Legals representives of said Estate-----Item, Wheareas My Son in Law Samuel Ward has Reived Fifty Dollars in cash it is my will and desire that the same be deducted out of his said Distrubation Share----------Item, I do wish and it is my desire and that Fielding and John Walding who is now liveing in West Tennsee do take an Equal share of the Estate heareby Disposed of and not otherwise disposed of and I do hearby nominate constitute and appoint my said Wife Mary Walding my Executrix and William Walding my Executor of this my last will and Testament; hear by revoking and making void all and Every other wills or will at any other time hearetofore by me made and do diclare this my las Will and Testament. In Witnefs wheareof I the said Henry Walding Senr have heareunto set my hand and seals this the fourteenth day of March in the year of our Lord on thousand Eight hundred and Twenty six and in the Fiftieth year of the Independance of the United States of America. Signed Sealed dictated and published by the above Henry Walding Senr as and for his last will and Testament in the presence of us Jas Selman, Wm. White, W. Hunt his mark Henry X Walding (Seal)


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