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Home Will of George Meaders (Meadows)

Will Of George Meaders Spartanburg County Will Book D Page 513

Recorded Sept 21, 1857

In the name of God amen. I George, Meaders of the State of South Carolina and District of Spartanburgh, being of Sound mind and memory. and considering the uncertainty of this frail and transitory life, do therefore make, ordain publish and declare this to be my last will and Testament, that is to Say.I give devise And bequeath unto my beloved wife Francis Meaders, all my Real and personal Estate. of whatsoever, nature or kind that I may have at the time of my death, to have the use, controll, and intire benefit of the Same. with the privelieg of disposing of any part of the same (Except the negros,) for the purpose of paying any debts or Expences pertaining to my Estate, or for her own comfort, during her natural life, in the Second place, I will and bequeath unto Miss Elizabeth Bray one Hundred Dollars for her kind Services Rendered me in my Illness. In the third place I will and desire, that my Executors here in after named buy Suitable Toomstones. for the graves of my wife, her Father & her mother also for myself, My Father and My Mother, and pay for the Same out of the whole amount of my Estate, also I will and bequeath to George Bearden, (Son of James Bearden) Two Hundred Dollars, out of his mothers
distrivutive Shair also I will and bequeath unto Nancy Moore, wife E.W. Moore, Two Hundred Dollars, for the benefit of herself and her children, for Services Rendered to my family, also I will & bequeath unto George Gwinn Son (of Josiah Gwinn) one Hundred Dollars, to be used for his Education. my will and desire is that all those bequests above named be paid out of the whole amount of my Estate. and that after all Just debts
and charges have been paid, that is to Say after the death of my wife, I will desire that one half of the residue of my Estate, be equally devided between my Brothers & Sisters or there children as the case may be, Excet, Mrs. Cassandra Bearden, who shall receive Two Hundred Dollars less in consequence of the bequest made of her Son George Bearden, as here in before Stated, the ballance of My Estate I will and bequeath unto my beloved wife absolutely to dispose of as she may choose, My will and desire is that my Negros, Amus,Venus, Mariah, & her two children, Parthena, and Venus, and all that increase that may be, Shall be allowed to chos there own purchesers, and I will that my Executors have them appraised at a fair reasenable price and Sell them at private sale to the purcheser of there own choosing at appraisment on a credit of Five years if desired, with interest after the first year, and I do hereby appoint My Brother Lawson T Meaders, and Josiah Hatchett My Executors of this my last will & Testament, which I sign in the presents of the Subscribing Witness this the 18th day of August 1857
George Meaders (seal) Test (Witness)
Harvey Stephens (Seal)
R M Smith (Seal)
GN King (Seal)
 Recorded September 21rst 1857 Jno. Earle Bomar, O.S.D.

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