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Home Will of Ephraim Drummond
Generously contributed by Laurel T. Baty


Will of Ephraim Drummond


South Carolina, Spartanburgh District


In the name of God Amen.

Ephraim Drummond Senr. Last Will and testament

I leave to my beloved wife Polly Drummond the third part of my Real and personal Estate Such as Lands negroes horses cows hogs and Sofourth During Her Life.  I Leave to the Children of Isaac Wofford (and Mavil Wofford Deceased) two dollars appease And no more.  It will be Recollected and understood That all of my children has not had an Equal part of my Estate.  Therefore I want them to be maid All Equal and then the balance to be Equally Distributed amongst my Eleven children below named Betsy Wofford, Jared Drummond, Polly Wofford, Warren Drummond, Rebecker Allen, Ephriam Drummond Junr., Delily Bruton, Patcy Martin, Simpson Drummond, Freemon Drummond, Harison Drummond, and after the death of the aforesaid  Polly Drummond my wife this Third parte above given to her or what parte is left of it if any after her Death shall be Equally Divided Amongst her Eleven Children above named. I think the most Equatable way is to Divide it is to Dispose of the property at publick Sale. the plain meaning of this my Last will and testament is that the heirs of Isaac Wofford is never to Injoy but two Dollars apease of my Estate.  If they do it is intirely contrary to my will.  I leave Jared Drummond as My executor to my will.  Given under my hand and Seal this 18 Day of April 1838

Ephriam Drummond


Frederick Switzer

James Mcdaniel

Thos. J. Gilliart


Recorded in Will Book D Page 23

Box 34 Package 12

Recorded 30 August 1841

R. C. Poole O. S. D.


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