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Home Will of Ebsworth Moore.

Last Will and Testament of Ebsworth Moore

Will Book D page 498 – 501


The Last Will and Testament of

Ebsworth Moore Dec. 31, 1851

South Carolina

Spartanburg District


Know all men by these presents that I Ebsworth Moore of the State and District aforesaid being in good health as usual and Enjoying the facalties of my mind as I think Sufficient to discharge my common business declare before God and all Whom it may concern that my Last Will & Testament is as following

1st I bequeath to my wife Elizabeth Moore my Land house & household and Estates Furniture and One Negro Woman Riah and her youngest child Parthena One roan mare  one cow & calf one cow & pigs and provisions for one year which I wish her to have and to Enjoy all the benefits during her natural life  at her death my Son William Moore to have and to hold the above named Land as his right and property and I do hereby appoint Wm. Moore Guardian for his mother to attend to her business the above named Negro Woman &Child Parthena, household & kitchen Furniture & Stock that may remain to be sold the Woman Riah to have the priveledge of chosing her master. And I bequeath to my Son John Moore one hundred Dollars out of the proceeds of the Sale,,   and my Daughter May Edwards to have Four hundred Dollars and my Daughter Letty Vise to have Four hundred Dollars of the above named procedes If there be so much – and if the Woman Should increase and there be more than the above named Slaves Let it be placed to any other servants that may be found.

I bequeath my Negro boy Wiss to my Son (Thomas or Solomon, illegible)  and his heirs. And my Boy Green to my Son Levi and his heirs and my Girl Sarah Sons to my Son Isaac Moore and his heirs – and as I have raised Ebsworth Moore Son of my Son John Moore – and as he has bee a dutiful grandson to me – I do in consideration of the Love give unto him and his heirs my Negro boy Simon and also for the Love consideration I give unto my Grand Daughter Caroline Matilda my negro Girl Liza which I design for her and the heirs or her body – and I give my Negro boy Levi to my Son William Moore and his heirs and all my other property not named to be Sold and all my Debts to be paid & all other just charges and the Balance If any to be  Equally divided between my heirs – And I do hereby appoint my Son Wm. Moore my Executor of this my Last Will and Testament and I desire him to Sell Riah to the man of her chosing at  private Sale – Which I Sign in the presence of the under Scribed Witnesses – this 14th day of April 1854.


Signed Ebworth Moore Seal and Mark

Azariah Vise

Thomas Arin

Edward Arin




Whereas I Ebsworth Moore have duly executed my Last Will & Testament in Writing baring the date the 14th day of April 1854 and thereby given & bequeathed to my wife Elizabeth Moore a certain portion of my Estate, And providence Seeing fit to remove her from time to eternity, Now I do hereby revoke and make void the Said Legacy and the plantation now goes to my Son William Moore and the balance of the personal property to be Sold at public Sale Except the Two Negros Reah & Parthena, and as there has been one born since – my desire is that Reah Parthena & Venis be Sold at a reasonable appraisement by my Executor at private Sale in one Lot together to the man of her choice and necessary indulgences given if it be five years- And give to my Son John Moore One hundred Dollars – To my Daughter Mary Shipless (is now) Four hundred Dollars and my Daughter Letty Vise Four hundred dollars out of the proceeds of the above three Negros named Negros and my Further desire if it is not Lawful for Riah to choose her master I hereby Empower my Executor William Moore to choose one of them. And further as God has seen proper to call from time my son Levi Moore my desire is that the Boy given be Sold at private Sale in the Same way and Manner as the above name Riah and Parthena & Venus and the proceeds to be Equally divided amongst his Lawful heirs. And Lastly I do constitute my Son William Moore Executor of this my Last Will and Testament by me heretofore made in Testamony whereof I have herunto Set my hand and affixed my Seal the 31st day of March 1857.

Legend Sealed published and declared as and for

The Last Will & Testament of the

Above named Ebsworth Moore in the presence of us


Ebsworth Moore Seal and Mark


Theron Shands

William Edwards

Francis M. Harrison


The Last Will & Testament of Ebsworth Moore Deced was this day proved in Conserver form by the Evidence of Thos Arin one of the Subscribing Witnesses to the Original Will and Frances M Harrison witness to the codicil and ordered to be Entered of record this 12th  June 1857.


R. Bowden


I hereby Swear that this Witnessing paper contains the Last Will & Testament of the within named Ebsworth Moore Decd so far as I know or believe and that I will Well and Truly Execute the Same by paying first the debts & then the Legacees therein contained so far forth as goods & chattels rights & credits will there unto Extend and the Law charge me & that I will make a True & perfect Inventory of all Such good & chattels So help me God – Sworn to before me 12 June 1857

William Moore

R. Bowden


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