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Recorded in Will Book D, Page 37
Box 36 Package 9
Recorded 29 June 1842
By  C. Pools O.S.D.
Generously donated and transcribed by Sharon McConnell

In the Name of God, Amen----.

I, Charles Smith of Spartanburgh District and State of South Carolina, Planter, being blessed with Sound mind memory and understanding, praised be God for the same but calling to mind, that it is appointed for all men once to die – do make this my last will and Testament.—

Item—I recommend my soul to God who gave it and my body to the Dust from whence it came to be decently buried at the discresion of my Executors, hereinafter mentioned – and for such worldly goods as it hath pleased God to bless me with, after my just debts & funeral Expenses are paid – I give and bequeath in the manner & form following Viz.—

Item I lend to by beloved Wife Nancy during her natural life or widowhood, all my land, house and plantation (except that portion which I shall herein after mention to be laid off to my Daughter Nancy Waters and her children—One Negro Boy named Randal and Negro Girl named Julia and two feather beds and furnature - - two cows & calves—cupboard Table & Bureau one gray mare colt and a carry all.---

Item.  I give unto my three Sons Collins, William and Abner E. Smith, and to by two Daughters Sally and Nancy Waters, also the Heirs of my Daughter Elizabeth, all, an equal part of my Estate after my decease – To my Daughter Sally I have loaned a certain Negro Girl named Puny and her increase (the price of said Negro Girl is four hundred and seventy five dollars) which sum shall be deducted out of my Daughter Sally’s part of my Estate, at my decease – and all Notes that I hold against my heirs to stand good to my Estate against them respectively. –

Item.  I appoint my Son Abner E. Smith Guardian for my Daughter Nancy Waters, during her life time, and I here direct that my Son Abner E. Smith, shall after my decease lay of Land and boundaries, as I here direct and take charge of the Same for the special benefit of my Daughter Nancy Waters during her natural life – Abner; you will begin on the white oak on the East Side of the Creek (Thickatty) thence down said creek East Side Creed the line until it intersects with Rooks—the Land on which my Daughter Nancy now lives including that together with what I got of Emerson, that lies on East Side of Said creed until you come to a Red Oak Corner at the Head of a Slash, left hand Side of the path as you go from the old mill around to where James Waters now lives—thence a straight line to the beginning Corner on the creek, to be valued to her by three disinterested men – to her and the Heirs of her Body forever.—

My desire is that my Son Abner E. Smith and Son in Law William Waters be liberal to and take care of Reuben my black man as long as he lives – and I do nominate constitute and appoint my Son Abner E. Smith and my Son in Law, William Waters Executors of this my last will and Testament, and do declare this to be my last will and Testament – In witness whereof I, the Said Charles Smith have hereunto set my hand & seal this twenty-fifth day of June Eighteen hundred & forty two  -- Signed Sealed and published by the above named Charles Smith as and for his last will and Testament – in the presence of us, who at his request and in his presents have subscribed our Names as Witnesses thereto

Attest                                                                           Charles Smith (seal)

Willis Smith

William Bridges

Samuel Linder

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