Spartanburg County, SC part of the SCGenWeb
Home Will of Charles Moore

ca 1727-1805

Source: The Southern Genealogist Exchange Quarterly
Issue Number 7 – Fall 1958

Submitted by Mrs. Frank F. Byram


This will was read and transcribed by Mrs. Frank F. Byram from a copy of the original will made 27 April 1951, in Spartanburg SC and then submitted to The Southern Genealogist Exchange Quarterly. The will and probate record has been preserved and is available at the South Carolina Archives and at the Walnut Grove Plantation.  This will was not listed in the “Indexes to the County Wills of South Carolina” because it was in a file box document and did not appear in a Will book, wills in bound volumes being the only ones listed at that time.


IN the name of God Amen. I Charles Moore of Spartan County Pinckney districk & State of South Carolina. Calling to mind ye Mortality of my body; And being of perfect & Sound understanding & memory, do make & ordain this my Last Will & Testament in manner & form following.


Imprimis It is my will & desire that all my Debts & Funeral charges be first paid & discharged by my Executors herein after mentioned.


Item. I will & bequeath unto Mary my beloved Wife The feather Bed & its furniture on which I lie, Also her choice of any one of my horse creatures, together wither sadle & bridle; And her choice of two cows & calves out of my stock of meat cattle, & two Ewes & lambs, together with her bodily apparel & the Use of ye Dweling house in which I now live with all its furniture not herein after willed away together with ye Use of Three negroes Viz Robert, Dinna, & Phillis and their Children not herein willed away. Also four Horses & Waggon & geers compleat, Plows & their Geers with all my other farming Utensels & tools of different kinds to carry on ye farming Buisness to support her, My two Sons Andw. & Chas., (Whilst they Stay with her) and ye Negroes under her care during her widowhood, Reserving always to my sd. Son Chas. Moore If he attends ye. Plantation & Hands thereon, a sufficient share of ye Crops raised on sd. Plantation. Hi Mother having always ye Authority to advise & contrive with him in ye farming & other regularities for ye best. Also I will & bequeath to my loving wife Mary One Negroe Wench Named Nelly & her offspring to wait on her in ye House & to be at her Disposal to any of her & my Children that she shall think proper to leave her & hers to at her death. At which Period of death of my wifes, The House & Houshould furniture together with the above Negroes, Robt., Dinna, Phillis & their offspring (not herein willed) Horses & cows & calves, wagon & Geers, Plows & all Farming Utensels & Tools of every kind & description whatsoever, (Negroe Nelly & offspring and my sd. Wifes Bodily apparel & Bed excepted to so with as she shall think fit.) All which I Will Demise and bequeath to my sd. Son Charles Moore to ye only proper Use & behoof of him ye Sd. Chas. his heirs and assigns forever. Also I leave my loving wife my Large Bible & any other three Books she shall choose out of my small Liberary, during her life, and at her Death, the Bible & Books are to descend to my son Thos. Moore during his life, and at his Decease to descend to my son Andw. B. Moore & his heirs, Be it remembred, that if ye Sd. Andw. B. Moore should die without Isue, the Bible & books to desend to my son Charles Moore his heirs & assigns forever.


Item. I Will & bequeath to my son in law Adw. Barry five Shillings Sterling, And to his Daughter Violet Moore Barry one feather bed & furniture.


Item. I Will & bequeath to my son in law Jno Lawson five Shillings Sterling.


Item. I Will & bequeath to my son in law Richard Barry five Shillings Sterling.


Item. I Will & bequeath to my soninlaw Robt. Hannah five Shillg. Ster. And to his Son Chas. Moore Hannah a Horse value Ten Pounds Sterling.


Item. I Will & bequeath to my soninlaw Mathew Patton five Shillings Sterling for his two Marriages.


Item. I Give Demise & bequeath to my son Thos. Moore one Negroe Boy Named Prince now in his Possession to him his heirs and assigns forever.


Item. I Will & bequeath to my soninlaw ye Revd. Robt. M. Cunningham five Shigs. Sterling.


Item. I Give, Demise & bequeath to my Andrew Berry Moore him h(i)s heirs and assigns forever. One (N)egore Boy Named Simon, and negroe Girl Named Fanney, & a Small Negroe Boy Called Bob. Als O(ne) e feather Bed & furniture Compleat together with my writing Desk one Large Walnut Table, with falling le(ave)s, one half dozen P(ew)ter plates, Three Pewter dishes, one half Dozen chairs. Also Two Cows & Calves, Two Ewes & Lambs, two breeding Sows & (p)igs, One Set of plow Iorns, One M(a)ttock & one felling Ax.


Item. I Give Demise & bequeath to my Son Charles Moore his (he)irs & assigns forever. All the Lan(d) or Plantation on which I now live. Bounded by a division line Betw(een) me and my (So)n (A)n(d). B. Moore Run by Mr. Andrew Thomson Surveyor and Martin (illegible words) N. (illegible) Tyger (illegible) River (illegible) to ye West. Containing Two (illegible) hundred (illegible) and Sixty (illegible) f(i)ve acres More or less. Including the dwelling House together with all other ye Improvement theron (reserving to my wife ye Us(e) of Sd. House & furniture during her widowhood or death, At whoes decease all ye dowery left by m(e) to my Sd. Wife Mary Shall desend to (m)y Sd. Son Charles. (Nelly & ofspring my wifes Bodily Apparel & Bed & furniture excepted his heirs & (as)signs forever. Also I give Demise an (d) bequeath to my Sd. Son Charles Moore Two Negroe Boys viz. Tom and Toney, and a Negroe Girl named Dove. Also I Give Demise & be(qu)eath to Sd. Charles after (illegible) his Mothers Death, All ye feather Beds & furniture, And houshould furniture, Good and Chattles not afore will(ed) or bequeathed together with ye. above sd. Negroes Viz. Robt. Dinna & Phillis & their offsping not herein Willed or bequeathed. Also the (a)bove Waggon, Horse & Geers, Plows and all farming Utensels & plantation tools of every kind or (d)escription whatsoever. Together wi(th) All my Other Horses, Mares & Colts, and all my Stock of meat Cattle, Sheep & Hogs. (not ab(ov)e willed together will all ye Debts (du)e me, either by Bill, Bond, Note or Book Debt or o(th)erwise I Give Demise and bequeath to my Sd. Son Charles Moore his heirs & ass(i)gns forever. All ye. remainder of my real & personal Esta(te) Where ever found or known I will (be)queath & Demise to my Sd. Son Char(le)s Moore his heirs & Asigns forever. Lastly I constitute and appoint my loving Wife Ma(r)y Moore & my Son Charles Moore Ex(ec)utors of this my last will & Testament, & my soninlaw Andw. Barry & my Son Thomas Moore overseers of ye. my last w(i)ll & Testamt. In wittness whereof I have here unto Set my hand & Seal this Tenth ---Day of May ---in ye. (ye)ar of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred and ninty (e)ight.


Signed Sealed Publishe(d)                                     Charles Moore

Pronounced & Declared by

Ye. Sd. Charles Moore as his

Last Will & Testament in

Presence of ye. Subscribers


Jason Moore

James Moore

Jason Moore Junr.


Whereas I Charles Moore of Spartanburgh District, have made & duly exe(cu)ted my last will & Testament in writing bearing date the Teth day of May one thousand Se(ve)n hundred & ninty (eig)ht & thereby given & bequeathed one neg(r)oe Girl named D(ov)e, unto my son Charles Moore. Now I (illegible) here by (r)evoke & make void the sd. legacy of sd. Negore Girl named Dove, so given & (b)equeathed by my sd. will unto my sd. son Charles Moore. And I do give & bequeath the sd. negroe Girl D(ov)e, unto Mary my beloved wife during her life; (in lieu of the negroe Girl named Nelley bequeathed to her the first Item of sd. will, but now Deceased) And at her death then the sd. negroe Girl Dove I give & (b)equeath to my son Charles Moore & his heirs. Also I do revoke & make void the legacies given & beque(at)hed to my son Andrew B. Moore If he should fail or neglect, to pay to his mother Mary Moore fifty Dollar(s) within six month after my Decease. And I do ordain & declare this present writing to be a codicil to my (s)d. will, & that the same shall be annexed thereto & taken as part thereof & do confirm my sd. will, in ev(er)y perticular thereof that is not hereby altered or revoked. In witness whereof I have to (illegible) this Co(d)icil set my hand & seal the fifth day of May one thousand eight hundred and three.


Signed, Sealed, declared & published                               Charles Moore

By the said Charles Moore, as & for a

codicil to be annexed to his last will

& Testament, & to be taken as part thereof,

In presence of.


Jason Moore

Jason Moore Junr.

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