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Home Abraham Moore Probate

Probate of Estate of Abraham Moore

Dated 16th January 1802
Number 39733487, 1723603, 2249884

James Moore, Executor of the estate of Abraham Moore decd came forward the Abraham Moore Junior, the youngest legatee of said deceased, who acknowledged before the ordinary, that he was fully satisfied respecting his legacy of his deceased Fathers estate & said he fully acquitted James Moore & James Ham Executors of said estate from any responsibility for his part of said estate. The aforesaid James Moore also produced receipts from under the hands of William Hunt & Elizabeth Hunt, Abraham Fowler, Jonathan Moore, Samuel Shurbert, Samuel Moore, Ebsworth Moore, John Rogers, Zachariah Moore, Didemer Moore, Aaron Moore & Rosanna Moore, Legates of said estate, and the said James Moore Co-executor with James Ham of said estate, being a legatee himself, acknowledged before the ordinary that he had rec’d his portion of said estate and acquitted said James Ham Executor aforesaid from any liability or responsibility for his legacy. And the said James Moore & James Ham Executors of the estate of Abraham Moore, decd are to the Ordinary, exonerated from the executorship.

In the Court of the Ordinary April 1802 proved the last Will & Testament of Abraham Moore Decd By the Evidence of Jas. Crowder one of the subscribing witnesses qualified James Ham & James Moore Executors in said will delivered them a certified copy of said will & Letters Testamentary.

Issued a warrant of appraisement Directed to Bonn (?) Langston, James Crowder, Swift Brookshire & Jno Bearden.

James Moore & James Ham returned on oath an act of their Receipts & expenditures for  the year 1803. Executors of Abm. Moore decd examined and paid their accts filed according to Law in the Court of the Ordinary 28th Dec. 1803.


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