Newspaper Clipping of 14 December 1939
Newspaper Clipping of 14 December 1939

__________________________________The News & Herald,W

Fort Wagner In Fairfield
Marked By DAR Chapter
| that time  consisted  of himself and 
| several daughters.                  
|   When   they  reached  South  Caro-
| lina  the Moberlys  settled  on Pop-
| lar  Ridge   on  the  east  side  of 
| Beaver  creek  in  the  western part 
| of  Fairfield  county   Jans  Wagner 
| and  his  family  of  girls  settled 
| about   where   Reedy  branch   emp-
| ties into Beaver creek.             
|   (As referred  to  in Mills Statis-
| tics)  Because  of the frequent  in-
| cursion  by  the Indians  it  became 
| necessary  to  construct  forts  for 
| the protection  of the  settlers  a-
| gainst   the   enemy's   raids   and 
| among  the   chain   erected,   Fort 
| Wagoner,   built   by   Jans  Wagner 
| for the better security  of his fam-
| ily,  was the first to be construct-
| ed;  and  here  in  this strong log-
| hewn blockhouse  the  neighbors  for 
| miles  around   would   gather   for 
| safety."                            
|   There   was   also  a  controversy 
| with   the  Hamptons   who   claimed 
| this  land   and  as  a  consequence 
| the  Moberlys   moved  farther  east 
| in  the  county,   Jans  Wagner  and 
| his girls,  though,  continued to be
| troubled  by the Hamptons,  but  be-
| ing protected by the fort, held onto 
| the  property  till  the  grant  was 
| confirmed.                          
|   As  noted,  the Mobleys  had  mov-
| ed  farther east  and  at  this  new 
| location  built  another fort.  Mary 
| Wagner,   daughter   of   Hans  Wag-
| ner,   married   Samuel  Mobley  and 
| by   this   marriage   Hans   Wagner 
| became    the   ancestor   of   many 
| prominent  families  in  the state."
|   Among   the   many   claims   Hans 
| Wagner   has   for  remembrance   is 
| that tradition  says  that  he  fur-
| nished  two bales  of  that historic 
| shipment  of six bales of cotton  to 
| England.  This is not verified,  for 
| the  authorities  questioned  wheth-
| er  the colonies  could produce that 
| much.   However,  be  this  true  or 
| not,  Wagner  truly  exemplified the 
| spirit  of a courageous pioneer  and 
| patriot.

Photo and Story Courtesy of The State
  Appearing  above   is  the   hand-
some  granite  stone,   marking  the 
site  of  Fort  Wagner  in Fairfield 
county,  which  was recently unveil-
ed  by  the  Richard  Winn  chapter, 
Daughters  of  the   American  Revo-
lution.  Standing by  the tablet are 
Isabel  Wright  and  Henrietta  Ros-
som,  who  did the  unveiling at the 
impressive   ceremony.    Both   are 
direct  descendants   of  Hans  Wag-
ner,  who  built the fort in 1760 as 
a  refuge   from  the  Cherokee  In-
  At the side  of the fort,  a small 
stone  was  placed,  and  on highway 
215  near the site,  a  large  stone 
was erected.
  Taking part in the exercises, pre-
sided  over  by  the chapter regent, 
Mrs.  J.  T.  McBryde,  were the de-
scendants   of   Hans  Wagner,   who 
built the fort in 1760.
  The  salute  to the flag  and  the 
pledge  of allegiance  were  led  by 
Mrs.  H.  G.  Wright.  Following as-
sembly   singing   of   "The   Star-
Spangled  Banner,"  and  the invoca-
tion,  the  regent  made the dedica-
tion  speech  as the stone was slow-
ly  unveiled  by  Isabel Wright  and 
Henrietta Rosson.  Mrs.  B. H.  Ros-
son  gave  the   tribute   to   Hans 
Wagner.   A  poem,  "Pioneers,"  was 
contributed  by  Miss  Edith  Wright 
and  Mrs. J. R. SheItoh  placed  the 
laurel   wreath.   The  singing   of 
"America,"  the  benediction  by the 
chaplain,  Mrs.  Arthur Maybin,  and

| the  retirement   of   the   colors 
| brought  to  a close  an  event  of 
| importance  in  the history  of the 
| Richard  Winn  chapter,   Daughters 
| of  the  American  Revolution,  for 
| plans  for  placing this marker had 
| been  in the making several  years.
|   The  marker  bears  the following 
| inscription:  "Fort  Wagner,   Site 
| One  Mile  East   at   Junction  of 
| Beaver  Creek  and   Reedy  Branch. 
| Built  in  1760  by Hans Wagner  as 
| a  refuge  from  the  Cherokee  In-
| dians.  Erected  by  Richard  Winn 
| Chapter, D. A. R. 1938."           
|   Prior  to  the  unveiling  of the 
| tablet,  the  Richard Winn  chapter 
| held a special meeting  at the home 
| of  Mrs.  Gus  McMeekin  at  Monti-
| cello. After the meeting,  Mrs. Mc-
| Meekin  was  hostess  at  a  lovely 
| luncheon  for  the  chapter members 
| and their guests.
|   Quoting  from  Mills' Statistics: 
| "Fort  Wagoner  (sic)  was  erected 
| during  the  Cherokee  war of  1760 
| on  Beaver creek six miles from its 
| mouth. Into this, the poor scatter-
| ed inhabitants flocked and  receiv-
| ed its protection  until the end of
| the war."
|   When  the  Moberlys  (now  spell-
| ed    Mobley)    emmigrated    from 
| Maryland  between  the  years  1758 
| and  1760,  to  South Carolina,  en 
| route  through  North Carolina near 
| Yadkin  river,   the  caravan   was 
| joined   by  one  Jans  Wagner,   a 
| Hollander,  and his family,  who at
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