Will of Abimeleck Williams



Will of Abimeleck Williams

S.C. Horry District, March 16th 1822

In the name of God Amen, I, Abimelick Williams possessing my sound reason do give and bequeath to my beloved brother Meschech Williams four hundred twenty acres of land in said district bounding on Mr. Daniel Pipkins land on Little Pee Dee, my Father living on the place. I do will that he shall remain there uninterrupted during his life, there is also two hundred forty two acres of land in said district laying on Crawford which I give and bequeath to my said brother Meschech Williams. This is my final Will and Testament whereunto I set my hand and seal. Abimeleck Williams

Witnesses: Elias S. Cox, Archibald McClellan, William McClellan

Proved by Virtue of a Dedimus Protestatum before Charles John Steedman, Q.U. 10 July 1822

Recorded in Charleston Will Book F 1818-1826, page 424



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