Sociedades de Genealogia


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      Genealogical Societies
Sociedades de Genealogía

(newest links are on the bottom)


The Puerto Rican / Hispanic Genealogical Society

The Puerto Rican/Hispanic Genealogical Society was founded in New York by a group of dedicated genealogists and family historians, who are helping to preserve their Puerto Rican/Hispanic Roots.  Experience the thrill of discovering a long forgotten past. Join in the rewarding pursuit of researching the lives and personal histories of your ancestors.


La Sociedad Puertorriqueña De Genealogía

Nuestras puertas están abiertas para todo aquel interesado en la investigación genealógica y que desee unirse a la única organización de Puerto Rico que se ha fundado con este fin. La genealogía es un "virus". No daña computadoras, pero una vez que usted haya sido "infectado" le resultará imposible liberarse de él.


The Cuban Genealogical Society

The Cuban Genealogical Society has been in existence since 1988, and has members all over the United States.  Our Society is a non-profit organization, with the main goal of promoting the preservation, study and research of Cuban genealogy and history. 


Instituto Dominicano De Genealogia, Inc.


El Instituto Dominicano de Genealogía, Inc., (IDG) es una entidad sin fines de lucro, fundada bajo el patrocinio de la Academia Dominicana de la Historia, y tiene como objetivo primordial la intensificación de los estudios y las labores de campo de la ciencia de la Genealogía en la República Dominicana.

La sede del IDG se encuentra en la Casa de las Academias, en la Calle Mercedes #204, de la Zona Colonial en la Ciudad de Santo Domingo, capital de la República Dominicana.


Victoria Hispanic Genealogical & Historical Society of  Texas

The purpose of the Society shall be to create and maintain an organization for the promotion of research and collection of genealogical and historical data of the earliest Spanish and Mexican pioneer families of Victoria, Texas and surrounding areas. 


Canary Islands Descendants Association

The Canary Islands Descendants Association is a genealogy-based heritage club. The purpose of this group is to document the traditions associated with their Canary Island heritage and identify those traditions to others.  The Association sponsors a variety of cultural activities including live performances. Various programs have been supported in part by the Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities, the Louisiana Division of the
Arts, the Arts Council of New Orleans, and corporate funding through Spur-Murphy Oil USA.


Hispanic Society of America

Una biblioteca y un museo público y gratuito dedicados al estudio de las artes y la cultura de  España, Portugal y América Latina.

A free museum and reference library for the study of the arts and cultures of Spain, Portugal, and Latin America


Society of Hispanic Historical and Ancestral Research

SHHAR is a non-profit volunteer organization with the specific goal of helping Hispanics research their family history.  Open, free lectures and workshops gained support from prominent historians and genealogists.


New Mexico Genealogical Society

We're all volunteers, combining our time and efforts to help genealogists. Our projects provide learning and networking opportunities for genealogy researchers and family historians.


Hispanic Genealogical Research Center of New Mexico

The HGRC-NM, is a non-profit organization, organized for the purposes of nurturing the interests of its members in the pursuit of their Hispanic ancestors and history.   The HGRC-NM publishes a monthly newsletter "NOTICIAS", and a Quarterly Journal "HERENCIA".


The Genealogical Society of Hispanic America - Southern California

GSHA-SC was founded to promote Hispanic genealogical and historical research with the focus on, but not limited to, California, the American Southwest and Mexico.  We are proud to represent an ever growing membership that is both willing and able to assist you in discovering a remarkably rich and colorful Hispanic heritage.


The Hispanic Genealogical Society of New York

Based in New York City, the HGSNY is a non-profit volunteer organization dedicated to bringing genealogy to Hispanic Americans.  Annual Membership 
Dues: $20.00


Instituto Chileno de Investigaciones Genealógicas

El Instituto Chileno de Investigaciones Genealógica es una corporación de derecho privado fundada en Santiago el 29 de Noviembre de 1948. Tiene por objeto; 1) promover el estudio de la Historia en todo lo que se relaciona con genealogía,  particularmente en lo que concierne a familias chilenas y sus vinculaciones con otras naciones, especialmente España, 2) Impulsar el estudio de la formación de la sociedad chilena, contemplando las diversas corrientes de sangre que han intervenido en la conformación social, intelectual, religiosa, moral y psicológico de los chilenos, y 3) Conservar la memoria de los fundadores de nuestra nacionalidad y de sus descendientes que engrandecieron su historia. 


Societat Catalana  de Genealogia

La SCGHSV vetlla pel rigor  històric i científic de la genealogia i l'heràldica  i altres disciplines afins





Hispagen es una Asociación sin ánimo de lucro constituida por un grupo de personas que quieren apoyar el desarrollo de la genealogía hispana.



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Copyright © 1996 - 1999 Puerto Rican Hispanic Genealogical Society
 Última modificación el: 08 de enero de 2003 | Last Update: January 8, 2003
Please tell us what you think!  Our e-mail address is
[email protected]
