Ancestral Records of Quebradillas, Puerto Rico

This compilation of historical and genealogical data

provided herewith is solely intended to assist those persons who are researching their ancestral roots in the town of Quebradillas, Puerto Rico. The sources for this compilation are historical, governmental and church documents in the public domain. Additionally, some information was retrieved from various books, magazines etc. and correspondence.

In any event, in each and every case the original

 sources for "Ancestral Records of Quebradillas, Puerto Rico" is identified and credited. Furthermore, this compilation is a new, original "work" first published in 2004 and as such, copyright protected.

List # 1: 1836 Census of Quebradillas, Puerto Rico (Part # 1)

List # 2: 1836 Population & Land Census of Quebradillas, Puerto Rico (Part # 2)

List # 3: Foreigners Residing In Quebradillas, Puerto Rico during the 19th Century

List # 4: 1899 Census of Quebradillas, Puerto Rico United States War Department

List # 5: 1831 Memories of Quebradillas, Puerto Rico by Pedro Tomas de Cordova

List # 6: The Mayors of the Town of Quebradillas, Puerto Rico

List # 7: The History of the Town of Quebradillas, Puerto Rico

List # 8: Index of Baptism, Marriage & Death’s Book - Catholic Church

List # 9: Population of Quebradillas, Puerto Rico