LDS Microfilm #1898740, Item 4, Death Records 1841-1852
St. Bartholomew Church Records, Village of Łęki Dolne, Poland
Select records - not a complete transcription - Transcribed by Marge
Galus Sandlier 1998 -2005
These records are only for the Village of Łęki Dolne. Records for
Łęki Górne for this time period are separate. See the Łęki Film
1898740, item 4, page 13, #88
1847 July, date of death 28, date of burial 30
Leki Dolne, house 110
Simeon Modelski, Catholic, male, age 54, cause of death 'ordinaria
NOTE: Simeon is my great great grandfather, son of Thomas
MODELSKI and Thecla. He was baptized 23 October 1800 in the Leki
Parish. He married Eva RECZKOWSKA on 6 Feb 1827 in the Leki
Parish. Immediately following Simon's death record was his son
Tomas Modelski - both father and son died the same day.
1898740, item 4, page 13, #89
1847 July, date of death 28, date of burial 30
Leki Dolne, house 110
Tomas Modelski, son of Simonis Modelski and Eva de Adamis Reczkoski
Catholic, male, age 20, cause of death 'ordinaria disenteria'
NOTE: Thomas is my great great granduncle. Immediately
preceding Tomas' death record was his father Simon Modelski - both
father and son died the same day.
1898740, item 4, page 14, # 105
1847 Sept, died 18, buried 20, house 69
Stanislaus Podraza, Catholic, male, age 80 years, ?senelus?
NOTE: Stanislaus is my 4th great grandfather. He married
Margaretha PYRCHLA on 22 February 1803 in the Leki Parish.
1898740, item 4, page 16, #18, Leki Dolne
1848 February, date of death 12, date of burial 14, house 13
Maria, wife of Joannis Sztorc, nee Ziemionka, agricola
Catholic, female, age 50 years
NOTE: Maria was the first wife of my great great grandfather
Joannes SZTORC. They were married 23 November 1818 in the Leki
Parish. I've found 11 children born to them. More about My
SZTORC Family. Marianna was a daughter of Adalbertus ZIMA and
Sophia nee TRAGARZOWNA, baptized 20 June 1799 in the Leki Parish.
1898740, item 4, page 25, #42, Leki Dolne
1849 Dec, died 6, buried 8, house 191
Catharina wife of Joannes Kus, nee Tworek, inquilinus
Catholic, female, age 42
NOTE: Catharina is my 3rd great grandaunt. She was a
daughter of Simon TWOREK and Marianna CISZKOWNA, baptized 16 October
1808. She married Joannes KUS 30 July 1845 in the Leki
Parish. Catharina's 4-year-old son Jacob died the day before she
did. They were buried on the same day (see next entry).
1898740, item 4, page 25, #43, Leki Dolne
1849 December, died 5, buried 8, house 191
Jacobus, son of Joannis Kus and Catharina nee Tworek, inquilina
Catholic, male, age 4
NOTE: Jacob's mother Catharina died a day after he did.
They were buried on the same day.
1898740, item 4, page 27, #13, Leki Dolne
1850 March, died 10, buried 12, house 41
Joannes illegitimate son of Marianna Prorok, inquilina
Catholic, age 1/2
1898740, item 4, page 31, #6, Leki Dolne
1851 January, died 13, buried 15, house 112
Victoria, daughter of Antonius Tworek and Maria Koziol, inq
Catholic, female, age 3 weeks, cause of death consumpt.
NOTE: Victoria is my half great great grandaunt.
1898740, item 4, page 38, # 32, Leki
1852 April, died 20, buried 22, house 69
Margaretha widow of Stanislaus Podraza, nee Pyrechla, inq
Catholic, female, age 68
NOTE: Margaretha is my 4th great grandmother. She was a
daughter of Joseph PYRCHLA and Hedwig MICKOWNA, baptized 10 July
1780. She married Stanislaus PODRAZA on 22 February 1803 in the
Leki Parish.